Like I said in my first post, it's not something I live and die by but some of the totally against it post seem disingenuous at best. I mean at very least the numbers rating is a easy go to when you need a frame of reference. So you almost rear end the car in front of you when a stunner walks by on the side walk, when you're telling your friends later about her you aren't going to say, "well I can't really describe the girl to you I don't know her personally thus couldn't give you an accurate description of her personality..." You just say, "yup she was a ten..."
Jesus, first we can't post drunk in the drunk thread without being losers and now picking up high school girls in the food court is pathetic? We can't have any fun on your watch.
No kidding. What's next on the scrutiny list? Habitual nosepicking? Public masturbation? Collecting hair dolls? Give us a fucking break, dude.
Same. Awhile ago when I heard it as if it were the norm I wondered if it was something about my friends, because that'd never be a natural conversation for us. This though, it's not like we've never discussed people but we've never done any numerical rating system. I suppose it's like other people said about "Would", "Wouldn't" and "Must".
I love when we men downgrade our scales based off of initial reaction: "So, what is she dude?" Uncomfortable cheek twitch "Naw, like on a scale of -5 to 5?" Rating is fucking stupid under any mature terms. I know this girl that's a fucking smoking hot strawberry blond chick. I dream of her type and wake up with my pointer finger in my asshole. I would destroy her. That was until she asked my wife how "school was going" and if she "liked her kids". It was July and she teaches middle school. I don't even care if it was small talk, I care when you don't really take into account what month it is because you are just that stupid. Ergo, ANY attribute of a woman (man) can drive a bitch down to a -5. Because I really want fuck around and have my kid getting ready for school while we're at the beach for the 4th of July.
See, that's the one merit it has. Yeah, it's stupid if any importance is attributed to it. But it makes useful conversational shorthand on occasion. ("But dude, she was hot." "Well, how hot are we talking about here?")
I always just assumed when people ask that, they were asking how they liked the job in general. Basically "how is teaching going?" and "how are the kids in the school you teach at?" Not that I personally ask those questions in summer (or really ever, I don't care about other people's jobs unless I think they have information I might find useful), but I wouldn't dismiss someone as a total moron for it.
I did it once where I brought up the question of what exactly the distribution was among the standard 1-10 scale. An even distribution would imply that 10% of the female population are 10's, and 10% are 1's, which doesn't seem to jive with how most people use the scale. Ultimately I am convinced that each number represents a standard deviation of attractiveness, multiplied by some base ratio, on a standard Gaussian distribution. Try to outnerd that shit.
Frank, this girl didn't know who Sarah Palin was at a 2009 Super Bowl party. Consistent time-based evaluations of her intelligence over the last 4 years have resulted in only one conclusion: there's a 50/50 chance that she's chewing on rocks as I type this.
How many distributions for anything in real life are uniform? Wouldn't we expect a normal (bell curve) distribution with mean 5? And your addition of a base ratio, on a standard Gaussian distribution to get there is like exponentiating a natural logarithm when you already had the answer, masturbatory at best.
However, keep in mind that thanks to school and other sources considering a 70 to be "average," the distribution ends up getting canted upward. A 7 ends up being average instead of a 5, so the Gaussian distribution ends up being compromised. For those doubting this - find an average looking girl and tell your friend, "She's a 5. I'd do her." He'd look at you like you were retarded.
I agree. That conversation would seem kinda weird to me. However, we usually use an unofficial breakdown that goes something like this: I wouldn't hit it. I'd hit it drunk and would deny it if anyone asked. I'd hit it drunk and admit to it if asked. I'd hit it sober. I'd hit it sober, at the 50 yard line during halftime at the Superbowl, in front of my parents, and wave to the crowd with a smile on my face. (i.e. Jessica Biel, etc)
There are 3 answers, with sliding criteria based on context (sobriety, setting, etc). • yes • yes, but wouldn't be proud of it or admit it • no
Do you have a "I wouldn't hit it....again"? Oh my word, do I have some of those in the rearview mirror...
We're talking about pure physical attractiveness and only for "new pussy" and not re-runs or shows in syndication. I always assume we are talking about a situation where an unknown girl is at the end of the bar giving "fuck me" eyes and you have to make a decision. Anything else involves too many factors. Aside: I can't believe I'm having this conversation on the internet.