Do you know what’s funnier than anything? One day, you guys will have no choice but to erect a library in his honour. A library.
I don’t see them giving him one. If he leaves office in disgrace, you think the State is New York will allow it? Unless there’s some place in the constitution that requires one.
I had to PM Aetius about this because I thought he was quoting a deleted post by a board member. It never occurred to me that was something someone was dumb enough to say or tweet, let alone that tweet being the fucking president! That Tweet sounds like a threat. If the truth about something makes you look bad, then perhaps don't do it?
Nixon would disagree.
I say let him have it. He's just gonna fill it with "Art of the Deal" and coloring books anyway. It can't be that expensive.
None of this leak stuff would be happening if The Mooch was still running shit. He’d have these leakers hanging from meathooks on Wall Street with their balls in their mouths. While wearing sunglasses the whole time. Because that’s how you run a White House, bitches.
Or hey, if WE don't build him a library, I'm sure his other friends will be more than happy to.
Well the quality could be all over the spectrum. It could be on par with the Kennedy Library: Spoiler: spoiler for size Or the James K Polk Ancestral Home:
It appears we have reached phase 2 of North Korea's strategy: They let Trump talk up this big deal-making win before it happened and got him exactly where they want him: in a position where making a deal is more valuable to him than the terms of the deal. Now Kim will ask for a pony.
The wife and I attended a private party at the Ronald Reagan Library a little while back. The Air Force One exhibit really makes you appreciate modern aircraft. The highlight though was the te "library" itself. It contained exactly one book. Perhaps there were a few more in the non-public area. Bur still.
Holy shit, you guys are going to war against South Korea. Putin is laughing while shirtless in his office right now: “This was easier than we planned. The schmuck is falling for it all on his own.”