How Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr., Avoided a Criminal Indictment It's never going to cease to blow my mind that one of the basic themes of the election was "Hillary is dirty so we need to elect Trump!" It's still so stupid it blows my fucking mind.
You wonder why this stuff didn't come up during the campaign. Perhaps because the media was too busy reporting on Trump to report *about* him. It seems more and more like his election campaign was just one YUGE Freudian slip. Everything he said Hillary would do, he's done himself. Can almost set your watch by it.
Thats pretty much all you need to know about it, too. Sound travels at 1088 feet/second. The average bullet speed is about 2500 feet/second. You're dead before you hear the gun go off.
Just a reminder that this is the political reality we live in. This is real:
Bob Corker is an ass of the highest order, just another politician speaking out when it doesn't cost them anything, he isn't running for re election. Scumbags, all of them.
Al Green filed four articles of impeachment against President Trump today. A vote is expected tomorrow or Friday.
Yeah, who could be surprised? From an article: All the stupid shit Trump does and says and people are SO obsessed over this. Sigh. The vote isn't going to amount to anything. It's just pandering to his base and showing how they can be even more uncivilized than Trump, which is really saying something.
Pandering? Nah. “The public has been led to believe that a president must commit a crime to be impeached, which is not true,” Green said. “If any president persisted with the lie that ‘Hitler was right,’ he would be, and should be, impeached not for a crime, but for betraying his trust as president.”
Al Green, a Democrat from Texas, filed impeachment articles on President Trump. A sentence I never thought would have meaning outside of a game of Mad Libs. At this point, if he was impeached, who the fuck would stand there and say "Hey guys, no we really support him still"? How many people live in a cave that are registered Republicans? It's been ten months, he's done fuck all, been a national embarassment and everyone is going "Thank Christ he's only done nothing so far!".
As much of a clown as he has acted like at times, impeaching a president because people in congress just don't like him sets a terrible precedent.
Everything is a culture war right now and nothing matters. As long as there are republicans who can safely keep their jobs so long as they support Trump, they will. It doesn’t matter how many of them actually feel as though he is completely unfit. You think they should stand up for what’s right or stand on principles? They are politicians. That article is more disturbing to me than any of Trump’s positions on social issues. Yes, he’s offensive. So what? All of his supporters love the fact that the left is perpetually angry at him. Them being angry means the other side making you angry. Then, they can smugly grin and call you a snowflake. Doesn’t matter if they are retarded. There’s more retards out there voting for him in places where it matters. If the only thing the dems try to do is create a platform of “I’m offended”, they will lose more seats in 2018, and again in 2020. The dems need to focus on winning battles against gerrymandering and voter suppression. And stop putting up candidates who suck at life.
The democrats Gerrymander too. None of them should be doing it, it is a both parties issue. As far as voter suppression, remind what the suppression is again? If it's supposed to be that it's oh so hard to get an ID then I don't give a shit. I'm sorry, I just don't. If you can't figure that out you're too stupid to vote. I think that's another problem for the democrats. They're constantly trying to sell that this or that is so fucking difficult and people aren't going to buy it. The offended thing... it's an important part of their base. They have to do it, albeit maybe to a lesser extent than they do now. To put it bluntly, I think this demographic is largely made up of not so bright people who don't really know much about any of the other issues. Racism is bad is something simple they can point to and feel like they're on the side of good and fighting an important battle. To give an example, take their stance toward Muslims. Do you really think these people are processing anything beyond "Brown people good. White people bad. Christians bad. People I perceive as weaker are gooder." How else do you explain the mass protests in favor of Hamas (a legit terrorist organization) trying to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible(as well as murdering any political dissidents in their territory) and Israel supposedly being evil for not just sticking their thumbs up their ass? The author lost all of his credibility right here: That's just wish thinking. Nothing more. That article in general was mostly hearsay, but I'm sure there was plenty of truth to other parts.
Well, that was fun. He didn't even show up for his own resolution. "The GOP presiding officer moved to consider Green’s resolution less than an hour later, but Green didn’t show up, allowing the window for consideration to pass for now."
I think a lot of your examples are an oversimplification. I wasn’t really referring to needing an ID to vote, but a lot of elderly minorities don’t really have one, but I don’t think that number is too high. I was talking about how states are closing polling locations for “budgetary purposes” that just happen to also be in areas that have large populations of poor and brown people. Or they might have just one place with a 5 hour line. I know if voting was made so difficult for me to accomplish, I might not feel it is worth it either. I’m lucky enough to be able to get in and out usually in under an hour. I pretty much agree with you on everything else, especially the Israel part.
I swear, the feminist obsession with screeching about white males while idolizing Islam and denying the obvious problems with the religion, often in the same sentence is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in politics. I honestly don't know if the long wait times in certain areas is rooted in racism or voter suppression. Isn't everything shittier for poor people, especially if there is a lot of poor people crammed into a relatively small space? Besides, don't the democrats largely control those things in the cities? Regardless, I think the wait time issue is a bit overblown. In very specific areas the 4 hour line can happen, but it's extremely rare and I'm more of the belief that it's because the local government screwed up rather than some massive conspiracy.
Some of the logic Ive heard boggles my mind. Ive heard the argument Burkas aren't oppressive to woman because woman in those countries want to wear them, they wear them to draw less attention from the oppressive men. It's the womans choice since the men just can't help themselves. An insane line of logic that completely ignores a host of issues feminist/leftist espouse for western society(mainly men should, rightfully, not be sexist oppressive shitheads), just to defend the "persecuted other." On top of that it's defended even though it's just another offshoot of abrahamic religion. They have the same views on abortion as the more hated faiths.
Everything surrounding the European migrant crisis has completely weirded me out. The flagrant denial of the issues that kept cropping up was one thing. When you started hearing feminists talk about how women should cover up to respect other people's cultures after being harassed and assaulted by migrants that just brought in a whole other level of what the fuck. Then, a couple days later they would flip script again and claim the incidents didn't happen and it was all nazi propaganda or whatever crazy shit. Rinse and repeat.
The reason they don’t hate Islam is because Islamic people aren’t trying to codify into law their religion. But lots of white male christians are. If it was brown bearded dudes writing laws about FGM they would have a problem with it.
I mean, frebis very obviously was talking about America, where, once again, there are a lot of people in the majority party trying to pass legislation like this Spoiler where the biggest fan is the Vice President and the President has promised to sign it if it gets to his desk. And that's just one example. The thing is, the idea of what American values are has gotten so tied up with what Christian values are that people don't even see anymore how fucking pervasive it is. There is absolutely no separation of Church and state in this country. An incredible amount of our laws and beliefs are rooted in nothing more than "because the Bible." And, once again, it is truly incredible how so few people here have the mental capacity to be able to grasp the super complex concept of being able to hold the idea of "people who rally for Hamas are bad" in their head at the same time as "not every single one of the billions of Muslims in the world are bad."
Pretty sure that's not what people were criticizing. Not the same thing as what you are talking about. Not even close, actually. Also, I've talked on here before about how I've had plenty of Muslims friends, and worked with a lot of Muslims as well. I'm fairly certain that, if I can be so bold as to make this claim, that I have the mental capacity to understand how someone could think terrorists are bad while not thinking all Muslims are bad. That's not even remotely true. I get your gripes with the religious right. They suck. A lot. If there was no separation of church and state abortion wouldn't be legal, the bible would be taught in all public schools, freedom of speech and religion would be banned... I could go on forever. The church still has way too much of influence, but to say there's no separation is quite a stretch.