*Also raises hand.* There was an article in the news up here recently about how big the local chapter of the Pink Pistols (LGBT gun rights group) is getting. The organization is also currently run by a transwoman. And more power to them 100%.
While we are at it, the dems should leave out issues like kneeling during the anthem and other shit out of it. It’s too easy for the GOP to them paint them as anti troop/anti American. It might be wrong and disingenuous, but the gop wins that fight every time because it’s easier to paint a big picture than to introduce nuance in a short television spot.
The GOP will do that no matter what. If they can't find an issue, they'll invent one. It's their core political strategy. The Democrats need to stop giving a single shit what the GOP thinks or will do, and just push forward as aggressively as they can on what's best for the country.
I mean the worst thing the NRA does is raise money with eye rollingly bad scare tactics. For the most part they are all or nothing when it comes to combating gun control. Honestly a strategy that has kept gun right from going out the window decades ago. They also aren’t that myopic either after Sandy Hook they came out in support of Red Flag laws. I personally think on a problem solving level these laws have the best chance to help stem mass shootings and lower suicide rates. They saw the writing on the wall if severely mentally ill people kept blowing away toddlers the ambivalent public would eventually turn against all gun ownership. I’m fairly steadfast against new gun laws unless there was some actual trade offs. Universal background checks for national reciprocity and taking Silencers off the NFA. Raise the tax stamp for NFAs for inflation? Delete the Hughes Amendment and allow manufacturers to make machine guns to the public again. Actual substantive trade offs? Never happen in this life.
I’m steadfast against new gun laws because the people that come up with them are morons like Diane Feinstein. Then the hardcore 2A have a legitimate reason believe that gun control advocates just want them taken away. Period. There is no reason to believe them when they want to pass laws based on how something looks rather than how it functions. So why bother coming to the table?
It doesn’t hurt her in California because they already have ridiculous regulations on shit over there. But when she runs her mouth on guns, it hurts everyone else trying to steer clear of it.
I'm pretty sure the worst thing they do is launder Russian money in order to undermine the United States, but that might just be me.
That’s my favorite left wing conspiracy theory the NRA was the money laundering front for Donald’s collusion scheme. The Russian 2 that got herself photographed with the big wigs at press junkets and political events is the definitive proof!
Dude, have you read a Russian conspiracy theory that people haven't believed? The latest is that Trump didn't share his meeting info from when he met with Putin with his senior staff while the exact same articles reporting it noted Tillerson was there for the entirety of those meeting when he was secretary of state. Of course, remember when Tillerson and Sessions were in on it? I'm sure the morons leaking this 'proof' has nothing to do with why he's not throwing it all out there. Like I've said a thousand times, there's things that make me suspicious as well, but that video Oden posted really shows how fucking nutty this has gotten. And yes, that video is what you guys really do sound like.
It's not like they suddenly started donating way more than they ever had before and are currently under investigation for it or anything.
Ok, except pretty much all my friends from Mlps/St. Paul don't own guns out of lack of interest, and an assault-weapons ban is like #145 on the list of issues they want addressed. When I do occasional work for the DFL, it's the same thing; Anti-gun issues take a back seat to things like healthcare, climate change, and college costs. Maybe I'm living in a bubble, but that super-loud, super anti-gun contingent just doesn't exist in Minnesota. So I understand why Feinstein and some of the other coastals are pandering to that demographic, but that doesn't jive for Klobuchar or Smith.
If I had to guess, I'd say that you have businesses near you that shut down for a bit at the start of deer season... that's a bit different than other States when it comes to comfort levels around guns. It'd be interesting to see the correlation between gun rights and hunting "enthusiasm" by location.
The interesting thing is the guns that people are looking to regulate aren’t the ones people typically use for hunting. Except when AR15’s are used to hunt pigs. Mostly bolt action rifles and lever guns are in no danger at all.
Yeah, but that's where it gets interesting... "assault rifle" legislation (when you get away from the minigun extremes) is very much aimed at guns that look scary, but are exactly the same mechanicals as legit hunting rifles, for the most part.
Trust me. I know the fight is stupid and emotion based and contains nothing that resembles logic or facts. I think that there are laws though regulating the types of guns or at least their configuration for hunting purposes. I could be wrong though and please someone correct me if I am. I know around here, you have to put a plug in the mag of your shotgun to keep it to a max of 3 rounds.
Absolutely correct. Like any argument, though, it's impossible to have a discussion when people are talking bullshit generalities rather than specifics.
Trump canceled Nancy Pelosi's military flight while she was on the bus to the airport, saying she should fly commercial. Her trying to postpone the State of the Union was petty, but she will never out-petty Trump. Its pretty freaking funny though.
Why do you think all the media outlets are doing so well? You voted for a "reality TV star" for President... people are checking in not because they give a shit, but because it's just so fucking out there... it's surreal... it's like watching a train wreck... you can't help but watch.