Being a solo homeschooler is daunting. I don't think I'd ever try. There's a great group here that we do activities with, and would just end up doing in person classes with. My friend who is involved with her 3 girls works under a charter school, then once a week they have school with a teacher that teaches the same topics at different depths and complexity to students of a span of ages, a la "one house schoolroom." There are regular outings and educational field trips arranged with the group. And we still sign lil B for sports and activities through the community center which has allowed a lot of new friendships to blossom. The more I type on this topic, the more I'm convinced that homeschooling might be the best choice in the circumstances.
The thing that I saw when I was doing education software was that the attempt to standardize and rate/score education performance, while adjusting for minorities, etc, was that everything got gamed to just be able to score well on those performance reviews. All funding was tied to those metrics, so those metrics were all that mattered. The metrics were of the wrong focus, therefore the teaching/testing had the wrong focus.
Teaching kids to be kids, work and learn with other kids, is the main point of the group. The subjects, a different one each week, are all over the map, because it has always been less about the subjects and more about putting each kid with a different kid each week and having them work together. Next week there is a formal dance, with several other similar groups coming, too. The second such dance this year. My kid is wearing a green tux, with a t-rex bow tie. If you put the work in, homeschooled kids miss out on very few of the positives of public school, but do miss so many of the negatives.
We bought a house that backs up to an elementary school in a good public school district. We pay about $1000/month in taxes. If I can't cash in on this giant investment for both of my kids I am going to be livid. That being said, I feel like this (disproportionately wealthy) city cares enough about kids and education to keep things on the rails better than a lot of other districts will be able to.
Jesus 12k/year for property tax? Either you have an very expensive house, or my rates don't seem so bad.
Our friends pay about that here in Houston. Their home is worth a little over $600k and it’s tiny. Like an 1100 sq ft bungalow that’s a hundred year old.
Reading all of this shit about school and education scares the fuck out of me because I have a 5yr biracial choco niece that's gonna have to grow during this fucking shitshow of a timeline. It's also incredibly fucking eerie how one of the manga(Japanese comics for the non-nerds) I'm reading is disturbingly topical to...almost EVERYTHING happening right now with book bans, disproportionate access to wealth and ability to climb in the social ladder, racial and religious persecution and tensions, control of information and propaganda, job and education prospects severely limited due to gender, rise in populist movements, and god knows what else I'm forgetting. Kind of thought to bring it up since it's oddly topical.
Does that mean what I think it means? Bro, then you don't even want to know about this book called "1984"...
I'm pale as fuck, but my niece is black from her mom and yes every fucking knows and has never read 1984 and all of the other books that come up like Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World.
So you're saying it's okay to call black people "choco"? It sounds vaguely Australian... Fahrenheit 451 sucked ass compared to the others. Very overrated, in my opinion.
I see Carney has called for a snap election. He must be feeling pretty good about his chances of winning.
Carney is getting help from so many weird places.
He will never get a better chance than now. Just walk through any store and look at how much maple leaf-covered shit you see compared to any year before this— things are united in a different way up here. Besides— by calling the election right away it shuts up all the whining bitches who cry “Pfft!! Not MY Prime Minister, I didn’t vote for him!” Trudeau resigned, you got your wish, now grant my wish and fucking kill yourselves. Stop pretending you all haven’t been up Trump’s ass this entire time and still secretly are.
Yeah, so many die hard Conservatives I know are voting Liberal this year (Carney). A fast election before the Conservatives can get their shit back together is a smart call. This is peak “Fuck Trump” time and will capitalize on fucking over the “let’s make Canada great again” rhetoric they’ve been spewing up until now.
Just when you think they can't get any more incompetent
Former US attorney for Eastern District of Virginia Jessica Aber found dead at 43 Per Newsweek.