I'm calling bullshit on that statement. The average voter has jack shit to do with which candidates the parties pick. Ex: HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON NOBODY except unshaven feminists wanted her to run, but what happened? The Dems picked her and fucked over Bernie. That bullshit put us in the situation we're in now. When was the last election where you actually LIKED a candidate? As long as there are "Super Delegates " and first past the post scoring, and big money in politics, we're going to have shitty candidates.
People keep saying this but it was Hillary who kept winning those pesky primaries. Significantly. More than a few of us were onto the Bernie sales job, and we weren't buying.
Even if Bernie would have won the primary, it was the effort to throttle and fix the primary is why Hillary and her people are the worst. She was an objectively shitty, horrible candidate. Everyone SHOULD blame Democratic voters for being stupid, because Sanders would have beat Trump. They fired a gun and stampeded all the undecided voters right into MAGA’s open arms.
Somebody besides Hillary could have beaten Trump, but I don't think it was Sanders. Clinton beat Sanders in Pennsylvania, easily, but lost to Trump there. Sanders didn't do as well among Black voters as Clinton did, so what happens in the general election? Trump supporters would have absolutely hammered the Socialist Bernie versus the Capitalist Donald, and how Bernie loved Socialism so much, he went to the USSR for his honeymoon in the late 80s, etc.
I don't think Sanders would have had a shot in a general election. We just think he would have because we ended up with Clinton and don't know how it would have played out otherwise. His brand of politics is not super popular even among Democrats.
I've been reading this for eight years and it feels like a cope every time. The Republican machine didn't even get warmed up against Bernie. If he had won the nomination, you would have seen floods of ads using clips of him describing himself as a socialist, and he would have gotten blown out in the swing states a Democrat needs to win. He would have gotten fewer votes than Hillary did.
Sanders was not a viable candidate because his platform would tank without the accompaniment of enough other elected officials. Sanders was a one-man movement, and he couldn't get his policies through the log jam we currently inhabit. Trump is the head of a movement, a la the Tea Party, but Sanders is essentially the only one selling his platform. Popular? Sure. Politically viable? Nope.
Sanders went down in 2016 for these reasons: Unrealistic platform that didn't have wide appeal Publicly fighting with the DNC Chair The weird fight over unauthorized access to DNC voter data Pissing off superdelegates
So did anyone hear the news about the special election in New York? You know, the one to replace George "Kitara" Santos? The Republicans lost another house seat. I can't help but think that the Republicans could have avoided this if the hadn't, you know, BACKED A COMPLETE FUCKING PHONEY-BALONEY FRAUDSTER AS A CANDIDATE. But that's just me.
What's even better is Speaker Johnson coming on tv doing an interview saying how it's not a big deal, he's basically a Republican, and 4 other cope statements about how it's not going to hurt the GOP at all. The GOP is so fucked this election cycle it's not even funny.
Anyone catch Jon Stewart on The Daily Show on Monday? Just watched it today, and it was so good to see him back. Looking forward to his weekly appearance.
The Special Prosecutor assigned to investigate Hunter Biden has brought more charges. ...against the guy who accused Hunter and Joe of doing the dirty in Ukraine with the Burisma. Indicted for basically making it all up.
I watched the clips on YouTube and posted one of them in the Super Bowl thread. He is so much better on The Daily Show than anyone else. Too bad he's only on Mondays.
I like to think he's doing it on Mondays so he can have so much more time to prep for the show to bring the extra quality.
I just watched Tucker Carlson wow Americans with new Russian technology— you insert a coin into a shopping cart, making it impossible for homeless people to steal. @Nettdata remember that cool A&P grocery store near your home, where your purchased groceries disappeared underground in a tub and went through a cyborg-manned missile silo for diagnostic checks and you picked it up in the middle of the parking lot— it had that coin-operated “technology” when, in 1985? That’s when our East-end store did.
We have stores where the wheels magnetically lock if they leave the premises. The Russian mind could never comprehend.