Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I'm guessing it was a nekkid dude with an erect penis. Or, something she found in the pocket of the coat from Topaz.
Surprisingly, GIS was sadly unhelpful when Googling "congratulations, ballsack, you're marrying a retard". I'm digging the doodle today, though. Hardcore.
Anyone know anything about tongue injuries? My boyfriend and I were playfighting a week ago, and he put me in what I can only describe as a hybrid between a half nelson and a straight jacket choke. Essentially, he had my back, my left arm hooked up/backwards in the half nelson, and then he wrapped my own right arm around my neck. This somehow caused me to bite down on my tongue, leading to a lot of blood. I laughed it off later and punched him in the kidney, but the tiny gash has opened up again today, bleeding and generally being painful and annoying. Looking forward to curing this with tequila later, but should I get this checked out or will it heal on its own again?
Yeah, the fact that the computer keyboard letters work and you can use the mouse on the roller bar and knobs is making me very unproductive. Spent the last 10 minutes trying to get the sound from the beginning of Tom Sawyer . . .
It's always good when a girl you're interested in takes specific notice of your weekend once you mention that you were drinking with another girl. I told her it was just a girl from work, and she knows I don't want to hook up with girls from work (awkwardness factor only), but interest rates are rising. Or she's just being really nice today. Whatever.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Yes there is....fertility. Anal sex, the rhythm method that actually works. 4 days remain to convert cut down trees in the back yard into a playground area for my kids birthday party. There will be more drinking and digging after work tonight.
What does one do when one's main drinking buddy becomes too difficult to deal with after one too many and does not remember the things said during drinking sessions even when harmful to the relationship? Does one give up the drink? Does one give up the drink with this individual? Why the fuck am I talking like this? I have no idea. What I do know is that tomorrow I'm in Lisbon to see Metallica and its going to be fucking spectacular. I'm debating between wearing my utilikilt or a pair of combat shorts. Thoughts?
Never give up drinking. In all seriousness, give up drinking with that individual. Chances are, your other friends have also noticed the issue, and feel the same way. But (if this is a friend who is more than a drinking buddy AKA a real friend) I'd also recommend talking to him about it. Chances are he doesn't know he is acting like a dick. I know some people argue they're drunk and don't know any different, but others also know how to avoid that sort of behaviour once they are nearing stupid. I've been there.
Valid. Really that was the more important of the two questions and the only one I don't have an answer for. People will be idiots. But on the real, the skirt. It holds a large quantity of alcohol, and the breeze? Fantastic.
Jesus Christ. You all hear about the guy who had his cock amputated? He went in to get a cock implant to correct his erectile dysfunction, got a flesh-eating infection and had to have his cock removed. What does this tell us? Spoiler Viagra > Penis Amputation