It's true, but not worth the panty-twisting that beer snobs get into about it. The difference in taste is noticeable, but it's not like US Guinness isn't delicious. Also, NettDaddy, come fix your internets.
It's not like QT is a dirty truck stop on the side of a busy highway. It's like a nicer, cleaner version of a neighborhood 7/11. If I'm driving somewhere or on a long run and I need to stop for a drink or bathroom break, it's perfect. I just don't like the possibility of stopping up someone's toilet or asking for a plunger. Boyfriend, cousin/sister, best friend, whatever. I'd rather wait until I'm home or at a gas station and mess up my own/industructable QT bathrooms.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... pdated=yes</a> Work? What work? I wasn't planning on doing work today. Also, how do women clog toilets? Of all the gargantuan, indescribable things my colon has ejected in 3rd world living conditions at perilous velocities, I have never clogged a single toilet. Who keeps a plunger available by request, anyway? The first time I clog a toilet, I blame said toilet for deficiency and I place a plunger nearby. Girls who poop are weird. Also, I'm getting the error message. Don't re-submit, check the post first.
The same way guys do. It's only happened 2 or 3 times in my life, and it was when I lived in really old duplexes with ancient plumbing. I don't want Time Number 3 or 4 to happen outside of my home.
I just bought my first video game console ever. I've never had one before. Golly, isn't being an adult grand?
Here is my adult update! So I am on that stupid diet, which means giving up booze (I know, the horror!). So instead, I just went out and spent $50 on tea. Yep, tea. And I have to say, this has been the best damn cup of tea I have ever had. So, how does this drunk thread thingy work when you are sober, anyway?
I know that I am hours late....but you guys are an adventurous crew. Now, I am mostly pretty vanilla sexually, but I don't judge other people's choices. Hey, whatever gets you off, who am I to judge? So, I work in urology and was on call the other night when I got a call from the ER (stop reading right if you are sqeemish, you can figure where this is going) about a guy who shoved a straw up his urethra and it got lodged. Apparently he does this all the time, but this time he couldn't get it out, so he waited 12 hours and showed up when he finally felt like his bladder would burst. And this has happened with others too. Apparently shoving things up your dick (and women do it too, but I think much more common in guys) is a sexual "thing". I can see shoving things in other holes, but this one totally escapes me. Is this a "thing"....anybody? anybody?
One of my close friends has been an ER nurse for over 25 years. This summer, a guy presented in triage with his wife's dildo right completely up his ass. It was a vaginal dildo, so there was no handle or hook to pull it out - presumably because it was never meant for full insertion. Anyway, his big concern was that this whole thing be dealt with before 5pm, when his wife got off work, so that she would never know he'd done something so 'perverse.' Sure as shit - pun! - there was no way this thing was coming out without surgical intervention. They had to take him to the OR, put him right under, and the attending physician had to literally reach his hand up this guy's ass all the way to the elbow. My friend, the nurse, was on his other side pressing down on his abdomen as instructed by the doctor. The hysterical thing was that it wasn't just a dildo, it was also a vibrator, so she'd press and it would turn on and vibrate. Then she'd press again, and it would shut off. On, off. Wouldn't you know, when the silly asshole woke up he had the nerve to demand the toy back. She had to tell him that no, anything retrieved surgically was inventoried, logged, then sent to be incinerated. I personally think he'd used up his dildo privileges.
I think it's called sounding. And it is a thing. And holy lord, this reminds me, Allord had better not decide to make a comeback and read this post because he posted some .gifs of just this very thing a while back.
I don't smoke weed, so I am drinking tea with my pinkie up like a civilized human being. Uh....anybody know where to score some weed in the KC area?
My friend is an ER doc and had a similar instance, except the vibrator was switched to on when he came in. Ahhh, good times. And kiddos, in case you decide to try this at home. When you shove something up the butt that you don't have a firm hold on, at a certain point you hit a sort of "suction" effect and that thing is going in. And fuck, now I am going to have to google "sounding" so I am a well informed Urology NP.
Please don't let this be sarcasm, please don't let this be sarcasm, please don't let this be sarcasm...
I'll spare everyone the gifs I am just giggling at posting. Though there are several videos of this kink chick actually stuffing a vibrator up her PEE HOLE. I did not think you could (or should) stretch out your pisser like that. Think of the susceptibility of increased infection from that. Personally, I don't have any real fetishes. Pretty typical male fantasies. I like it when a girl dresses like a clown and walks on my balls with the comically oversized shoes while spritzing me in the face with a seltzer bottle filled with her own tears. You know, the usual.
In my research, I also discovered that urethral intercourse is a "thing". And that chick, not only will she get infections, she will likely be in a diaper shortly. Sexy, huh? Why can't people just be normal like you CJ?
This is a facebook post of a friend of mine who was staying with me for a few months. OMFG I woke up and went outside.....& I said:..... WHERES MY CAR????..... Seriously girls are u playing a joke???...who the fuk would steal a car....(I franticly start looking for my keys!!!) Find them & call 000 .... Amber calls tiff.... And tiff said.... WHAT???.... . Her car is here!!!!...... Hahahaha OMFG I think I have issues..!!!! Words can not describe....
Anyone ever sit down to stream a much-anticipated episode of a TV series, only to realize there is no new episode because the first episode of the season (Spartacus) was leaked a week early? No? Me either.