I didn't believe that was real until I looked it up. It looks like it was was photoshopped over a scene from Curb Your Enthusiasm or something. Fucking bizarre.
That is just one millisecond of four plus hours of testimony. I would not put too much into that photo.
You haven’t been paying attention to the media in the last hundred year? I’m sure we’ll get a The View style breakdown of the photo for the next few days until Trump does something.
The View-type crowd already stated that Kavanaugh looked "scary" and hes far too emotional to be a Justice. Can you imagine if someone said that about a female nominee? The Pussy Hat parade would never stop marching.
Now that I’ve seen this guy conduct himself under scrutiny, I wouldn’t hire him to play a bailiff on Divorce Court. Jesus what a whiney, temperamental asshole he is. He realizes that he IS applying for a job right now, correct?
I think the attacks on his inability to contain his emotions and his shrill exclamations of indignation were leveled against him ironically as that is how most of these people criticize female leaders who display emotion in stressful settings.
Where do you get this shit? Who's ever said that? Ever? That's right up there with your "well, her brother or dad didn't beat the shit out of the guy so it never happened" ideas. The dude came unhinged.. proposed unfounded conspiracies, and called Democrats "the enemy" in the most important job interview of his life. Even the American Bar Association has come out and said, "yeah, you guys need to postpone and investigate this shit". Just imagine if he gets confirmed, and the ABA thinks it's a bad idea... what happens then?
The last remark was more tongue in cheek then anything. As far as the other you attribute to me: I was referring to the gang rape accusation that was supposedly common knowledge in the community, not Dr Ford. I still find it puzzling that if a group of boys were known to be running around gang raping a community's young women that no one would do anything. If that's truly the case, that would be a really fucked up place to live.
Probably nothing because dems don’t like to engage in scorched earth campaigns. Regardless of what you think all this was, it still wasn’t a strong enough pushback. Yes, everyone is saying they are pissed and walking out. What they should do is promise that when taking back Congress, conduct hearings on Kavanaugh’s past. Bring in witnesses. And then have impeachment hearings. There’s always more to this stuff. They can subpoena Judge to make him talk. One might call it counterproductive, but the problem the dems have is they never behave like republicans. They think this high road bullshit resonates with people but all it does is not inspire them to become active. It lets their people feel good about themselves for being “better” than the opposition. But self righteousness doesn’t win elections. Republicans are always better at politics and elections. Democrats tend to behave more on feelings and inspiration. None of this would be going on right now if more people voted. The people in charge of everything represent far less of the voting public yet they remain in charge.
Dude, these were kids that have never had to answer for anything. These are the entitled spoiled shitheads who’s mommies and daddies worked hard so they don’t have to. Look at Kavanaugh’s facial expressions and body language yesterday. This was the most he’s ever had to answer for.
The same could be said for the Catholic Church... yet here we are. Billions of dollars spent to hide the behaviour and protect the abusers, and it still goes on. And yet people still go to church.
I grew up in the city of South Bend. Some might know if it because of this school - https://und.com/ Rape accusations came up against football players all of the time...........and then subsequently died off. People in the community (good Christian people, mind you) knew about this and more often than not did nothing. Well, except shit on the accusers. Punish the players?! And ruin our championship prospects? Never! Again, good christian folks doing this. Even when the accuser commits suicide doesn't move the needle much - https://deadspin.com/5897809/this-i...me-football-player-of-sexually-assaulting-you One person going up against a monolith of an institution like that? Good luck.
The ABA also gave him its highest rating which is among the reasons I find the notion that he's a hack kind of stupid, not to mention some of the cringe inducing bullshit I've read in this thread as proof of perjury or that his rulings are just Trump esque level hackery flubbed out on a partisan whim. And toytoy does have a point. At some point, if it was common occurence you're doing that shit to people's sisters, exes, friends etc. It doesn't make me write off the accusations, but that's pretty different than run of mill "so would have kicked his ass if he said that to me" tough guy talk. The explanation that they were rich kids isn't much of an explanation. That said the guy did bomb at the hearing and shady tactics from the dems aren't much of an excuse. I hate the Clintons, but even I found his list of questions for Bill extremely petty. I can understand being emotional and pissed off, but as a judge it was pathetic of him to play the victim card like that.
Duly noted. Obviously I've lived a pretty sheltered existence growing up and living most of my life in small communities. No wonder big cities seem so alien to me.