How about Scientific American then? Also, the Mpemba Effect is the opposite, which apparently led some people to believe the inverse was true.
I think that has to do with the spread of bacteria. If the surface of the meat gets too warm, around 40 degrees or so, bacteria can begin to flourish and start tearing up your insides. rawr.
I just play Nat King Cole near it. Warms it to perfection. I've always used lukewarm. I know hot water is WAY better to make ice cubes with than cold. People don't believe me.
I just play Nat King Cole near it. Warms it to perfection. I've always used lukewarm. I know hot water is WAY better to make ice cubes with than cold. People don't believe me.
I just play Nat King Cole near it. Warms it to perfection. I've always used lukewarm. I know hot water is WAY better to make ice cubes with than cold. People don't believe me.
I just play Nat King Cole near it. Warms it to perfection. I've always used lukewarm. I know hot water is WAY better to make ice cubes with than cold. People don't believe me.
I don't know what's wrong with my super-shitty PC, but it told me it wasn't posting with errors. Now I can't erase them, because someone replied to it. FUCK. Sorry, kids. My bad.
Damn it Crown, all your talk about your concert has got me listening to Tool and A Perfect Circle again.
It's doing that for everyone. When you see that message your post has been posted. Don't hit submit again.
You say that like it's bad. Lots of people don't know Maynard did the vocals on this "classic" (yes, I had the tape). He's the voice of the pigs:
4pack 4 life. Audrey, I still don't consider those a true mary jane, but I'll give you a .25 point. Also the reason you don't defrost meat in warm water has to do with having meat reach temperatures that make bacteria grow, it has nothing to do with the speed in which the meat will defrost.
Haha! Nat King Cole! Good one. Still funny! Ok... We get it... Fuck you and your hot water ice cubes, shut up!
Pooped Cherries, what DO you consider a Mary-Jane? Does anyone else find it pretty sweet that 30 Rock is turning Tracy Morgan's homophobic rant gaff into a plot line this season? The way they're doing it is awesome. I'm still hoping that was a joke that went way too far, though. I don't want to not like Tracy Morgan.
I. CAN'T. ERASE. THEM. I'm not the sharpest knife in the spoon when it comes to Computerese in the first place, so back off unless you know Karate. I'll come at your ass like a pinwheel of death, then fuck up your radio pre-sets because I know you'd totally freak over that.
You're crazy, but it doesn't have anything to do with all that you posted. Also, I can't believe you all spent so much time discussing the points of hot and cold water, and nobody bother to mock DCC for calling it a hot water heater. It's just a water heater. If it was alreay hot, you wouldn't need the heater. Nerd, out.