apparently they didn't know that was him at the time, then depending on which report you read they either fired another tank round and got him, or a sniper killed him. Unfortunately one of the videos I saw showed the body, and it was pretty obvious to me that a bullet at least had a say in it. Regardless, that video is some next level, futuristic video game shit.
I thought this was pretty hilarious... and can only imagine how bigly Trump's head exploded once he saw it...
Donald Trump says the parents of school shooting victims should understand their children’s safety and even lives were sacrificed so that others could have guns for “entertainment and sport.” Like, I'm lost for words at this point. I'm not even shocked or anything just sort of confused by all this at this point.
SBA is reporting delays on disaster funding, because Congress. Christ. This is the window when folks start recovery, and the private sector's main avenue for support is shut off. What a cluster fuck.
I wish I could hear the entire answer, or that I had time to find it, because it highlights what I feel about Trump, and about one of many things he hasn’t learned, or seemingly tried to learn since he ran and won over 8 years ago. And it’s essentially Retail 101: the customer doesn’t care how much you know, they care how much you care. Any veteran of politics knows that if the question includes the words “school shooting,” you cannot, must not, ever start immediately answering the question without addressing those words, with the required thoughts, prayers, sadness, condolences. I just don’t think it even crosses his mind that people need to hear that, or at the very least that people notice when they don’t hear it.
He kind of looks like he's the guy in Last Crusade that drinks from the wrong Grail, somewhere in the middle of the rapid-aging process.
Hospice is just a downer in general, so yeah, he looks worse now. In the pic from his 100th birthday flyover, he has the hospice face, or as I call it, the Terry Schiavo Face. My MIL’s boyfriend was on hospice before he died, and I had dealt with my mom being on hospice years ago. Seeing him dealing with it made me dissociate noticeably during our visit. It’s not fun.
To keep it simple for the State of Florida: it's the First Amendment, stupid. I really thought this was an editorialized headline from a resistance lib media outfit. Nope. That's a direct quote from a Federal Judge. Sure is a coincidence that this Republican PAC is targeting "Kamala Harris stood up to anti-Israel protestors and has a Jewish husband" ads to the Detroit metro, and "Kamala Harris caved to anti-Israel protestors and panders to Palestine" ads to the Philadelphia metro.
There’s a PAC here that’s running ads against Dan Osborn, who’s an independent. They keep calling him “Democrat Dan Osborn” and “Deceptive Dan Osborn,” because trump supporters maybe just want a nickname to hear? I don’t know. But they keep saying he’s taking “Democrat Dark Money.” What the fuck does that even mean? I’m just planning on voting against any candidate who’s endorsed by Trump, or running on his name.
The whole Soros is a big bad Boogeyman is such BS. Thiel, Musk, Koch and others are far richer and have a bigger impact than Soros.