In other news... Spoiler ...the media’s goal is to wring every source, regardless of its factuality, like a washcloth. I basically just try to find out what occurred before some pseudo-reporter and their mouth try to staple an opinion onto it. Listen to the first ten seconds and then *click*
I think at this point he's just gonna run out his term and not try for a second, claiming his first term a success and that with the "witch hunt" he doesn't want to run for another. Trump's biggest worry shouldn't be impeachment, but rather jail. This stuff will follow him for a long time. I'm honestly more worried about a Bernie-type socialist agenda winning in 2020 when the pendulum swings the other way, than I am if trump were to go for round 2. He won't win, and he knows it.
Why not? Do you think the people that voted for him last time won't the next time? Maybe a small number, but if the economy is pumping along, he'll pick up a few to replace them. I don't think his approval numbers support your opinion.
I've said it before, but the most important thing is to run every decision Trump makes through the prism of his Narcissistic Personality Disorder to understand what he will or won't do. I'm not sure his NPD will allow him to step down under any circumstances.
As someone who voted for him last time and almost certainly won't this time, yeah I do think that. I think you're underestimating how much this election was seen as a battle of two shitty candidates. If you can't even make a sweeping tax cut popular with the American people you have serious problems with your image. I do somewhat agree with your other point though. Democrats have been constantly screaming that the sky is falling. It's not... The constant hyperbolic nonsense about how the country is falling apart and everything is getting so much worse is going to be one of the better talking points for the Trump campaign in 2020. That is, unless he takes this trade stuff with our allies far enough that he actually does start destroying the economy. Certainly not impossible. I can see states like Ohio going to him twice, but it's really hard to imagine a Hillary free democrat party losing WI, MI, and PA again.
I think it is a really interesting point about the economy and the power or lack of power the President actually has over it. In reality, unless there is a major event, i.e. 2008 crisis. the President really can't impact the economy. The economy rolls in cycles and has ups and downs. I mean Trump has had numerous boneheaded comments and decisions and yet the economy and the jobs numbers keep looking great. There is nothing he has actually done to make that happen, he just is in the right place at the right time. So, in 2020 if the economy is still rolling then yes I think he will get more of the same votes. However, the blue collar worker in PA, MI and WI, who voted for him because he said he would bring those jobs back might switch their allegiance, cause those jobs are never coming back no matter what the jobs numbers look like.
It may be overstated, but I would really disagree that the president has no impact on the economy. In any case, the voters give the president way too much credit and way too much blame so whether it is blind luck or not, it'll help him. Well, I don't think the question is so much "Can we bring the jobs back?" as much as it is "Is it worth it to bring the jobs back?" I mean, we could embargo all manufacturing done outside the US, and that would "bring the jobs back" but I think we would both agree that such a drastic measure wouldn't be a good thing. In any case, I think there should be some repercussions for the companies that did all their growth in the US, still make all their money in the US, and then just plop down in tax havens and build plants where ever the cheapest labor is. They benefited from the American economy and then jumped ship as soon as they could get away with it. I think it's total bullshit and wish Trump would focus on that instead of "Oh the Canadian dairy farmers!" The part where a company can just decide that it's headquarters are now in Munich instead of Baltimore and skip out on taxes is one that strikes me in particular as just terrible policy.
My guess is the farmers in the rest of the state are tired of the shit coming from the big coastal cities? Hopefully this and the secession issue both come to pass.
Nah, it's just another gerrymandering effort. The goal is to give Republicans more electoral votes and undermine the influence of California nationally.
Looks like the NY AG has sued Donald trump and his kids:
Looking at that map I just assumed that LA had gotten so unbelievably annoying that they wanted to isolate them off into their own section. The same should really be done to NYC.
So the millions of rural voters could cast votes that mattered? Weren’t people out there wanting the states electoral votes go to the winner of the national popular vote? Bad play getting it on this falls ballot with the democrats as fired up to turn out as they are.
If that's the point isn't the whole thing a big nothing anyway? It's not like a conservative measure is going to pass on a California ballot.
Not that I think this idea has a chance at all but Cali did pass prop 8 outlawing gay marriage just 10 years ago.
I dont know about this, but I know the mormon church financed a grass roots campaign to make it happen.