What about him having to be rushed to the ER with penile burns because his shift manager told him to "salt the fries"?
https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog...s-a-piece-of-lumber-swinging-between-his-legs The surprise might be that Trump does have dementia and was thinking about Greg Norman's cock.
Conservatives made up a conspiracy that Harris was lying about working at McDonalds, and that led Trump to "work" at a McDonalds that was closed for the day and stocked with supporters as customers like a fishing pond in a retirement community, so his fans could say his fake work was more real than her real work. What a country.
I did not like Harris at the beginning. I didn't know much about her, but I was willing to listen... she was voted as VP, so clearly there was something there. I actually like her now. I believe that she's a genuinely good person, and I feel like her and her staff will lead the country in the right direction. Moreover, at least for the demographic of me and my social circle (centrist late 30s/early 40s) she isn't too far left while also hitting some more conservative points. I wish she didn't change her mind on fracking, but whatever.
"Why'd she flip flop on fracking?!" Because the electoral college gives outsized influence to certain states, and bad policy suddenly becomes good politics when you run for President. I'm also looking at you Iowa, and your fucking corn.
what is it, like 12 states that decide the election? Yet if you go off popular vote, I'm not sure a republican would ever win the election ever again. Unless they stop being republican and start being conservative again
I am not going to believe the “Biden doesn’t have cognitive decline, because Trump’s an asshole” argument.
Both candidates suck, but the problem is members of Congress in place for the past million years. McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer - how long have they been in office?
I asked Mitch a little while ago, but he’s still standing there staring forward, and his aide is tugging on his arm.
I couldn't find a table for the Senate on my phone, but the House is easy to find. McConnell elected in 1985, Pelosi elected in 1987. That's ridiculous.
She was selected because she was "a woman of color." Serious question: IF Kamala wins, can we PLEASE stop with these nominations where the candidate checked all the right boxes, and go with someone qualified?
Hell no, there are still plenty of boxes to be checked, most notably gay, asian and indigenous. Let me know when atheist is one of them.
She was voted because people voted for the ticket. If they didn't like her they could have voted for Trump, in the same way I voted against McCain (for Obama) because I didn't like McCain's judgment in selecting Palin. Further, people select old white guys because they like old white guys. McCain selected Palin because he wanted a woman as well. Everything is a selection process, we do it all the time. I married my wife, at least in part, because I found her physically attractive. Does that mean I was being selective against those who weren't attractive? I mean... sure, okay. I don't see the point. I think Kamala is extremely qualified. Former District Attorney (8 years), Attorney General (6 years), US Senator (4). Now running for President having served as VP. But the "woman of color" crap is overshadowing everything.
No shit. Kamala has 22 years of public service including being senator and vice president. @dixiebandit69 please explain to me how this makes her unqualified. A chronic problem with our political system is that the people running the country and old, senile and/or out of touch. But somehow a DA, AG, senator and VP is "unqualified." Fucking hell. By the time you get your JD you can't be any younger than 25. Plus 22 years of service and we're talking about someone fast approaching 50. Harris isn't my favorite candidate, but "unqualified" is not an issue.