A legitimate lifting question, here. Look at her wrists. That is so unbelievably bad for a piano player like me. How am I supposed to get super-awesome-buff-like-libby without absolutely fucking my secondary source of income?
I'd recommend not being so ethnically stereotypical. As for hot chicks who can beat the shit out of me, I'm partial to Ronda Rousey ... who as I just discovered has no hot pictures on the internet. Whatever, she's hot in motion, and she's hot breaking peoples arms.
I saw this chick and thought "Nah, not good. Not good at all." Not because her muscles or anything, its because she looks like Julia Stiles. Bleh.
Not to come out of the closet as a skinny white guy, but at 6'0 170, she has me beat across the board with those numbers.
Not nearly as bad as it looks. I trained FSQ's/Cleans two or three mornings a week for six weeks and played piano for (piss poor) money all day after. There's absolutely no weight on her hands--theoretically she could stick her arms out like a zombie and do the exact same movement. The bar's resting entirely on a shelf created by her shoulders.
I tend to mix some hot sauce and virgin olive oil together and rub the bird down with it, then coat with a dry rub that usually has lemon pepper, cayenne, a clubhouse BBQ chicken spice, garlic salt/powder, and then make sure the beer had 2-3 garlic cloves(pieces whatever) and large slice of lemon in it. You could also try not opening the beer to see what happens. Might save cutting the bird up. Ah beer butt chicken, the only time a guy likes a dry rub.
Squadron Mess Night tonight. It truly will be a mess here, and the only bad part about tonight is driving home tomorrow.
Doug Stanhope just posted this on Facebook, accompanied by this message: Whether this video is legit or not, it automatically makes this entire thread cooler by a factor of 4.
I envy her super awesome legs and arms and abs, but losing my boobs would make me sad. I have friends that are body builders and weightlifters, and the only good solution I've seen on any of them is submuscular implants.
You're not going to lose your boobs. If anything, they might become a little more shapely. Besides, anyone can have tits. I could have tits if I was so inclined to pay for them. A nice ass/legs, however, that has to be earned.
I don't see anything wrong with the boobs of these ladies that were posted so far. "Fit" doesn't mean you have to be all Jim Carrey as Vera de Milo. You must have huge boobs if you're worried about them. You should probably post pictures of them for the group's comparative analysis.
What gives me the heebie jeebies is when women have big shoulders and traps. Problem is then their arms would look goofy if they didn't have the shoulders and traps to go along with the tris and bis. Way better to be in shape like her than out of shape though. Those girls always have amazing abs, legs and asses.
They're floating around in the boobie thread somewhere. I'm not suggesting that I'd lose them entirely, just that they would likely end up smaller than they are now.
I'm staying in an apartment in the fashion district, and I can see into the hallway/kitchen of an apartment in the adjacent building from my balcony. There are several men walking around in their boxer briefs, or at least shirtless, and I'm confused. Is this a macho Spanish thing? Is it like a gay commune in there? The fact that our area borders on Chueca, the gay district, makes it all the more questionable. I'm really curious primarily because I'm alone in this apartment and my friends are all out of town at the moment, so I need to make new friends, and I need to know if this group would be the best clubbing mates ever or a gangbang waiting to happen.
1. Can't find those posts you previously mentioned. 2. Why can't it be the best of both worlds? Get your club on then get gangbanged? Sounds like vacation to me...
1. Anonymity, my friend. 2. I have no response, other than that you are more than welcome to take my place in any gangbang I may ever come across, as it's not quite my idea of a good time. I will, however, let you know if anything comes of my date with this Australian Israeli tomorrow night.