We looking at the same pictures? They look like bad Hollywood props. Might as well as be road flares and a alarm clock. Is he passing along top secret information or doing it outside legal protocols?
Are you asking if the President with impulse control so poor he stared directly at an eclipse because his science experts told him not to is talking about classified information on phone calls his security experts told him not to make? I'm going to go ahead and assume yes, he is.
Based on what experience, exactly? What kind of subject matter expertise do you have to draw this conclusion?
Nothing on the subject matter. I mean, I'd like to think I can tell the difference between a clock and a bomb, but beyond that.... yeah, none.
I'm just saying that calling it "sophisticated" is just adding FAKE NEWS to the equation. I've seen some reports where people have tried to call them sophisticated in the hopes of implicating some sort of foreign nation expertise, but anything like that is pure straight up bullshit generation at this point.
Who do you think is behind it? Like, what kind of person or group? Just your gut reaction at this point. When it was still at like two or three packages I figured it was some left wing idiot trying to pull a "prank" and frame it on the right in order to get more people to vote against them (early voting has just started), but now.... I don't know.
A lone wolf moron, or very small militia type group, who believe he/they are helping the country free itself of his/her sworn enemy, the Democrats. He hears Trump's call for violence, his President asking for his help, and is acting towards it, believing his is a justified cause. He's a brainwashed Nationalist... (aren't we supposed to use that word?) Read this link (with tons of sources) for some examples of how Trump is inciting this kind of behaviour: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9r3vym/cnn_to_trump_you_incited_this/e8e0l9d/
Considering the shoddy looking craftsmanship, misspellings on some of the addresses, and who each of the targets are, I’d say someone with an IQ roughly that of a bag of sand, most likely a Trump supporter.
I worry about the day that competent people decide to lash out. How many attacks by idiots will it take before someone with actual technical skill has had enough and decides to escalate?
This might sound naive, but I don’t see someone truly smart in this country committing an act of domestic terrorism like this. I’m not saying smart people can’t be evil. I just don’t see someone who is well rounded and reasonable doing a thing like this.
I hope you are right. I just think that well rounded and reasonable people can be pushed too far and these attacks while hurting no one, yet, are reminding people that the intent to hurt and kill is out there.
I know it's cliche to say, but we are in uncharted political times. Until trump, we've never had a president even come close to painting the media as an "enemy of the people." I've talked to people who immediately dislike me simply because some of my beliefs align with the "lib-ruhl agenda" or whatever the crap the new buzz word is now. The scary thing about trump is, if you were to actually take what he says on face value, you'd absolutely despise the left and be horrified about what might happen to this country if it falls into the hands of anyone who opposes him. And the scary thing about his supporters is, many of them actually take what he says on face value. I think the intent to hurt and kill has always been out there. But now, we have someone -- a leader, if you'd prefer to call trump that -- telling us that violence against others is an appropriate course of action. It only took gasoline being spilled before a spark turned that violent intent into a fire. Or a bomb. That video is a year and a half old.
The part that worries me is that this amount of anger and violence is coming out of the right wing when they're winning. This isn't the last ditch effort of a desperate minority terrified of being powerless. This is what they want to have power in order to do.
I think they're quite aware that they're going to lose the midterms... so they're not winning for long.
Politics always has an undercurrent of violence just beneath the surface. How long has it been since the civil war ended? 153 years. That’s not a long time. It’s why for the longest time, people never discussed it with others outside of their families. It triggers certain emotions in people and makes discussions turn ugly. With social media, that whole concept has completely vanished and totally reversed. People are way uglier to each other when there is anonymity behind it. 99% of the fucking retards at Trump rallies would never behave that way alone. And his blind supporters would never say to actual people what they say on Twitter. I hope when history books look back on this time and those people see their spittle flecked rage faces wearing MAGA hats in pictures looking back at themselves, they might feel some shame or embarrassment. I doubt it though.
Is that a sure thing? Like, a FOR SURE sure thing? Because many of us were quite aware they were going to lose the last election, and they didn’t. Maybe if this “caravan” manages to score a box lunch or two, along the way of their thousand mile-exposed tropical hike to invade Murica will no doubt arrive just in time to sneak in a patriotic win at midterms.
Nothing's ever a sure thing, but it's looking more and more like the Dems will take the house. 538 (Nate Silver) is one of the best predictors out there... and this is how he thinks it's looking: I think that very real possibility of the GOP losing the House is part of the motivation for Trump to really double down on his attacks and the shit he's saying at his rallies. Hell, it's so bad that even The Mooch is recommending that he tone down the lying.
You could argue the upcoming midterms is tickling a few things (although losing the House but holding the Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court, majority of governorships and majority of state legislatures is hardly a "sky is falling, resort to violence" outcome), but a lot of this type of behavior started right after Trump's win when they were flying high. The guy who said "get out of my country" and then murdered two Indian men in a bar happened Feb 22, 2017. The guy in Portland who killed two with a knife after harassing some Muslim girls was May 26, 2017.
All of it should worry you. Given the political violence and lack of honesty in this climate for more than 2 years, and the rate at which its escalating, the time to start condemning it has long passed, by everyone.