What I have found, even on the loacal level, is that your Constitutional rights only matter when you agree with them.
Dolton, Illinois leads by example. Holy fucking shit what a corrupt disaster. In other news….. COD LIVER OIL! There’s your answer to measles, Texans. Straight from the mouth of the esteemed Dr. Robert F Kennedy Jr, esquire. Yeah, just get yourself some milk of magnesia, perhaps a mustard plaster, maybe rip up some sheets…
I still can't get over these fucking "measles parties." The reason chicken-pox parties were a thing is because chicken pox is much more mild for children than adults. Measles is the opposite; measles fucking kills children. Even if you don't believe in vaccinations (because you're retarded), the simple answer of what to do with measles is fucking avoid it.
I was a kid who did not get sick hardly ever. I rarely missed school for any reason— red measles was hell, wiped me the fuck out to the point where I thought I was dying. I missed 9 days of school in the ninth grade, there was not a single moment of that where it was “fun to stay home from school”.
Stahp! We’ll never win back voters by calling them names. We must let the measles kill their kids because we can’t hurt their feelings.
The sight of him being ejected as the other Dems sat meekly and watched, that's some shit GOP should be blasting in their future campaign ads. "You really want these cowards representing you?"
Has anyone else seen the video of Sadam Hussein taking power in the legislature Hall and his goons just straight grabbing people to execute? This is what it reminds me of. Would our legislatures have acted much differently?
At least Johnson explained the decorum rules for the audience. But only after Trump just pointed at the guy and flicked his wrist.
I'm a political junkie who spends way too much time on this shit and even I know better than to waste my time listening to him bloviate uninterrupted.
That’s no different than doomscrolling. Nothing he says will have truth or value to it. Let president Jim Jones blather to his millions of dick-sucking circus seals and ignore it.
I know very little about Canada except that you guys have eat poutine and drink maple syrup with a hint of whiskey, your cops dress in red and ride moose, hockey is a ritualistic expression of athletic violence, and you have good cheap drugs. I live in NJ and am considering a move up there with my family and want to also convince my dad(ex-military if that affects the process) to go up there. What would I be looking at in terms of the process as well as locations?
The depressing aspect is Johnson who has a rep for being spineless did exactly what Pelosi who has a rep for being much more assertive (especially compared to Johnson) didn't do when MTG & Bobert disrupted Biden's SOTU in 2022.
Bought a house in 2009, for 125k, put 100k into it, Sold it in 2016 for 310k. bought my current house for 330k, my current house with no work is worth 600k, and my old house is worth 440k. And i live in a little shit hole village. So yea shit is straight fucked.