And you don't think that it would be your job as a parent to protect your children to the best of your ability against the evils that we all know exist in this world simply because you don't think that they should exist? I am not the one blaming the children for looking/acting sexy . I am saying that this is the #1 reason offered by sexual predators (actually, that would include both rapists and pedophiles in response to your example above). Knowing this, why would a parent encourage this behavior? I guess by this logic we should all also stop locking up our cars and houses because why should we be acting differently just because people want to be stealing our shit? We all change our behavior based on the douchebags in the world. I still fear for your unborn children if you fail to see the logic in this. You are the one who is supposed to teach them how to make good decisions. How does it hurt them if you encourage slightly more appropriate material while wearing much more appropriate clothing? You are asserting that you CAN, but the question here is more one of if you SHOULD.
Merle, what dream world do you live in? It doesn't matter that people shouldn't associate kids with anything sexual, it matters that some of them do. You go ahead and let any kids you have be seen in public like that. When the freaks and pedos are fantasizing about your kids, you'll feel so much safer with your 'well they shouldn't be' logic. Because that will keep them safe.
Sure, as individuals this is appalling, but if you combine two half dressed eight year olds you get one fully dressed sixteen year old, which I think we can all agree isn't all that bad, especially if she looks 23.
That performance itself would not be any less talented (the dancing is a little risque too but there is some real talent there) if they had more clothes on, and if they had more clothes on, this would be less of an issue than it is. I liken it to putting a bikini on a baby (something I would never do). What is the point of showing so much skin on such a little body? Why invite perverts to leer at children?
So essentially you are saying for every parent who has had a child murdered and raped by a 40 year old piece of shit it was not the fault of the pedophile but (edit: that there was a chance it was) because of bad parenting? Man if the attitude in this thread regarding pedophilia is any indicator of the political climate in the country regarding pedophiles I would be doing a song and dance about this thread if I was a pedophile. People are actually starting to believe the bullshit sob stories about having no control over themselves that these assholes put up in court to avoid the death penalty. Edit: What about the hundreds of kids that were raped and did nothing like the kids in this video. What about 50 years ago when stuff like this didn't even exist. What happened then? What bullshit excuse were these inhuman disgusting piles of filth able to vomit out of their mouthes? I am never ever, ever going to even give these lowlife slug-shits even the tiniest sympathy that they were unable to control themselves because of a way a kid was acting. I will make it my mission in life to spread the idea that these people are so full of crap you can smell it on their breath. Because if I don't that means that it is just that much more likely these idiots will avoid the chair when they go to court.
Dude, you gotta tread the middle ground here. Yeah, pedophiles and their ilk are the main problem. No argument there. But you can't expect them all to be taken care of in the snap of a finger or a flip of a switch. They are out there and that's a fact. No amount of anything is going to get them all. Now, you can rant and rave about them being what needs to be focused on, and you are right. However, as a parent you still have to take preventative measures to keep those dirty fucks away from your children. Such measures include abstaining from dressing your kids up like this. If you choose to disregard that measure, then be prepared for the consequences. I said it before, if you want to do your part, raise your children differently. It's a sad fact that some parents don't understand, and possibly just don't care, about the dangers of what's going on in that video. You can try to educate them differently, with any number of methods, but in my experience you'll just be banging your fuckin' head against the wall. That being said, knock yourself out.
Merle, you need a little lesson in reading comprehension. There is not a single person here who is siding with the pedophiles or sympathizing with them in any way. Jesus Christ.
Really? Because from what I am reading people are implying that based on how you let your kid act it in some way is justified that he/she will be more likely to get raped. I can imagine a discussion at a funeral for a kid that was raped and murdered based on this line of thought. Mike: "John I am sorry for your loss. God Bless" John: "Thank you Mike" Mike: "I guess that swimming lessons and dance classes were not a good idea right buddy? Told ya so!!!"
Apparently you cannot discern the difference between justification, and statements related to statistical likelihood. I'm wondering if you're being intentionally dense. "Dance outfits" look like that because they are meant to be sexually suggestive. Adult "dancers" who wear outfit like that are rarely paid attention to for their dancing. They're Time Out T&A at the local NBA arena. It's not like there's some sort of functionality-related advantage to bare midriffs. So the fact that they're unaware of the connotations of their dance moves means it's OK? What if we had them literally mime sex on stage, because it's not like they know what they're doing? You OK with that?
Ok the subject matter was pissing me off so I calmed myself down and will be civil. Sorry for being a dick. I have no idea if there is or is not and either way I do not care. You are probably right and there is. but I am not about to let people start blaming (in even the most tiny insignificant way) parents, or dance studios, or swim instructors, or coaches, or anyone for the disgusting acts of one individual. I am not raising my kid in a hostile environment with people saying I am a bad parent and my kid is doing something wrong based on the actions of another individual entirely or because of their perceived notions about something. Where is the line drawn? It was one thing if we were talking about something accidental. For example, letting your kid play in the street. I am never ever going to let any kids of mine do that because no one intentionally means to hit a kid with a car but it happens. Same with leaving my kids unattended in a swimming pool, won't happen. All of those things are accidental. By comparison, Raping a kid is not an accident. It is not bad luck, or the inability of a child to protect themselves in a certain environment, or bad parenting, or anything along those lines. It is the deliberate action of one individual planned out over a long period to cause a violent and severe violation of your child's happiness for their own sexual gratification. There is no accident or mistake there. If people think that something is inappropriate for their kids then that is fine. I will be the last person to tell you what to do with your kids. But it is completely unfair for us to tell people that they are doing something wrong because of the deliberate actions of another individual. If you feel otherwise then you can have that opinion. I will be honest and say I will not agree with you but I will leave you alone about it and let you do what you want to do.
Forget the whole rapist/pedophile angle... how about the simple fact that these young girls are demonstrating acts of sexuality that they cannot comprehend, and are just way too immature to deal with? This whole thing comes from the parents of these kids living vicariously through these children, at the expense of the children. The original dance was meant to evoke certain responses from adults, and seeing these kids try to do the same thing, is unsettling. I don't blame the kids, but I blame the myopic trailer trash that allows such shit to happen. I don't care if it's my place to say so or not, but I have no problem saying "that shit is wrong", and thinking less of people that don't. One of the biggest problems in the world today is the lack of proper parenting, and this is just such a case.
I agree with this pretty much. The lack of maturity and comprehension of how to be a good parent shown by some of the mothers of this generation is going to be the cause of a lot of bad things down the road. Unless you're a pedophile, then this is the greatest thing since Nabokov penned Lolita. The OP video got pulled for copyright by the way.
Fair enough but it doesn't change the fact that there was a PG movie that just came out showing animated chipmunks dancing in the same manner to the same song and kids are being exposed to music videos with dancing like this far more day by day. The chipmunks movie also generated 450 million dollars so it is not just an isolated thing that only a few kids saw.
This entire post is the equivalent of a young woman walking around on the streets of Compton alone, getting mugged (or worse), then complaining when people say she should take more precautions. "You're providing sympathy to the muggers! You're blaming the victim! I shouldn't have been told to be careful! I shouldn't have to live in the real world, where shit happens!" Grow up. The fact of the matter is that there are bad people out there, and sticking your head in the sand about it does not help. Precaution does not equal blame.
I never said she should not take precautions. She can take every precaution on Earth she wants to. But in no way should she be remotely blamed, in any way, because she was robbed. That was entirely the fault of another individual deliberately doing something to her regardless if she used zero precaution. In no way shape or form was she being irresponsible because someone stuck a gun in her face. In the same way that parents who allow their kids to do dance classes are in no way responsible if their kid gets assaulted. There is no accident it is deliberate.
In this hypothetical situation she would be irresponsible for putting herself in an environment where the likelihood of someone mugging her is knowingly increased. Sure, it's not right and it sucks that not every place on earth is a beacon of safety and completely devoid of people who wish to harm other people, but ignoring these facts is irresponsible if your safety and personal well-being are a concern. I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make that would be applicable in the real world. Like Nettdata said, it doesn't even matter what potential consequences could result from this. It's just fucked up to have little girls act in this sexualized way. Jesus, they'll have plenty of time to be whores in college. Let them be kids for a few years before they start using their bodies as their only source of validation and self-worth.
If you let your kids play in a highway when you're as close to a rural road, I wouldn't rub it in if they got hit, but I'd kinda wonder: You didn't mean for them to get hit, but what the fuck were you thinking? Like you're saying here, its not my kids, its not my business. But if you play with fire...only blame the fire if you get burned? What?
I think everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. This is nothing new, I remember 20 odd years ago going to my sisters dance recitals and seeing things not that far removed from this. Yes the clothes and moves were FAR less provocative; however if the gap was viewed with reference to the increased sexualization of society during this period I would say this is exactly where I would expect such recitals to be at. This sudden indignation needs to to readdressed inwards at society itself and not at this particular dance act; however I suspect that rather than readdress our moral compass and start asking questions about where we as a society are at and where we want to go most will instead resort to the tried and tested outburst of indignation followed by updating your Facebook statuses countdown until Miley Cyrus turns 18 and jerking off to the Erin Andrews video.
I went to a dance recital 2 days ago, and this is leaps and bounds beyond where normal recitals are at. These girls are dressed way more... provocatively? than even the older (high school) kids that were dancing the other day were. Like someone else said, you don't need to dress these little girls this way to showcase their talent. 8 year olds would just as soon do that dance in a pretty princess outfit, or a flower costume, as whatever the hell it is their parents have them wearing. I would be shocked if this was really a case of these little girls WANTING to dress that way. They're kids. They like to wear dress up clothes. I don't see this as a symptom of society or some drastic larger problem with the world - I think it was a terrible decision on the part of the parents, and little girls who were just happy they got to dance in costumes. Unrelated, those girls are goddamn talented. Nothing even close from the 8 year olds at my sister's recital.