I think she was hypnotizing in Eyes Wide Shut. She is one of the most gorgeous creatures on this planet. Type of woman you could look at for hours like a painting. Her body is fantastic. I like that tall, lean, lithe figure. And the red hair, jesus. But holy hell did she fuck up her face. She would have aged beautifully, possibly improved with age like Sophia Loren or Ann Margaret or Morgan Fairchild. Instead she went to the same doctor as Axl Rose. Poor girl can't even lift her eyebrows the muscles are so dead. Netflix better get that Hemingway movie quick. He's one of my heroes. Clive Owen does not look like a suitable Hemingway though. Should have just gotten the guy from Midnight In Paris.
Maxi dresses are incredible, despite the unfortunate name. They are all over the shop here, often paired with tights, and they remind me that the universe is kind and benevolent after all. Although, I saw someone wearing jeggings and uggs here too. I'm about 99% sure she is a worse person than Kony. Nicole Kidman could ruin even a maxi dress. Also, she steals children's souls when they sleep at night.
Help! I find myself in a huge quandry. I have one dill pickle left in the jar, but I need it for the grilled cheese I'm making now AND for the tuna salad I'm eating later. What to do?
Get drunk enough not to care that it is missing from one of the dishes. But really pickle is more optional on a grilled cheese, so I say use it for the salad.
I'm confused by why a pickle would go on a grilled cheese. Is this some Canadian/woman/old people thing?
Rub the pickle on the bottom of the sandwich. You impart some of the pickle flavor, and you're placing it for maximum exposure. At the same time, you're preserving the pickle for use in your tuna salad.
No drunky for this girl tonight. It's dry-out day. Decision is made and sandwich being consumed now. Tuna would suck without pickle, whereas grilled cheese holds up without it. Thanks for the advice. This is not a Canadia/woman/old people thing. By simply inserting thinly sliced dill pickle in the sandwich (which is done at the flip - be careful cause the cheese can slide off), it elevates this already yummy treat to another level of deliciousness. You're welcome.
I have a really important question for a really important topic: Are you using the pickle as a side for either of these dishes? Or as an ingredient in one of these dishes? If it's the former, then you should save it for the tuna salad because it's much more suited for tuna salad. If it's the latter, then you don't deserve that pickle because either of those is fucked up. Edit: Oh, shoot. You already answered the question, but I'm still leaving this here because I want my opinion about using pickle as an ingredient to be heard.
I suggested that she eat the pickle separately, just to spite both meals.... I still say that's the best option. EAT THE PICKLE QUEEN-BEE, RIGHT NOW.
Oh AM, you haven't lived. A lot of small diced dill pickle provides another layer of flavour, along with much needed crunch. I can't stand raw onion, so the pickle is an amazing substitute.
You're pregnant, aren't you? CALLING AUDREY TO THE VAGINA-COLORED COURTESY PHONE! This looks like some sort of weird Olympic event. Hey assorted ladyfolk and nom, hotwheelz is in the hospital with a kidney stone. Y'all should send him pictures of your titties or something. And with that my yearly good deed is done.
I was trying to imagine doing-it in this position...I'm not so sure how well it would work out. Anyone have any experience here? (cough...nom?)
I've done this, but fully on the bed. It's actually really great, the ladies like the feel of you fully on top of them. That looks like an accident waiting to happen. One slip and, BAM, faceplant. Which kinda ruins the mood.