Trump went from having a shot at the presidency, where his empire and legacy are secure, to having a a resurgent Dem base anoint his worst nightmare as a historic opponent....and all his dreams go with this election. He lost in 2020 and he refused to let the GOP write him off. The sheer will to find political survival enough to stay this long, through J6, investigations, scandal after scandal...a literal assassin's bullet, and within 48 hours he's losing. He will bluster and respond, but he knows this win is no longer easy. Those distant fantasies of a Trump dynasty, a la the Bush family are done. Biden, meanwhile, can do whatever he wants, there's no political fall out for him to worry about. After a 50 year career in politics, he has about 5 months of the US presidency with carte blanche. He could have the US military staple the photos of his son's dick that were shown to Congress on the forehead of every person in Mar-A-Lago and all anyone could do is tweet about it. I literally can't think of a situation where a lame duck president has less cause to give a flying fuck. Harris is a tough needle for Trump to thread. She's not an easy opponent. Trump can't go after her being childless. He can try the birther angle, but it hasn't played well so far. He can't go after her age, or her race, he can't go after her emails. I'm sure there's some dirt they are digging for, but after being VP for 4 years, it's old dirt at best. The longer it takes Trump to come up with "diversity hire Harris" or whatever it is, the more trouble he's having coming up with messaging that is effective. Harris doesn't have much that Trump can attack right now, except...her record as a politician? That's not going to get him very far, and he's out of his depths just talking about it. She can fight as dirty as she wants, and Trump can't be seen going to dirty against a female opponent. Also, he's now the ancient, forgetful old fuck out there now, and he's terrified. He looks coherent next to Biden, but that's about it. Biden's team couldn't make fun of Trump's age, but Harris can. Biden couldn't go too hard on the felon schtick, but Harris can. Trump has to now campaign harder than a rested Harris, and contend with the various legal troubles and shake off the fallout from an attempt on his life. There's just no advantage now. I get Harris is unlikeable, but we're about to find out precisely how little a candidate has to do to beat Trump. Put another way: Harris still has the DNC to get through, and she's barely started fundraising or messaging. Her own campaign infrastructure just got stood up days ago, and she's already winning. Trump is losing to a campaign that is less than a week old.
It seems to be real
This is hilarious to me and further drives home what I recently have heard about Musk. I will be vague here because Musk absolutely has programs trolling the web for ex-employees talking bad about him and I am not sure if TIB posts are indexed. Jägerettes godfather worked for musk for a number of years, directly under him, as in chain was Musk to him. He and I spent a week together a few weeks ago and he said that his biggest problems are 2 fold. One is that he is DESPERATE for validation and to be liked. He truly follows whichever way the wind blows and what he thinks will get him the most respect. So Biden bowing out and suddenly Trump not looking as palatable to Musks Silicon Valley peers means he has to jump on their bandwagon and say ”see me too guys right”. Going along with this insecurity is his second problem: insecurity about his intelligence. The godfather explained it in pretty good terms. He said a person like Trump isn’t particularly smart or intellectual, but is convinced he is the smartest guy in the room and nothing will dissuade him from that. Musk on the otherhand is no dummy. He isn’t the super genius he tries to come off as, but he is still pretty damn smart. He knows that most of the time he isn’t the smartest guy in the room, which is a huge quality in being successful. And he fucking hates it. It gives him so much insecurity, and this is a bad thing when you are working in tech/engineering because the people you need to surround yourself with to succeed have to be the best and the brightest. So to keep him feeling in power he fucks with budgets, specs, aesthetic designs, things he does know/can do to constantly to make these smart people scramble, vie for favor and so on. He fires people on a whim so that people fear and ”respect” him, because if he can’t be smarter he can wield his power over those smarter than him. This is why products tend to be brought to market so late. And when he has full control over a product you get the cybertruck. Also, godfather said to never buy a Musk company product. He will live down range of SpaceX rocket flight ranges, but thats all.
"Make the son of a bitch SAY he didn't fuck a couch..."
The oldest Candidate ever nominated for President has decided he doesn't want to do another debate. I wonder what changed?
Vance is proving to be a historically bad VP pick. Dude brings nothing to the ticket, is terrible on the campaign trail, has skeletons coming out of his closet left and right, and the numbers indicate it will only get worse. He's the only VP pick that's had a higher national disapproval than approval at the time he was announced, and his numbers are actually worse in his home state and nearby states than they are nationally, indicating that as people get to know him more, his national numbers will get even worse.
Trump's kids reportedly went to Trump and convinced him to make Vance his VP pick. They're going to end up buried on a golf course.