And, to place Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in the same conversation is like placing my Fantasy Football Championship next to all of Tom Brady's Superbowl rings. Thousands of people in and around Chernobyl have died from acute radiation sickness, thyroid cancer and leukemia. Zero deaths (and if I remember, zero health issues of any kind) have been linked to Three Mile Island. It cost a bunch to clean up after the accident, and it just happened to happen 2 weeks after the movie China Syndrome was released, but it was nowhere near the same as Chernobyl. (They shipped 100 tons of waste to Idaho - that's not really a lot.) No new nuke plants were constructed for 30 years after that - it was quite a setback.
Well turnout won’t be an issue. More people have done early voting than all the people who voted in the entire 2014 midterm.
I don’t claim to know for certain, but after the election I read several articles where people indicated that they would have voted if they thought that Trump would win, and the polls played a part in that.
I can see a republican in California or new York not feeling like their vote matters much. But a lot of places have a really good mix of people who, if they all actually voted, would probably make more a difference poltically. Texas believe it or not is a very diverse place. The problem is lazy millennials who don’t vote. I think they voted now.
Anecdotal, true. Interesting you should bring up Brexit. I was in England (London and Suburbs west) during and right after the Brexit vote, and watched the stoic Brits losing their minds first hand. In that case people told me directly that they only voted yes to send a message and they felt confident in doing so because the polls indicated that Brexit would be rejected. Still anecdotal, but that I heard directly.
Well, that's a really stupid reason to vote that way on such an important decision, but the left has a habit of making these lame excuses every time they lose and it's tiresome. England wouldn't have left the EU if people had listened to others' concerns instead of just shouting like retards that they were all racist. Trump wouldn't have won if the democrats didn't insist on shoving a huge blob of shit in front of people's faces and then telling them they were misogynists if they didn't like it. Even if it were true that [insert totally random unfair phenomena] cost them the election they could have easily won if they didn't repeatedly dig their own grave the entire campaign.
Can attest to this. My early voting place was perpetually at an hour to an hour and a half wait since it opened according to one of the people who ran it (I voted late last week and asked her). And according to multiple family members who stood in that line, it was largely full of young people each time.
So, what do you guys think will happen? Personally, I think the Dems take the House pretty convincingly. I think that the huge voter turnout you see are those that want Trump gone.
I think so too. I also think there’s enough moderate conservatives that are pretty disgusted as well. The naked racism and white supremacy of this admin and it’s supporters is enough to turn off a lot of good people. That shit might appeal to some folks in Wyoming or something. But most neighborhoods around here are quite diverse and full of really good people.
I think you’re gonna see a lot of people voting dem not necessarily because they like the candidate, or dislike the gop opponent (unless it’s ted Cruz; can Cruz can choke on a dick). I think you’re gonna see a lot of blue across the board because people are voting against trump. If the Florida bomber and the PA shooter didn’t happen, I’m not sure the pushback would have been this strong. But now we have horrible things that happened recently, as a result of his hateful rhetoric.
Trump has more flaws than I could ever count, but still, the insistence that he's all about white supremacy utterly baffles me. Some of his followers maybe, but Trump himself? If white people love him, he loves them. If black people love him, he loves them. If latinos love him, he loves them. The poor, the rich, the educated, the starving, the religious, the non-religious, it doesn't fucking matter. This is his one and only standard. Yes, you can read into his immigration talk and pick quotes and make it seem like it's all about racism, but it's not. It's because the democrats want them to come in, and if the democrats want them to come in it can't just be a bad idea, or a bad policy. They all have to be fucking evil, and terrorists, and criminals. It has nothing to do with them being brown. He's also harping about it nonstop because democrat immigration policy is even dumber than anything he's suggested. That's a bold statement, but I'll stand behind it. Also, the whole linking him to antisemitism makes no sense at all. His daughter is Jewish, and he's been as pro-Israel as it gets. Honestly, this is just stupid. If people believe they need to get out and vote against Trump because if they don't someone will shoot up another synagogue I don't know if that's a bad thing, but I really don't get it.
I think you're right on this point (to the degree that he is capable of an emotion that approximates love), but the main issue is that he has found that getting love from white supremacists and other vile folk is a lot easier than from anyone else. He doesn't have to deliver meaningful policy victories, or broker complex social compromises, he just has to dogwhistle really racist things and he gets all the narcissistic supply he can huff. Is he a true believer white supremacist in the way that say Hitler was? Highly doubtful. Is he the most effective tool white supremacy has in the country right now by virtue of his reciprocal appreciation of them? Very much yes.
A lot of people still haven’t forgotten about Charlottesville and how he couldn’t even bring himself to denounce the “Jews will not replace us” dudes until the backlash was severe enough. Helsinki was also a turning point for a lot of people. These were easy lay ups and instead he threw the ball into the street and took a shit on the court.
Whatever man, you can't continuously talk about how much you support Israel, and then do 10x Obama ever did to show your support and at the same be the second coming of Hitler. If neo-nazis think Trump is their hero it probably has a lot more to do with the left media constantly telling them he is than anything Trump actually says. Seriously.
Edit: misread I think the GOP gets behind Israel so hard for the wrong reasons. It’s to try to appeal to 2 groups. American Jews and people who like how hard line Israel’s Middle East policy is. They don’t fuck around but they also are in a unique geographical position where everyone who surrounds them would love nothing more than to see them all die. Israel is used as a political tool in this country because being Anti-Israel gets you painted as anti Semitic. Even if your opinion is nuanced.
Not you, Trump. And yes, I know you're not calling him Hitler, but this anti-semetic hero, Hitler or whatever else just doesn't line up with his rhetoric. At least I'm not seeing it. Whenever one of these hate crimes does happen, Trump has quite clearly denounced it. I'm not saying he deserves an applause for it or anything like that, but being a few hours later than some people felt was appropriate is not the same thing as a ringing endorsement. Also, a lot of these people who see such blatant racism in all these iffy and ambiguous statements, or time frames, are the same people who have just spent the last hour on air talking about uneducated white males(again not referring to you), and theory crafting about the inner psyche of whitey and how whitey thinks. Yes, it's still less bad than even subtle racism towards minorities, but it's kind of hard not to think "Are you fucking for real?"
These midterms are as much of a referendum on Democrats as Trump. Presidents expect to lose these elections, but if the Democrats lose this one, the party needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. I still can’t believe they’re going to give Nancy Pelosi the gavel again.
I was having this conversation last night. I think if the dems try to impeach before the completion of the Mueller report, it would be a mistake. I mean, there’s plenty of shit he’s done that would warrant one, and if the shoe were on the other foot, the GOP would have begun impeaching Hillary for god knows what 3 months into her presidency. The only other thing besides the Mueller report would be something the House or senate intel committees come up with after further investigation. But Trump being Trump isn’t really a good enough cause.
Not only was not quick to denounce Charlottesville, he didn’t actually denounce it at all (some White House aid/lackey/bootlicker did) and he basically took sides with the fucking idiots who caused the real problems there in the first place. If he cheered when that girl got run over by the car, I would not be surprised in the least.