Finally my house guest is gone. Damn good weekend, had a lot of fun. Now I don't want to talk to anyone for a solid week after being so damn social the entire weekend. Having a female friend stay with you who gets extremely comfortable in boner raising positions while wearing small pajama shorts is very stressful. That's what booze is for.
What a weekend. Went to NYC and had a near meet-up with audreymonroe and MoreCowbell, but 2 of my friends decided to get engaged while we were out on Saturday. Although I wanted to, I'm not sure how they would have taken me saying, "Congrats guys Id celebrate with you, but I'm going to go meet people from the Internet." (No offense to AM or MC of course). Yesterday afternoon I met my girlfriends entire extended family. That BBQ scene from the beginning of Goodfellas? That's what it was like. I couldn't keep track of all the cousins, second cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. The food on the other hand, was fucking phenomenal. Italians can put on a BBQ like nobody's business. At the risk of sounding like a puss, today is a "Me" day where I'm going to do whatever the hell I like without interference. This includes drinking delicious beer and sitting by the pool. Happy Memorial Day homies.
Anyone else feel really bad beating their parents at Scrabble? I am absolutely smoking my dad right now and considering chucking him some pity points. In fairness, he beat my ass squarely in our last game, but I'm ahead by about 200 points at the moment and I'm feeling really guilty about it.
I'm talking about Scrabble not that shitty "Words with Friends" garbage. Triple word scores in places where triple word scores ought not to be. That's an awful game.
She brought up the fact that she doesn't shave (it was kind of a weird conversation), and I felt her ass when I kissed her last night, and she had a butt crease. And Hooker, are you ever going to tell me what the fuck is going on in your avatar? This is the third time I've asked you.
Can I get pregnant from masturbating? Edit: I'm a dude and all, but I have been feeling pretty nauseous the past couple of days.
Not if you use your 'off' hand. It's like having sex with a girl in the water, she can't get pregnant that way. Really.
He should take Plan B immediately just to be safe. 3 times. I know a girl, and she said that her brother's neighbors girlfriend's ex boyfriend had the same thing happen to him and he only took it two times and then he had twins.
I think I'm in it to win it guys. I just ordered this: Spoiler and this: Spoiler So I think I should be set.
Oh my god. I need to eat nothing but vegetables and not drink for a week. Two weekends in a row college buddies came to visit from out of town. Of course, I had to take them to my favorite food places, because that's what I do. I have eaten far more meat and bread than is reasonable or healthy. Counting the calories I've consumed alone would be frightening. It's been delightful.
Thanks to my boredom, I finally took that person's suggestion on here who said I should make something with highlights from work.