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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Cmon dude. Personal scandal-free? Yes. Political scandals? He had plenty, the media just never stopped choking on his cock long enough to give a shit. Selling military weapons to drug cartels, warrantless wiretaps, extrajudicial killings of American citizens, indiscriminate drone strikes, a cluster fuck foreign policy, unfair taxation of conservative charitable organizations, Benghazi, Telling Putin, "I'll have more flexibility after the election," continually peddling utter bullshit like the Wage Gap, the list goes on and on. Instead we got puff pieces about what him and Michelle do on vacation, etc.

    They bent over backwards to give him a free pass on everything, because hey hes a cool guy and did sing-a-longs with Jimmy Fallon or whatever. And now we have all of this outrage over Trump. And I say good. No one should excuse his behavior or his fuck-ups in any way, because they should not be and the President should be held accountable. But the contrast and hypocrisy is silly. The Obama supporters turned a blind eye every time, dont be outraged when the other side does it too.

    Im glad Trump's feet are being held to the fire. Hes reckless and hes an arrogant dickhead that needs to be put in his place. its just too bad the standard doesnt apply to everyone.
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Looking and acting like a respectable statesman will get you a long way in politics... which is part of Donald's problem.
  3. downndirty

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    Nov 18, 2009
    Yeah, personal scandal. Obama was never accused of sexual assault, colluding with foreign nations, nepotism, abusing his office to promote his business, etc. Political scandals are par for the course these days.

    I disagree, because I saw a lot of wharrgarbl about how he wasn't a legitimate American, was a muslim, communist, etc. The liberal media gave him a pass, despite Obama being not really a liberal in his political stance. The conservative media called him everything except nigger, and they would have if they could have gotten away with it.

    Again, I'm just bewildered at what Trump's doing...even the simple shit like giving every family member a job in the White House, qualifications or experience be damned. The fucking golf alone is laughable. It shocks me that no one is saying, "'re not running the nation of Uruguay motherfucker, get your shit in order."

    For example: he, apparently, was stupid enough to say to Comey "Stop investigating Flynn". He doesn't have the wherewithal to suggest maybe he starve the investigation for resources, or he push forward a juicier investigation (hint hint, wink wink). Nope. There are SO many ways this investigation could have been ground to a halt and it would have withered away, but by doing it the dick way (demanding something from a cop and then blowing up when the cop refused) he ensured it would now be reinvigorated.
    #2843 downndirty, May 16, 2017
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  4. xrayvision

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    Oct 22, 2009
  5. ODEN

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    Oct 23, 2009
    If you guys are going to be mad at Trump at least be mad about something that is concrete.

    The only reason I liked Trump was because he sold himself as a non-interventionist, non-globalist during the campaign. You can argue that either way but I looked at Trump politically as an unknown quantity, I knew what I would get with Hillary and that is why I went with Trump in this instance. Since being elected Trump has done the exact opposite of what he said he would do in foreign policy. He has morphed into a rank and file neocon jackwagon like the rest of them in D.C.

    That is something easily provable and doesn't require making yourself look like a tinfoil hat-wearing moron droning on and on about Russia.
    #2845 ODEN, May 16, 2017
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Because of the info that just came out regarding the DNC staffer that got killed and that the FBI has e-mails between him/wikileaks suggesting he may have been the source. Wikileaks also took an interest in his death, offering to pay for information regarding the perp(s). It might not be true, but yeah, that's obviously relevant to Hillary. That, and Hillary has been throwing herself in the spotlight recently. Her career in all likelihood is done (thankfully) so yeah, she's not terribly relevant on a given day.

    As for Trump, he does a lot of stupid shit, but the 180 turn around from the media really is ridiculous. Obama was far less of a jackass, at least in terms of how he presented himself, but it's still just an absolute joke the way the media treated him vs Trump. They should grill Trump, but that doesn't mean making a scandal out of every little damn thing he does. We've allegedly had a hundred constitutional crises already since he took office if you take some of these media outlets at face value.

    Personally, I don't see the point in flaming him over the minor stuff, or when the evidence is insufficient. I mean, if you want to give him negative coverage he'll give you plenty without the need to fill in bullshit.
  7. toddamus

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Can someone give me the basics on impeachment? What is an impeachable offense, has Trump done anything that can be considered impeachable?

    I'm not starting an argument if he should be impeached, I'm just looking to understand the process of how it would be done if things so happen to go that way
  8. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Legally speaking an impeachable offense is anything the Congress decides it is. The language in the constitution gives deliberately broad authority to the Congress to impeach a president for "high crimes and misdemeanors" (it is important to note that "high" does not refer to the severity of the offense, but rather the nature of it being an offense committed in (or only able to be committed in) high office) and no individual or government body has authority to overrule that decision. The threshold for impeachment is high, requiring a majority of the House for impeachment and a further 2/3 of the Senate for conviction and removal from office.

    As a practical matter then, an impeachable offense is a political question more than it is a legal question. It is essentially any act for which enough Representatives and Senators would feel obligated to impeach, and would not fear the electoral consequences of doing so (or conversely, would fear the electoral consequences of not doing so). This definition of an impeachable offense is a bit of a tautology, so it's not terribly helpful for analyzing Trump's behavior. Perhaps the better question is "Has Trump committed any offenses for which the Republican Congress would have impeached Obama?" and the answer is "at least a dozen."
  9. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Thanks for the smart, articulate posts. These are the kind of replies I was looking for.
  10. Rush-O-Matic

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    Nov 11, 2009
    Do you really believe this, or were just throwing in some hyperbole as you expressed your opinion? I'm not trying to argue, I'm actually asking if you believe this. Which of the "conservative media" do you think are racists / throw around the N word? Or, do you just think anyone that is a conservative is also a racist?
  11. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
  12. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Personal bias, I don't think he makes it two years. I think asking about impeachment exposed that. Now that I know its a politics thing, I think I may be right about that. You can't piss off everyone all the time and keep on winning, maybe he has tigers blood like charlie sheen
  13. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    This is the kind of thing that makes me think he's going to be gone sooner rather than later.

    He has NO CLUE about what he's doing, so by doing things in his "good business" manner like he's used to, he's going to cross a lot of lines and get in shit.

    I bet he has absolutely no clue how wrong it is for him to have asked Comey to "let it go".
  14. xrayvision

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Also, he doesn't really know what's coming. I mean, he knows the conversations he's had with Comey. It's just a matter of which memos come out when. The drip drip style of leaks has got to be creating a paranoia like he's never felt before. Between the memo today, and the looming warrants and arrests from people in his camp related to the Russia/money laundering issues he's probably out of pants to shit in.

    Now he doesn't know which people are going to flip to save themselves. Sean Spicer is probably cutting his wrists as we speak. Everything that comes out contradicts the statements from 5 minutes ago. And all he's doing is making an ass out of his closest supporters.
  15. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Trump is far less competent and more easily ensnared than Nixon was, but the current Republican party is also far more compromised and has far less integrity than the Republican party did then, so it should remain an even match.
  16. shimmered

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    May 12, 2010
    Did you really?

    Like, you really did look at Trump and have NO idea what his presidency would be like?

    You can sort through this thread, or the other political thread, or Twitter, or nearly any other social media venue and find thousands of people who were screaming from the rafters that this man wasn't trustworthy, that he lacked the integrity and the character to act in our nation's best interests, that his personal conduct and beliefs were directly contradictory to everything America stands for, that his views and behaviors toward women and people 'beneath' him were reprehensible, that his ego would never allow him to navigate the minefield of foreign policy, that he couldn't begin to comprehend the reality of maintaining decades old alliances. Over and over we said he was unfit for this position.

    We shouted it. We marched about it. We begged, pleaded, cut off family members, lost friendships over the bone deep conviction that this man was completely, inherently, 100% WRONG for this job. We spoke out. Over and over and over and over and over again, we raised the alarm.

    And we were ignored.

    So I'm confused as to how in the world you (or anyone else) can say "Trump was an unknown quantity" because from my perspective, if he WAS an unknown it's because all of the blazing, blinking, flaming, smoking, ringing, raging signs were ignored...whether due to the Clinton reputation, distaste for the DNC, distaste for the democratic agenda, or whatever, and not because there weren't literally tens of thousands of people raising hell.
    #2856 shimmered, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  17. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Politically he was and is an unknown quantity. What raging signs are you talking about? Supposition that he is a terrible human being for not paying more in taxes or talking about grabbing pussy or unscrupulous business practices? None of those have anything to do with politics. As a matter of fact, I am not sure he ever broke the law. I am actually really happy that we don't have a career politician as President right now. I wish we could do this more often. I will expand on that further below.

    Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until the last decade or so; now he is a Republican. A Republican who is (or was) not well liked by the Republican establishment. My distaste isn't specific to Clinton, the DNC or the Democratic agenda. I really didn't think much of Trump either; it is our political system and the status quo that I really don't like. Clinton was the status quo. I am looking for someone to shake things up, will Trump be positive in the end.....I say yes. Does that mean that Trump will be a net positive to our country in the short term during his Presidency? Maybe not; 120 days is too little time to tell. He may very well be bad enough for this country that the next President or Congress does great things to make things better than they were before Trump arrived in office. I guess what I am saying is I am taking a longer view and thinking about the trajectory of this country for my kids and grand kids. In my opinion, which we can debate separately and isn't really the point of this, our country is on an unsustainable path right now and we need to do some serious soul-searching about where we go from here and act. Bush didn't do it, Obama didn't do it, Clinton wasn't going to do it, Congress isn't going to do it and if not, who will?
  18. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Few Republicans are going to defend him at this point, and they tepidly supported him to begin with. Every time they go out on a limb for him, he turns around and saws it off.

    And Mike Pence has been very quiet recently. The cards are being shuffled and he knows it.

    But they do have to do with character. Shouldn't that be enough? After all, that's why Hillary lost. His character has been abhorrent since day 1.
  19. GcDiaz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 10, 2009
    The new narrative is now a combination of, "I had no idea he'd be this bad", "oh he's just trolling liberals, he'll drain the swamp like he said", and "he's our President and he deserves a chance". In other words, anything but contrition or taking responsibility. The fucking missiles will be flying before they ever admit this might be a problem, and then they'll spew that Karl Rove line "you don't change captains mid-voyage" that got W re-elected.

  20. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    See I saw the craziness coming and I didn't end up voting for anyone on the president line on my ballot. His "call Sean Hannity!" Line from the debate was my breaking point as far as his personality. I do support the, outsider shaking things up. We do have a huge problem with the status quo in Washington. He's basically done the opposite of everything he campaigned on save one or two issues. If he's not impeached I wonder if there is anyone willing to put up a primary challenge to him.