Welcome back, Gravy! The thing is, his supporters don't think he lost in 2020, they think he was cheated. They will go to their graves saying that, despite NO EVIDENCE in a court of law. I watched all of that election denial bullshit. Where is the Kraken? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: REPUBLICANS ALWAYS SHOW UP TO VOTE. They hold their nose, and they vote for whatever piece of dog shit the party is supporting. The Democrat "base," if you can call it that, will sit home and pout if they don't get EXACTLY what they want. WHY DIDN'T KAMALA GET 81.000,000 VOTES? I'll bet all those Islamic goat-fuckers in Ilhan Omar's district and those misguided pro-Palestine college students are feeling really good about their choices this past November.
I am not a Trump supporter, but halting production of the penny is the only thing that’s like “okay, cool.”
I think they are part of it for sure. But, Dems had a lower turnout this last election, more in line with previous elections outside of the 2020 election. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that men 18-29 I think voted 45% with Trump. That tells me that Dems are losing the information war with younger people. If that number is true, that means podcasts, streamers, and other formats are key. Joe Rogan is an idiot but his platform can be manipulated. He’s not smart enough to know where to truly push back on things. He listens to practically anyone. They should go on every big podcast. Do real long-form discussions. Be real people. Cable news is dead and is akin to professional wrestling.
I'm full on back to the grind working ~60 hours this week so my brain is mush but I can formulate the high level thoughts of Fuck Trump and fuck everyone who is still cheerleading that whack job. Even moreso, fuck everyone who has to bring politics into fucking everything. Saw a post today and there were two pics of DiCaprio and Kate Winslet 25 years apart. The caption said "My two favorite actors (politics aside)" WTF? Seriously?