We're more like the Woo Talk About Gross Shit In Public Girls. Like maggots in wounds, etc. "This homeless dude took off his boot and some of his flesh went with it! WOOOOOO!" The guy I'm dating is meeting them tomorrow. Will be interesting.
I think if I dealt with that stuff all week the last thing I would want to do is rehash it. My convo topics would be nothing but rainbows and puppies. As far as the boyfriend goes at least he won't feel inadequate next to the Navy SEAL now.
Yeah, but we genuinely LOVE talking about that shit. Plus, you can't laugh at that in front of patients. You have to laugh at it far away from them.
Having to be a professional sucks. I wish I could laugh in people's faces at my job. It feels dishonest pretending to care.
I've heard stories of med students watching French porn to become desensitized to hearing/seeing some things. Why French? I'd think German porn would be 10x worse.
I'm pretty sure you could find some Japanese porn that would make French or German look like something out of the good ol' Holy Gospel by comparison.
You need the right crowd to hash it out in. Holding it in gets toxic pretty quick. "Hey did you see the flecks of fungus-encrusted skin coming off that diabetic guy's foot?" The people on the outside are either grossed out, or get a vicarious thrill from it, or it comes across as unprofessional to air out that kind of laundry about work. I don't know what it is; it's one thing to hear the stories, it's another to have those stories as your day to day work environment where you need to maintain a straight face and keep up the office politics that goes with hospital work and still be cheerful and greet people professionally no matter what you've just seen or heard. Then sometimes you get the phone call from hell where the only crowd you can share it with are Johnnie Walker and Sons. Those ones suck.
I've heard that you have to laugh about it, otherwise you'll burn out very quickly. Like every time I walk into lab and see a bucket full of spinal cords. I have to laugh about it and picture myself picking one up to spank someone or holding one in each hand and using them as whips. It's how I deal with handling the spinal cords of people who, for the most part, died slow, painful deaths at a young age.
Just read this joke on Reddit. "There were two sisters, one called Petal and one called Fridge. One day, Petal asks her parents, "Why did you call me Petal?" and they replied "Because when you were a baby, a petal fell on you." And then Fridge says "bllaaarrarararraraaarg"."
The full version is better: A father with three daughters is sitting down for dinner when the first of his daughters asks, "dad why is my name Daisy?". The father replies, "because when you were born a daisy petal from the sky and landed on your head." The second daughter asks, "dad why is my name Rose?" The father replies, "Well Rose, when you were a baby a rose petal fell from on high and landed on your head." The third daughter asks, "Blllaaarrrrrrgggggg" and the father replies, "shut up, cinder-block"
Black humour is how young people have dealt with shit for ages. Just look at the humour from the killing fields of the first world war. The men would treat the bodies of their comrades with the utmost of respect and dignity, but the bodies of guys they didn't know? Ripe for humour.
Oh! Guys! Make sure if you're being a bum at work or at home to watch Wheelz's live feed of his rally speech today (1/27) at noon pacific. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ustream.tv/channel/occupysandiego" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ustream.tv/channel/occupysandiego</a>
In a move that I consider to be utterly retarded, my boss wants me to make a speech at our staff meeting next week about how we're moving into the Year of the Dragon, and therefore we can expect great fortune and success in 2012. GAAAAAAAAAAAY.