Moving away from this trainwreck, my hardest decision today will hopefully be "bong or vape?" - help me decide TiB! I love weekends alone.
There's always the danger zone with high fapping that you get super into the plot and forgot what you were watching.
Done with class for the week at base. Passed my first week of fitness specialist courses, 1 more to go. I'm wondering if its too early to start the weekend yet? I need a nap but these beers need a drinkin'.
Kenny Loggins, yes. My old roommate once swapped out my NIN cd with her "Sister Act 2" soundtrack. Brought the guy home, started getting down to business and threw on the tunes as a courtesy. Nothing kills a boner like Whoopi.
I have the biggest nerd boner right now. Yes, I realize that only one other person here knows what I'm talking about (as far as I know), but sweet googly moogly. Brood War pros making the switch to SCII? Oh my jesus, I have the vapors.
I am so pumped to see Jaedong and Flash in the SC2 scene. Also Danger Zone is my ringtone Spoiler Lana?
I was super excited about Flash until he shit the bed against Fantasy and Bisu in the last ProLeague. Also apparently he really hates how SCII relies so much more on build orders than SC I (something that Idra has bitched about incessantly). Also to keep on the nerdy theme, my ringtone:
So opening up my city local news site this morning and what headline did they think anyone out here would give a crap about? Jenna Jameson arrested for suspected DUI. Now I didn't read any farther than that but I assume so far she has giving the entire precinct a "breathalyzer" but the results have come back incuntclusive.
It's kind of sad to see all the girls you fapped to for years completely fall apart. Janine Lindemulder has gone off the deep end as well. I think Jameson has banked enough not to turn to hooking. Can't say the same for Janine, Chasey Lane is a crack addict. But I guess that business doesn't attract the most stable individuals.
Thats the wonderful thing about the porn industry. All the girls get to digitally stay the same age, if you want hot Jenna, she's still out there in cyber fap land. On the bright side someday you may not have to buy the "Jenna Fleshlight" her actual pussy may just fall off at the current crumble rate, then you just get it off E-Bay.
I have had coffee for the first time in 2 years. (My second cup in 7 years). I am off the wall. Not sleeping tonight. Nope, no siree.
Good point. If only I could think of a way to do that. Oh, yes, those happen to be the same exact skills that people whom speak publicly use. Ok, so I 'seriously' listened to it. The music was not memorable in any way. The hook 'dumb it down,' was oft repeated and the only somewhat catchy, but hooky. The concept? Obvious. Oh, and this guy is talking about being a unicorn, yet it's my posts that make you want to 'scoop my eyeballs out with a grapefruit spoon?' Would it help you with my unlikeable persona if I told you under my likes on my facebook page I have 'Hello Kitty?' Would I rate then? Or is it just unicorns that would make me edgy and cool as opposed to having folks reach for the melon ballers?