Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 This heat is brutal. Between Yoga and running I think I've lost about 10 lbs in water weight today. I miss the mountains and the 50 degree weather.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 It is so fucking hot outside. And I'm taking a break from pulling what I can only imagine are God's ingrown pubic hairs out of my garden. Nasty fucking weeds. A productive day, though. Although I did get a giggle out of the guy who did my oil change when he was talking about how I need a new cabin filter because it was a bit clogged and it "filters all the air that goes into your car". As I'm sitting there. In my car. With the roof off. I get his point, but I made a smart-ass remark all the same.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 What exactly does the bolded portion mean? Is it documented? Are there others that are aware of the mix-up? More importantly, without documentation, are there others that are aware of who screwed up? If you feel that this is an issue, address it immediately. Perception becomes reality. While it doesn't seem like a big deal now, at some point in the future you may need your boss for a recommendation. So you're not a huge finger pointer? Do you think it's a coincidence then that the other woman is pointing the finger at you? Here's a pro tip: defending yourself DOES NOT MEAN THROWING SOMEONE ELSE UNDER THE BUS. All you have to do is politely, cogently and firmly point out what you did and how that conforms with whatever policies are in place in the office. All you are doing is saying 'in situation X, I did X, Y, Z. I was supposed to do X, Y, Z. Therefore, I do not see that there was any issue in handling situation X. And leave it at that. Don't ask for your boss's feedback, don't offer up another culprit. That's not your job, that's not your concern. Stick to the facts, and stick to what you did, and ONLY WHAT YOU DID. If he asks 'Whose fault was it?' either report the results of your investigation, if you were involved, or say 'my understanding is that 'so and so' followed up and investigated, they would be in a better position to help you ascertain the answer to your question.' None of this matters. Defend yourself and your actions if they are in fact defensible. Don't worry about what other people did or didn't do, it's not your job to worry about that. Sure, but understand it will not change in the long run. Predators always find their victims, whether it be in a criminal, a corporate, or a workplace setting. You need a new attitude, and that attitude is this: Stick up for yourself. No one else will. Once people know that you are the type of person that does not suffer implied slights about work performance quietly, they will move on to a new fall guy, or be stuck in confrontations with you. Most types like that don't like confrontations because then the truth may well come out.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'll apologize in advance, but I had never heard this song before you guys were talking about it earlier in the thread. I'll admit the original version is awful, but damn if this one isn't catchy.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Agreed completely. Or, at the very least, given what sounds like your predisposition to avoid confrontation: at the very least, create a solid line of defense. Document...document, document, document. Just for yourself, all the facts, start keeping a log. No one needs to know. The fact that you're in the healthcare industry means to me that you're potentially dealing with more liability than say, someone who works at a florist. Other random thoughts: this woman needs a scapegoat, right now that's you. If you choose not to directly deflect your status as a scapegoat, you could at least give her another scapegoat..maybe the office procedures (we need to start documenting this, we need to starting having a person sign this, we need this form, this person needs to be involved, etc etc). Also, it never hurts to have options. Other than your time, I don't think there's many downsides to at least starting to look elsewhere...putting feelers out, having quick coffees with folks that work in other offices, maybe going to industry relevant one day workshops/conferences, etc. Updating your resume, making sure your current office helps keep you as well trained as possible, etc.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Well, i was about to congratulate Bayern Munich, but Drogba promptly told me to shut my piehole.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 It was till about the last fifteen minutes. This is bananas.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Burrito and Woodchuck cider. Not bad. A picture: NSFW
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 So weird ass shit for the day: I decided to look up a girl I met years ago in Prague, and then went to visit after she moved to Krakow. (boned her!) She lives 5 minutes from me. Weird shit man.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'm not sure where else I could put this, but you Patrice O'Neal fans will like it: An article went online this week profiling O'Neal's influence on other comedians, and what he meant to them. It was in that article that I found out about his last album, Mr. P, which was released this February. I just got done listening to it, and it's every bit as hilarious as you would expect. If you can handle Dane Cook being mentioned in a positive light, and would enjoy reading about Lisa Lampanelli being "reduced to tears" (who wouldn't?), the article is well worth reading.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 My dog is a racist, it is really embarrassing. Our neighbors have a black friend who visits pretty frequently. Every time he comes over and hangs out on their deck, the damn dog goes crazy. I have no idea where this behavior comes from or how to fix it, but surely they have noticed. I did get him from a rescue group so maybe he has some history, but still, it's been like 7 years that we have had him. He also hates any non motorized object on wheels, bikes, skateboards, scooters, baby strollers, can't break him of that either.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I used to have a horse that simply refused to tolerate a man with a beard. She was a rescue, she hadn't forgiven them when she passed nine years later.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Your two dogs are so gorgeous and look to be pure bred, I figured you got them from a breeder.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 They are both rescues actually. One was from our local animal shelter, he was picked up as a stray and nobody ever claimed him. He certainly looks purebred but not way to know for sure. He was really scrawny when we got him, but he filled out and his coat grew in. The other was a surrender to a Sheltie Rescue group who got called to pick up a "vicious collie", his story was that he was an old lady's puppy who died, then he ended up with a guy who I assume was not too nice to him and ended up biting him. He was a bit of a mess when we got him, had been shaved because his fur was so matter. He is the sweetest little guy, not vicious. Both are gorgeous, both were housebroken, both are smart as a whip and highly trainable, both I got between the ages of about 1-2 years old and I swear are so grateful for the life they have now. I highly encourage anybody looking for a dog to go this route.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Dibs on Mya if both of us ever suddenly become lesbians.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 When I was in Lagos, Portugal, the town had a racist dog. I didn't believe them when I told me, until a black guy was walking down the street and then it just started barking at it. Did the same to an Asian person shortly after. That wasn't even the weirdest part about the dog. It had 3.5 legs and it was an alcoholic. Lagos has about 7-8 bars within walking distance, and all the staff knew who this dog was. So whenever it was nearby they'd fill an ashtray up with beer, and the dog would lap it up. 7-8 ashtrays of beer gets a dog drunk, and it'd do this every night. One night it decided to bite its leg off. That doesn't sound realistic now that I've written it out.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I have an "F" thermomemter on my patio, it read 105 earlier this afternoon. Is that hot, Americans? Usually weather this weekend is like Seattle in November. This is scorching and it isn't even humid. COME AT ME