I hate realizing I am being bitchy because I forgot to eat today. Oops. Sorry, World. Heh, my six year old just came up to me to share his most recent discovery about his body: if he squeezes his balls, his stomach hurts. The demonstration was a bit hilarious.
I basically never listen to them. I view them as kind of a pain in the ass. Maybe people could just put them in spoiler tags but with a video mention?
What this man said. I guess I'm not opposed to music videos in spoiler tags. Just like everyone else can choose not to look at the lovely, healthy, happy, natural women Dixiebandit posts, I would like the option of skipping past the motherfucking music videos without having to even see that bullshit. Especially when it's just pages upon pages of certain posters "communicating" through music. Fuck, even just typing that makes me start to get angry. I hate musical circle jerks. If I wanted to listen to opinions about music and receive unwanted recommendations, I would hang out with hipsters.
Yeah, I'm not all that concerned with the youtube videos. Some I listen to, some I ignore, but I don't mind them. Easy enough to scroll right on by. And sometimes I find I like stuff I wouldn't think to search out on my own. I don't generally click dixiebandit's NSFW's, but make no mistake, I like knowing they are there, it adds an element of danger to my day. Yeah, not much exciting going on here.
Fucking no new Spartacus tonight you Starz bastards. Oh and I didn't mind the youtube videos, except when people kept quoting and it became a massive wall of repeats (You know you can delete things in the post you're quoting).
Tonight I recorded a podcast while drinking. I've done it before and it usually leads to a pretty good episode, especially since I don't get sloshed, just kind of tipsy/buzzed. Meanwhile my wife was drinking as well and after I was done we had a good conversation and I put her to bed before the spinning of the house got to be too much. She's super adorable when drunk and a total lightweight. So now I'll chill out for awhile and tomorrow, with my NYC meeting canceled, I'll hit some poker and enjoy a day actually off.
So just ban Nitwit from posting the same fucking video over and over. One person always ruins it for everyone. This is why we can't have nice things.
I don't think I've wrote a blog post yet without a healthy buzz. Then again it's one of those things I usually do after finishing a bunch of work worth sharing. Spoiler Turn it up a bit...
What's pink, 5 inches long, and makes my girlfriend cry when I shove it in her mouth? Spoiler Her miscarriage. Good night everyone.