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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Of all of his election promises that he made that I think are most likely to happen? He will build the wall. That is a fact. You know how I know it's a fact? I have a friend leaving my company to go manage the project for one section of the wall that has already been solicited by the Government. In other words, it wasn't Trump's idea, it was already (quietly) in the works.
  2. bebop007

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 12, 2010
    Given his past business dealings (Trump Tower Tampa, for example) the likelier outcome is that a portion of the wall will get (shittily) built and he'll leave someone else to foot the bill.
  3. ODEN

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    Oct 23, 2009
    What exactly do people think is going to happen? Trump is nowhere near as conservative as some of you are giving him credit for. You already know he is full of shit and full of bluster.

    • You think a guy who has a long track record of not being pro life suddenly will follow through on campaign promises to overturn roe v. wade?
    • What do you think he will do to disenfranchise the poor and minorities?
    • Again, he is not an evangelical, do you really believe he is going to go after gay people?
    • You think HE is the one that is going to suppress the media? LOLZ you realize that the media is pretty much all owned by 6 corporations now, right? They are doing that to themselves, they don't need his help. Their lobbyist will push their agenda with the FCC the same way they always have.
    • Inaction on the climate? What action will fix it? Cap and Trade? Renewables? Was that really going to be the answer?
    I think a lot of you are overreacting. On the bright side at least it seems that some of you are starting to transition out of the anger phase and into the bargaining phase. Just like the Tea Billies when Obama got elected; the sun will still rise, there will still be food on the shelves in the stores and when you go to the ATM it will still dispense cash. Life goes on.
  4. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    No, the feeling people on the right had in 2008 was the feeling people on the left had in 2004. This is an unprecedented level of what-the-fuck.
  5. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes. I think the only Supreme Court nominee he'll get through a republican senate is one that will overturn roe v wade. I think you're hilariously misinformed on what he can and can't do.
    See my post above. Expanded photo ID laws coupled with closing of DMV locations in poor areas, along with expanded background checks and necessary forms to make getting a photo ID more difficult, all of which works to suppress voters who are poor and/or black. Only now with full congressional and Supreme Court approval.

    His party will, led by his veep who thinks you can pray the gay away and advocates sending gay kids to camps to learn to be straight. You think he won't sign a national RFRA to allow anyone to refuse service to the LGBT community? Again, congress will do it, he'll just sign it.

    I think for the first time in history a sitting president will sue a media corporation and/or pundits for negatively portraying him, setting a bad and dangerous precedence. And I think his supporters (the ones with t-shirts advocating lynching media members) will eat it up.

    How about acknowledging it is a fucking thing for a start, and work from there? We can't even get to that point for fuck sake.

    And I think people who voted for him are either racists who will love what comes next (the alt-right, klansmen, etc), or woefully, hilariously going to be wrong about his ability to follow through with his bullshit anti-corruption promises they elected him based on, including those on this very board.
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Everyone has stupid beliefs. There is no brilliant person who gets everything right. From my perspective a lot of the research has shown how insanely idiotic the left wing ideology has become. It shocks me that people think inviting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees is a good idea, that they can't see what's happened in places like Detroit and Gary, Indiana. Some people on the left think what happened to these cities is because of racism and it is a borderline mentally ill belief. The ACA has failed and people need to admit it. It needs to be repealed and replaced. We need a system that helps with the healthcare problems in this country and stops allowing insurance companies to line their pockets. At one point the ACA was a tool to help the American people, but these assholes in Washington have warped it beyond all measures because all they do is play the game instead of listening to everyday Americans.

    A lot of the stupid things Trump said was just flip flopping bullshit to pander to the idiots in the right wing base.

    Our politicians are in awe at what happened over the last two years. Do you think they wanted such incitement as a campaign strategy? People are quick to forget that the GOP took every measure, and even discussed new laws and rules whose sole purpose was to stop Donald Trump.

    Our government is fucking us, hard. It's starting to become rape and I had hit my breaking point. If Trump is another bullshit artist and nothing else (and I really doubt it) then this country is ready to implode. They can't tide people over forever, and now they get 4 years to think real hard about who they represent. Hillary's fatal flaw was overestimating what she can get away with. If they can't scale back the corruption, ideological lunacy, start taking their hands out of the media, and fucking with our civil rights, then the next weapon the American people send our government won't be Donald Trump.

    People are that fucking pissed off, and they realize it.
  7. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
  8. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    OK enough with the poo flinging back and forth. It accomplishes nothing.

    I am so over all of this shit. If I had my way this thread would be locked too.
  9. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Like I've said, I think he's kind of crazy as well. I wasn't going to pick up a gun if Hillary won the election, but there's been several points during the election I felt close. The anger has been brewing long before Donald Trump happened. People are patient, but only to a point. The American people can make concessions, but only to a point.

    There's a cultural belief in this country that we should let the people in power go too far, and it's hitting the boiling point. There's enough Americans that take the constitution above all else (abortion or any other divisive issue) and if the government can't accept real change it's going to get ugly other there. That's a fact. Remember this is the same country that was able to fight two wars at the same time without implementing a draft.

    Call me nuts, but it has to stop somewhere.

    Edit: Also, I respect other people's intelligence but after awhile I stop caring. That's how a lot of republicans and independents feel. The left is still in denial mode and is trying to convince themselves they're smarter than everyone else. It's just annoying. I'm so glad Trump won because I don't know what would have happened next election. People try to cram republicans who represent half the country into a bubble that doesn't exist and it's silly.

    Think about how the left has a better platform in most races, but is starting to lose all their power. Is it really that everyone else is stupid or is it because they've placed their ideology over the most basic values that holds this country together?
    #869 Kampf Trinker, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  10. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Consider an election 4 years from now with Hillary winning but pulling the same tricks. But you have to let it go because the republicans are 'so stupid'. Maybe then you'll see why I'm genuinely nervous about the state of this country and it's not just tough guy talk. As for the idiots on the right, remember they really love their guns.

    I look at all the campus college protests, all the denial posts/articles about Hillary over the last 6 months, BLM, and so many other events and I'm starting to worry that the left's ideology has a pathological insanity built into it, and they won't be able to kick it out.
    #870 Kampf Trinker, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  11. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    I didn't want Trump to win, and I'm concerned we might lose some of the progress we've gained as a country over the last decade.

    That being said, he's going to be our president whether we like it or not. And, like Obama said, after the election we're all on the same team here. I truly hope he can accomplish some good things over the next four years.
    Those of you who are hoping he has a shitty presidency "so these stupid Republicans will learn a lesson" can go fuck yourselves. Yeah, let's hope our country suffers through four shitty years so your side can prove a point. That mentality is precisely the reason our country is so divided. The melodramatic doom and gloom and butthurt I've seen today is nothing short of fucking comical.
  12. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Ok. You are clearly still in the anger phase and not ready to start having a reasoned discussion again yet. I will wait to respond to this stuff until everyone is ready to start adulting again. Trump is already reaching across the aisle asking for a 'to do' list and everyone else is busy having a temper tantrum.
  13. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Are you people honestly fucking kidding me?

    8 god damned years of Republican butt-hurt obstruction grinding the fucking government to a halt, and now dems calling for them to do the same to republicans are whiners. Seriously? I posit what I think are real possibilities of what will happen over the next four years and the best response is "nuh-uh! You're angry!" My entire response to oden, while annoyed, was a reasonable response of what I believe will happen based on what I have seen happen in Republican controlled states (I.e. Mine) and instead of actually responding I get "you're angry and unreasonable." What the fuck is unreasonable about anything I said?

    As for angry? No fucking shit I'm angry. 8 years of government obstructionism gets rewarded by handing them the keys to the castle, and you people now think THEY are the ones that will end corruption. The party that literally said after Obama was elected they won't let him get anything any they hope the government tanks under him is now upset when I say the same? The party that said If Hillary was elected they wouldn't even hear her Supreme Court nomine, is now saying "we need to unite?" Go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw. What the ever serious fuck?

    I swear reading some of this mind blowingly amazing cognitive dissonance makes me think I'm in some kind of fucking twilight zone.
  14. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Maybe I'm paranoid with my fears, but I don't think it can be overstated how divided this country has become. I heard people say they were going to pick up guns if Trump lost because there was no way Hillary wouldn't rig the general election. It sounded like they meant it, not your usual right wing anger. It wasn't even possible for her to do it, but they've lost their minds. That's why I was kind of freaking out about the low percentage chance Trump might not give his concession speech. Both sides are going crazy and not in an ok kind of way.

    The toxic swamp in Washington isn't an antidote and that's for damn sure.
    #874 Kampf Trinker, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  15. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Here's a to-do: Take climate change and environmental protections seriously. Do that and I will let him fuck up literally everything else for the next four years before we get a cleanup crew in there, but for the love of God just don't fuck up the one thing that is literally beyond repair.
  16. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    He gave reasoned answers to every one of your points. Just because you may not agree with them doesn't mean he's 'not ready to have a reasoned discussion'. So don't start equivocating the fact that he's passionate about his views with throwing a tantrum.
  17. Misanthropic

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    Oct 19, 2009
    This is complete bullshit. Trump hasn't taken office yet, so the FAR regulations are still in effect. Your friend is lying to you, or you are lying to us. No such solicitation has come out - feel free to send it to me. My company works for every branch of the military, and most other non military departments. If such a solicitation came out we would know it.

    We've disposed of bombs in Iraq, built police stations in Afghanistan, installed radiation detectors in Kazakstan, and participated in nation building in Africa. If this was happening we would know it. And probably be doing it.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    If there is one thing I want from him, it is that exact thing.

    Climate change is the most important thing there is, because nothing stands a better chance of ending us all. People fear Nukes, earthquakes and asteroids when it comes to the End Of Days. Most of them do not consider what a "cataclysmic environmental disaster" is. Maybe they're cool with us living in a real-life version of "The Road".

    When it comes to our environment, it can't hurt NOT to take precautions. If we were wrong, then we apologize for cleaning up the place.
  19. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Fuck the media right in the ass if they constantly cover anti-Trump protests for the next 4 years. It's all just feeding and outrage, and I refuse to believe our government doesn't have a hand in it. The democratic politicians are in bed with the NYT, Huffington Post, and CNN. Probably more networks than that. I'm sure the republican politicians have more control over fox news than some realize, but nothing was leaked. People need to calm down and absorb and the problems in this country or we'll never get anywhere. Just more senseless fuck ups like the ACA, or constant meddling with abortion laws because people refuse to not get their way.

    I'm blaming the politicians for a lot of this shit, but we really are just getting what we deserve.
  20. D26

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah! Fuck them for covering the news!

    This mentality also pisses me off.

    Media reports on Trump's accusations. They're biased! Media reports on Hillary's emails. They're biased but they were forced!

    No, you cumstain on the towel of life, they're covering the fucking news! You know, the shit that happens? They talk about it. Now there is this tremendously stupid "shoot the messenger" deal towards the media for covering what is fucking happening, because it doesn't jive with your own personal philosophy. Fuck right off a cliff with that stupid shit. It is literally fucking stupid, there is no other way around it, you're mad at the media for covering what is happening. It's happening. The media reports it. BIAS!
    #880 D26, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016