Trump shocks with 'fever dream' suggestion that football coaches should guide the military He already has Tuberville lined up and everything. Trump really is the dumbest and worst fucking president in all of American history.
I sincerely do not understand how anyone can after watching his inane incoherent ramblings and think "yep, that's the guy I'm gonna vote for." It really is a "shame on us, we get the government we deserve" moment.
Trumpers are constantly switching from: "You can't take what he says seriously, he doesn't really mean that!" To: "He tells it like it is!" I am not making this up. Go to r/askatrumpsupporter, and you will see that attitude daily. And they REALLY don't like it when you challenge them on that.
Alabama is definitely on the verge of being a foreign country. I give it 2 weeks before the Trump camp does something that can only be seen as desperate. I would put solid money that Trump gets recorded calling her the n word before October. Also, during DNC, Biden announces some wild legislation/executive order that causes the gop to panic. Something tells me the violence isn't over, either
There was already leaked audio just last night of Vance talking about needing some federal response to women seeking abortions in states where it’s allowed. But he specified that it would be mostly black and brown women which actually makes his statement that much worse. That, along with the unending flow of couch/sofa jokes and actual negative approval ratings, I’m not sure Vance can recover. He’s such a charmless piece of shit, it’s almost unbelievable.
Honestly, I’m all for Team Chaos when it comes to these tickets. Replace Vance. Nobody knows who’s really running until mid-October. Decide it with American Gladiator Giant Q-Tip Wars. I know it’s not realistic, but what is anymore?
A wannabe dictator wants to surround himself with moronic sycophants in the military to do his bidding. SCOTUS can't enforce anything, so if he decides to declare himself dictator he needs the millitary on his side. I'm not exactly shocked by this.
Now the Republicans have realized that since Biden is out, he has no reason to worry about toeing the line of electability and can start REALLY pushing forward on some more progressive items/stances because he has "total immunity" during official acts, and they are NOT coping with it.
Even if he did, would it make any difference? The Trump camp will just say it's "Fake news," or it's AI generated, and their supporters will lap it up like cheap booze at Drew Barrymore's sweet-sixteen party. The Dems/Anti-Trumpers will shout: "SEE?! WE TOLD YOU SO!", and go on to vote for anyone who isn't Trump. Question: What will it take to get the "undecided" voters off their asses to go vote?* *Because let's be honest: everyone has made up their mind about Trump, it's just a matter of getting out to vote for or against.
It's going to come down whether Kamala actually can hold it together after the honeymoon period is over.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump dumped him if his poll numbers tank enough (though not sure if this is possible after the convention?). I get he was chosen to shore up the rust belt swing states but his actual worth in that remains to be seen and too many negatives are seeping out. I figure the polling will even out in the next 3 weeks or so. If it stays tied it’ll there will be no changes. Tanks? I would have liked to see Tulsi as his running mate. Would have had a fresh start like Kamala is enjoying.
Guys, we're pivoting from "J.D. Vance fucked a couch" to "J.D. Vance googles dolphin fucking videos." Keep up.
I want Tulsi nowhere near any public office. She consistently spouts easily verifiable false claims & statements. If you look at his screenshot, the words "woman" and "dolphin" are bolded, which means those were the search terms. After the whole couch thing, the internet is running with this as a variation on a theme.