I fucking love that tweet and sent it to a friend earlier. I don’t think Trump knows the details of the law. But I definitely don’t put it beyond one of his advisors to give him the idea. He used his generic logic behind the decision. “Unfair mistreatment” kind of shit.
As a resident of Texas it is heartening to know that Ted Cruz spent time with trump lobbying for a pardon for this dingleberry desouza instead of ya know any serious issue impacting Texas right now. I hope Beto O’Rourke makes ads out of this shit.
I hope so too. I’d love to see Beto win. He’s got strong support. But he’s still down by double digits in the polls. That’s a lot of ground to make up here.
Sounds dandy. Take some heat off our bills by sticking them up his ass. Is it possible for him to finally get the lowest common denominator to turn on him? They elected him, but if America was a smart country the only person still supporting him at this point would be Bill Mitchell.
Fucking clown shoes. As much as their leader sucks, Germany hasn’t had a habit of “falling in with the wrong crowd” for about seven decades or so.
Oh, Trump’s pathetic stunt will effect beer imports. About a $350 million tax in the tariff. So that’s another 20,000 American jobs flushed down the toilet. Man, did he make it Great Again or what?
Yeah... dude is lashing out at EVERYTHING today. http://www.news1130.com/2018/05/31/trump-escalates-fight-with-abc-after-roseanne-cancellation/ Something big is coming down the pipe.
They were talking about piecing back the shredded documents obtained from the Cohen raid. A. He tried to destroy evidence. B. This indicates there’s probably juicy stuff in there. The special master is already turning over a bunch of shit. There’s zero chance nothing comes of all of this.
Want an update on Cohen? Try this on for size: Yeah, that just came down the pipe. Openly threatening a reporter in Trump’s name. Braaaaaaavo, superguy. Meanwhile, your Retard In Chief just pissed off every ally he had left and his focus is fueding with a fucking television network. So stable, so genius.
Better how? It's hot rolled shit. You really think there's something extra special about Canadian square tube? I'm not adamantly against tariffs, especially with regards to countries like China that cheat their ass off, but like many things there seems to be very little thought or reasoning put into the Trump methods. If he wants to boost manufacturing so badly, why is he hitting necessary raw materials with price spikes that are ultimately going to make American manufacturing less competitive? Especially with a product like steel considering US production already was somewhat competitive. It kind of sucks to see this happen as steel prices had just started to stabilize. They're about to go fucking bonkers again. For the market I work in it hasn't really impacted demand as of yet, which is shocking considering the price of some line items has more than doubled over the last few months. It only makes sense that Canada will put forth some retaliatory gestures, but if you Canadians are being serious and actually think your economy is so badass and robust that you could just eat the losses that would be sure to come with a trade war with the US you're out of your fucking mind. Who the fuck knows anyway? Trump could change his mind again in two days.
I work hand in hand with Japanese, Russian, Canadian and American steel products for a living. American steel is poorly produced. It is poorly alloyed. It rusts. It’s malleability is substandard, causing cracking and shitty coil memory. It’s quality assurance is half-assed. It’s NOT good product compared to others like Japan or even Russia, because it is not produced to the standards your country should have when it comes to production. It’s fucking sloppy, every time we work with it. I work at a company that produces Japanese steel for transformers and motor coils in America, our top seller is for Tesla batteries. Now why would an American car company ship steel across an ocean and through another country when they have it at home? Because it’s made better.
Don’t start a trade war with a country notorious for substandard environmental and working conditions. You’ll lose everytime.
I work with steel from all over as well and I honestly have no idea what to tell you other than that this is in your head. I have not once heard this comment from anyone else, and I work with a dozen+ machine shops on a daily basis, and more construction companies than I can count. I've heard a couple complaints about impurities with regards to stuff made in China, but I seriously doubt that where I work, all the construction companies I work with, and every nearby fab shop is too retarded to know the secret that Canadian steel is magnitudes better.
So does mean I should consider switching careers from machinist to janitor at my local police station? Union job, nice hours, decent bennies. Might be worth jumping ship before my industry sinks, eh?
Is telling a pack of lies to a pack of liars an actual crime? Kind of tenuous ground Big Guv is on.....
You also do recognize that Canada and Mexico are big back doors to America through NAFTA for Asia, right? http://fortune.com/2016/09/09/chine...ied-to-a-2-billion-mystery-mexican-stockpile/