Whoa now. I did not want this train wreck. Especially not as a veteran, or as a spouse of an active duty service member, or as sibling to servicemembers. I’m just stuck along for the ride because of the minority of this nation. My fervent hope is he dies in prison.
The three round limit is federal law based on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It only applies if you are hunting birds listed under this act.
She could fly Trump Shuttle, then it can be sold pre-flight and she’ll have used twice as much mom & pop businesses. Win-win. They’re both acting like a couple of retarded, crybaby baboons. Gag and bag the fuckers because they keep hurting their cause.
I'm not sure if it was Trump or Scalise that let the cat out of the bag, but the Speaker visiting Afghanistan is not supposed to be public knowledge until after it occurs, for obvious security reasons, so that's another level of fuck you from whichever of them made that information public.
So, apparently Trump directed Cohen to lie before Congress about his Russian business dealings. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtm...ssia-cohen-moscow-tower-mueller-investigation
If it’s true, then hang ‘em. The testimony on Feb 7 should tell the tale. Otherwise this is the Steele Dossier all over again.
“Yea? Well Cohen was a lying piece of shit before? And now you believe him? Bill Clinton lied too and got away with it.” - a republican today probably There is literally nothing he can do wrong at this point.
I just bought a AR chambered in .450 Bushmaster. More like "Buzzfeed? Fake News." Based on Jaoaquin Castro's remarks theyre afraid he won't be impeached before he can appoint RBG replacement. Instructing people to lie to congress is fucking serious. Guess we'll see how it plays out.
Yeah, the cannons are going to completely emptied in the coming weeks, even if they’re legitimate. There is no such thing as an 85 year old making a miraculous and swift recovery from metastatic cancer and a broken hip.
BuzzfeedNews is not Buzzfeed. They have some serious Pullitzer prize winning journalists that do solid investigative reporting. They were just stupid with their branding.
I dont know how "solid" it is, but that doesnt mean it isnt. One of the co-authors was on CNN this morning and said that they hadn't actually seen any of the documents they are reporting on. CNN also questioned their credibility since one of the co-authors had falsified two huge stories in the past, using the same tactic of verification. Both were completely retracted. So depending on whether this is actually true, it will completely make or break BuzzFeed News as a legitimate source of reporting.
If this whole thing ends up being bullshit, buzzfeed news will cease to exist. And they should also burn their sources who reported falsely to them.
Yeah, agreed. Let me rephrase that to say that ever since BFN spun up they've done a fair bit of solid investigative journalism with some very highly regarded journalists on team. If, as you point out, this turns out to be shitty reporting, I agree, it will probably kill any chance of a good reputation they had pretty fast.
It will have to come down to if there are actual emails or text. Tangible proof. Mock the seemingly head in the sand supporters but even with the lower bar for impeachment proceedings you will have to get over the fact Cohen is a known convicted liar. His testimony alone isn’t worth Butkus without backing hard evidence. So we shall see.
If it turns out to be true it will be by sheer dumb luck, considering Trump Jr. already successfully testified that Cohen lied about the timing of the Moscow Trump Tower meetings by 3 months. So the situation would be that Trump told Cohen to lie about the timing that Trump Jr. proved to be a lie. That would be the funniest, most retarded obstruction of justice indictment of all time. But crazier shit has already happened, and thats almost what happened with Watergate. Im inclined to believe the Buzzfeed story is true, but just with an enormous dose of cautious skepticism. Every single person on both sides of the aisle should want iron-clad proof with this.
Well shit, that didn't take long. Mueller team disputes Buzzfeed report. Buzzfeed is standing by the reporting. They're really great.