Probably that we voted to do away with the rule of law back in November. You'd be forgiven for missing it.
They have a Romeo and Juliet law for those under 24 for non predatory relationships with an age difference. So, not applicable to Gaetz.
Pedophilia is prepubescent. Statutory rape would cover it. I don’t know if Florida’s age of consent and Romeo and Juliet laws are one and the same. Romeo and Juliet laws usually cover people that are under the age of consent and one party is over within a few years of the other in age (say a senior 18 dating a freshman 14). I don’t know if age of consent laws that can vary between states means any adult of any age can bang out someone that is the age of consent.
Dude, I read that he spent $90K on hookers. In response to DnD's question, Gaetz hasn't been tried and convicted in a court of law YET; that's what all the boot-lickers on r/conservative are crowing. I'm doubtful there will be any repercussions for his actions, because he's in the "rich/ powerful" club.
It wouldn't matter if he was charged and tried, with indisputable evidence, so long as he wasn't convicted. Because then it's like it never happened, doesn't count. Have any of you been paying attention to what Elmo Musk and Count Chocula have been saying these last few days about American workers, and replacing them with immigrants? It appears that Trump is on board, too. I can tell y'all that the whole r/conservative board that were tonguing the shafts of DOGE are now saying "this isn't what I signed up for!" What do the REAL tech guys like @Nettdata and @Binary think about their statements that North Americans are too stupid to do the jobs, and that any schooling to learn said jobs is a waste of time? Is this some kind of 4D-chess move to actually improve things for Americans, or is Elon just a carpetbagger who needs to go back to Africa (especially since he came here on a student visa)?
H1B programs bring reasonable candidates from foreign countries (India mostly, in my experience), for pennies on the dollar compared to equally trained and capable Americans. Oracle used them a ton to save them a shitload of development cost.
In end, it’s a fuck you to Americans, and the opposite of what they’re trying to accomplish with the tariffs.
It’s being perceived by the stupid far right maga types as them being called stupid, because, well, THEY are. However, it’s not like Musk is saying that Americans are too stupid for the tech jobs they require. Just the Laura Loomer-level ones are. There is definitely qualified American talent out there. But they demand a much higher salary.
This is all nonsense, but like good nonsense, it has a kernel of truth. It's true that there is some top one hundredth of one percent of the global population that are just fucking geniuses, and having H1B gives American companies access to some of these people that they might not otherwise have access to. On the other hand, that's not what H1B ends up being used for. What actually happens is companies like Oracle take a $180k/year software job, post it for $90k/year, claim that they have a lack of qualified candidates, then hire some dude from Pakistan. Oracle gets an employee for half the going rate, and they have leverage over him, since his job pool is smaller (only companies willing to sponsor a H1B), and if they fire him he only has 6 months to find a job before he has to leave the US.
Not a tech guy, but have read up on it. It's basically modern day indentured servitude. They have no CHOICE but to take whatever pay and working conditions you toss at them because their stay is dependant on the companies sponsorship. Basically what Binary said.
Eh... This is kind of an extreme take. They willingly enter into employment at a negotiated salary knowing that they will have to go home if their sponsorship ends. I do think that the employers end up with more leverage than they should have and companies abuse that. But it definitely isn't "indentured servitude," and there are enough employers participating in the visa programs that many, many people have made entire careers and eventual citizenship from the H1B program.
Agreed. I had limited exposure as I ran an Oracle shop for about 10 years so dealt with a ton of internal Oracle developers, but that is my impression.
Ideally, that is 100% the case, but let's be honest here. Musk and other tech bro douchebags are gonna do as much as possible to undercut and fuck over everyone involved to drive pay down into the ground.
Four year anniversery of the storming of the Captial and it appears the country has learned nothing about dealing with people who do not think about the country's best interests. Just sad.
Question for the Canadian idiots: who do y'all think his replacement will be? Who is the opposing party candidate?