Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Ok, this Man Vs Booze cunt is definitely a cunt. But... damn. I am impressed by feats of gluttony and feats of drink. I wish I admired sports like normal people, no. I want to see some ninny chug a BOTTLE OF FUCKING JAGER. I also enjoy watching them vomit it up all over themselves then go into a coma, but whatever, this guy doesn't film it. Bonus for the BUCKET of Jager bomb.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Dear lord, I had to stifle the urge to gag on that shit a few times. Anyways, hows it looking out in drunk thread land? Just got home from a last minute venture out to see Joey Coco Diaz and Brian Redban here in Cleveland. Good fucking times, Diaz killed it and they both bullshitted with the crowd afterwards.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'm so tired, yet I'm lying here thinking about the dawn of time...drunk and sleep deprived is a fascinating combination.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 You are not the first girl to get drunk and think about the big bang.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'm on beer number I don't care, listening to The Lumineers, and finished reading a play (and subsequent commentary) by what I think might be one of my new favourite authors. I mean, holy fuck, this is writing. I finished the lamb vindaloo I made earlier this week for dinner. Not a bad Friday night.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 edit: watch the video and laugh, dumbass. My Mariah Carey crush is under control.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 So, if most people here now are so fucked up, why is there no G+ Hangout? We (read: me) would like to see all this drunkenness happen live and streaming on camera, as Youtube intended. Fuck, this weather sucks. Cold (for Durban, not for North America), windy, good chance of rain and I might have to work outside today. FUCK. At least the European Champions League Final (the final soccer match of the European season, usually) is on later. Come on Bayern München! Use Chelsea's threadbare defense like a chew toy!
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Ladyfriend just left but for some reason I'm wide awake. So here I am, buzzed and wide awake but satisfied, watching JonTron videos.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 It also might be time for tacos. Fuck yes.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Jezebel had my sleep deprived brain confused as fuck for a second.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Of course, my county would be one of the minority that doesn't have live online scanners. So far this morning I feel about 70% better than I did yesterday. I've still got a cough and I'm still killing trees in the amount of Kleenex I'm using, but it's not near as bad as it was yesterday. Of course my stupid nose is raw from blowing it so many times. I need to start getting stuff ready for the zoo since I didn't do it last night, but first I need coffee. Lots of it.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 It's been weird not being able to sleep in past 9 am for the last 3.5 years. This kid refuses to wake up on weekdays, yet kicks in our bedroom door like a Texas D.E.A 7 a.m. completely fucking FRESH every saturday morning, without fail, every single week. Because of this routine even when I GET a chance to sleep in, my built-in instincts automatically wake me at that time. Fuck. That, and twenty goddamn bluejays shrieking like the Nazghul outside my window. She must be excited about soccer nowadays. Last week was her first game ever. She was having a great time until another kid stole the ball from her... then she stopped running, crossed her arms, scowled, and turned into a sulking statue for ten minutes. She was mortified. Too young to get the concept that some kids aren't on your side.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'm super fucked up, and the final 45 seconds of this video are unbearable. It's like being swallowed by the sun. How can music be this good. This doesn't really jive with the whole "TITTIES" vibe of this thread but I'm givin', like, no fucks at all.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Can I ask TiB some work advice? Is it pathetic that I am considering advice from here? Anyway, I am wondering if I should speak up or just let it go.....or maybe these are just saturday morning musings, which I hate because I don't want to think about work on my off time. So I am a Nurse Practitioner at a private practice doctor's office. I work with a bunch of petty bitches, no way around that. Generally I let it roll off of me but sometimes get dragged in. Yesterday I overheard (her desk is right outside my office and she was on the phone, not intentionally eavesdropping) one of the nurses talking to her doctor (who also happens to be the practice owner) and the gist that I got is that they were blaming me for mis-scheduling a patient's surgery so they could only do half of what they planned to do. The call ended with her saying that she would do some investigating....coupled with comments like "I know, it is ridiculous, this has got to stop". So investigate we did and the blame fell squarely with her. I am not confident that she followed up by admitting that she (not me) fucked up, so I expect that the doctor is just going to go on thinking it was me. This is worse because there was a fuckup earlier in the day that I also had to explain wasn't my fault, again probably not relayed any further. I am not a huge finger pointer and like to focus more on where the error was made so we can correct it in the future because that is most important. The doctor who owns the practice is extremely passive aggressive and avoids confrontation at all costs, so he is never going to address this directly with me, so it will be on me if I want it cleared up. So, question I talk to the doctor and just basically address it as "I have been thinking about Mr. Doe's surgery, we went back and looked and as far as I know I think that I did everything properly. If not, please let me know what I can do differently to avoid this happening again in the future. I know it makes things more difficult for you as well as the patient". Or do I just let it go and figure all will boil over. And if it matters, I have long suspected and pretty much confirmed this week that said doctor and nurse are "involved" despite his wife and 4 kids, and her husband. And the reason why I don't feel that I can ask advice of real people, because I absolutely think it matters. tl;dr Do I need a new job?
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Approaching him and asking how you can improve the quality of your work would be a good move, in my opinion. Maybe he will invite you to join in... There are some really evil ways you can get her into hot water, but I personally wouldn't actually recommend that route.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I guess a bit more background, if there is an affair, it has been going on for years. She has worked for him for probably close to 15 years, and it probably has been about that longstanding. So a "blowup" over it is probably unlikely at this point. The story that I heard was that she showed up at his house to go for a run and his dad answered the door and told her that it was his wedding day (like I said, he avoids confrontation). If things don't end with that, then I don't know what it would take. They are extremely unsubtle about it, which was why, although I suspected, I thought for sure it couldn't be true. If I was having an affair I would at least try to cover my tracks better. I just don't know if I am stooping to the pettiness level by addressing it, or if I am countering it head on. Deep down I feel it is kind of a bit of both and the petty part doesn't make me feel good about myself.