The chance of a teenager who willingly wears a MAGA hat not having used the n-word over Call of Duty voice chat is approximately 0%.
I thought that was every teenager ever. I always went by the rule that its okay to say it as long as you’re singing along with hip-hop or acting in a Tarantino movie.
I watched some of the longer video. A lot of people are making idiotic assumptions to justify being in the lynch mob they’re apart of by saying, “Well I’m sure it wasn’t just this or they probably did that.” What did they actually do that everyone is finding so abhorrent that warrants this kid having his life ruined? Best I can tell he wore a red hat and smiled while the black guys were yelling actual racial slurs.
Apparently the actual consensus Ive seen on my Facebook feed is that wearing a MAGA hat is the exact same thing as a clan hood. So coupled with the FUCKING WHITE MALEness of the kid and you get literal Hitler Youth regardless of the actual actions. Ive actually seen some decent articles reflecting that the whole incident has really shown how perverse our outrage addicted society has become.
I like how she ends with wanting to get her news from a legitimate journalist in the future. Same here, I hope she lets us know when someone finds one. Things like this are why leftists deserve every greasy, orange ounce of Donald Trump. I really hope we figure this shit out as a society or the real clan hoods are going to make a comeback.
Am I the only one that watched the longer video and really didn't have my mind changed all that much by it? Before watching it: "Wow, those are a bunch of disrespectful little shits." After watching it: "Wow, those are a bunch of disrespectful little shits and also the Black Israelites are huge assholes."
When first watching the original Indian video I really wasn’t seeing some huge disrespect the kids were supposedly doing. I just didn’t see what was patently offensive of the kid standing there basically doing nothing. After seeing the longer video it became “ow these kids are getting a raw deal of a social media shit storm.” Even if their silver spoon private schoolers do they really deserve the amount of shit they’ve received? Really? I would take that SNL writer up for the blowjob for punching the kid in the face. She is fucking banging and looks crazy enough to suck your breakfast out of your lower intestine.
No one ever deserves the amount of shit the internet gives them because the internet only has two speeds: complete stop and damn the torpedos and send the death threats. That said, I can't be arsed to actually put any effort into sympathizing. Yeah, I had stumbled across her twitter before and she's the kind of pure millennial bitter smokeshow I always wanted to bring home to mom.
That hat represents the views and beliefs of someone that has shown again and again how little he gives a shit about people that aren't white, rich and straight. He wore a hat that represents xenophobia, racism, and sexism and smirked while his stupid little friends with no capacity for irony chanted "build that wall" at an INDIGENOUS PERSON. Folks are acting as if all this entitled asshole did was stand there and wear a hat. That's like saying someone wearing Eddie Murphy's outfit from Raw was just standing around minding their own business in Crip territory moments before getting shot in a drive by. If you want people to stop being outraged all the time, ask yourself this question. Why should anybody meet a racist, sexist, xenophobic, or homophobic person in the middle on anything? Why do decent people have to compromise so that shitty people can still hold onto their shitty values? Being a Trump supporter means that they tacitly support those views, if not proudly yell it on social media.
Painting with such a broad brush and watering down the language so that everyone who doesn’t devote half their lives to become an ally is an IST sure seems like a smashing strategy to win elections.
I don't know anything about her, but on her Instagram, she likes to show off parts of those tits: Spoiler
So where's the clock at on this before the fucktard mob can direct their misguided outrage at the next stupid thing? Because I got to be honest, I really don't give a shit about this. Seriously, a teenager wearing a hat? Get your fucking priorities straight America. Yeah, the one with da bewbs. I'm surprised the poor bastard has a head left. She sure does seem crazy though.
Is it? Well, if it is I can't tell them apart. These are off her instagram. Spoiler