Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Also Original tastes better than Light, also has commemorative cans out now, don't fuck with my Coors woman.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 My office is so fucking cold today that I'm convinced my nipples could cut right through the window. Why must most office buildings blow heat or air conditioning, but never anything in between?
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Be thankful you work somewhere that has A/C, it's almost 100 inside my shop right now. Can't leave work until the other jackass gets back from lunch. He better hurry the fuck up.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I love watching an absolutely gorgeous day through my office window. Fuck revised budgets.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 God. Three posts later, and nobody replied with "Prove it." Pics or it didn't happen. Hey, what do Coors Light and sex in a canoe have in common? They're both fucking close to water.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 "When the rockies are blue... you're gay."
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 And this is why a drink a REAL beer. Bud Light.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 I want to know what the deal is with this shit. Is it good, or is it as disgusting as it sounds? Also, to my American friends to the south, I bet there's no library in your country with a nude portrait of your leader. I give you, as hung in the Wilson Room of the Kingston Public Library, Emperor Haute Couture. NSFW That's our prime minister.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 But sometimes you just have to drink a Coors Light because speaking up and asking for another beer might ruin the intimacy of the moment. A good bartender should pick up on the angle at which you hold the Silver Bullet and know instinctively that you're not satisfied, right?
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Obviously. It'd be so embarrassing to have to say something.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Bud Light Lime is horrible beer, I don't get why anyone would voluntarily buy this stuff and yet every time I hit the pool or beach I see loads of women drinking this shit..
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 "Coors Light: For when your tequila rose needs a chaser."
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Absolutely. And then you go around and tell all your friends about what a shitty bartender he is.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 "Coors Light: Because peeing sitting down just feels right."
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Maybe it's a woman thing then, because I've been tempted to try these's kind of like those potato chips in weirdo new flavors, like pickle or baked potato. there was even a Bud Light mix that caught my eye...premixed with what looked like bloody mary mix..."mmm" I thought, until closer inspection revealed they were premixed with...clamato. Clam juice and tomato juice. Chelada they call it? Disgusting with the clam juice, but those companies are onto something for us gringas.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 Coors Light: Eff yall, now there's more for me. And also, for the record- the aluminum pints are fantastic. I just bought a case of 'em this morning. So THERE.
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 My #1 beer rule: If you're marketing your beer around container gimmicks like "cold activated bottles" and "wide mouth cans" then obviously your actual beer is swill. Seriously. What other product is marketed by periphery features and not the actual product itself?
Re: Thursday Drunk Thread, 'Cause I Do What I Want! 5/17/12 The whole problem is that its, beer. Derp. I am actually taking half the day off, stopping by the liquor store and will proceed to, as BD would say, drink my face off. I may find it later...or tomorrow.