I don't think any of the major Democratic Party leaders even know where the party should go. They think the Republicans are winning because they play dirty. They do. But the Democrats have a very unclear policy platform for just about everything that arent their cornerstone softball policies (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) that they've more or less already won. The truth is the Democrats, at least currently, have a very difficult time winning on the basis of policy. The Republicans do not, and that simply breaks down to the coalition of groups that make up each party. There are far greater issues between the groups that make up the Democrats that the ones that make up Republicans. Thats why they are desperately searching for the next (Bill) Clinton or Obama. They need someone young and very charismatic to carry the party and that it call rally behind.
I mean the republicans could certainly use a young charismatic leader type. It is crazy how many in the base have so quickly thrown out Reagan style small government ideals for Trumpian “populism.” It’s going to be an odd world for republicans once he’s out of office if they end up shifting towards that or not.
Insular populism will probably be the trend for both parties for the next 50 years, Trump is the first in a line of them. If you look at 2016, John Kasich was really the only candidate for either political party that open advocated for increasing the US presence around the world.
Seriously? By now I’m astonished that things aren’t being settled via arm-wrestling or throwing dice.
Have any of y'all seen this? Richard Linklater has made an anti-Ted Cruz political ad. I think it's pretty hilarious: Anything to get that booger-eating, toad-looking pussy out of office is fine by me.
I don't know if I would go as far as to say they don't have a platform, but it has taken a backseat to fear mongering and paranoia. Take the Kavanaugh situation. It's been pants on head retarded from the beginning, and now they're openly saying that they're going to try to get him impeached because he was appointed "illegitimately". How was it illegitimate? Doesn't matter. Details... The left media/congressman have really cranked up the social justicey talk over the last couple of years, which is off-putting to some of the base, loved by other parts of the base, but I think what's going to determine the course of the party is how far they swing left towards socialism. That's where the youth vote and the energy is at right now. They'll probably do fine in November on the simple basis that a Trump led Republican party is going to struggle until post 2020. A democrat socialist platform is going to fare terribly with the electorate outside of deep blue regions, but it's consistently growing within the base and its proponents don't want to budge an inch.
In what world is the United States even remotely close to adopting socialism? I do not understand this fear, aside from understanding that Republicans need to stoke it to have any chance of winning elections. The Democratic Party is a pro-market, pro-free trade, pro-corporate party that supports a mild social safety net.
Yesterday CNN decided to do some hard hitting journalism. After Kanye's meeting with Trump they decided it was important to ask Ray J about it.
For one, I'm not talking about socialism in the way republican pundits and politicians talk about it. For them socialism = communism. I'm talking about socialism in the way self professed democratic socialists are talking about it. Don't take my word for it, take their's. Did you forget Bernie almost won the primaries while running as a socialist? Ultimately he lost, but it was no accident that of the available candidates the party chose him to give Hillary a run. If you think socialism (again, not talking about communism) hasn't become increasingly popular within the party you really haven't been paying attention.
Relevant - Find out how Donald Trump filled the hole in Kanye's soul. I think at one point he basically called Trump his surrogate father, but he was so all over the place I'm not really sure.
I'm amused by some of the people saying "Oh, Kanye disagrees with you politically so you call him crazy." No, he admits he's been diagnosed with bipolar and is refusing medication and people call him crazy.
The thing is, 99.9999999% of these socialist candidates plans have "tax the rich" as the solution for everything. Not realizing that the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, etc. spend fucktons of money so they don't have to spend even more fucktons of money in taxes. Not very likely that they'll roll over and make it easy on anyone. To the Kanye/Trump meeting........Is this basically the "Elvis visiting the White House" of our generation? Except replace a Mt Everest sized pile of painkillers and cocaine with straight up mental illness?
You should be able to tell that he’s crazy simply by being alive in this world. I’m amazed nobody has caught him torturing animals yet. And yet, let’s let the obnoxious tardbucket run his gums in the Oval fucking Office. Because that’s not nearly as bad as when President Blackenstein took his jacket off in there.
He seems far too emotionally sensitive to torture anything. He strikes me as the type of crazy who regularly breaks down into tears at the breakfast table.
No one comes away from that family of bleating harpies with their sanity intact. Kanye went in with a very fragile grasp on his mental well being, he never stood a chance.