He thinks he will somehow be revered for all of this. His little cone head doesn’t quite appreciate the trouble he’s in.
Ain't no way in hell that's his natural hair line. Is it confirmed that he really has a tattoo of Nixon on his back? I've seen one pic but not sure if it's photoshopped
I'm confused by this whole comment. You say you wanted to like her; what were you expecting out of her? She's a 29 year old who ran on youth and a socialist-progressive platform. Of course she's going to say stuff like there should be a 70% tax on the wealthy. Of course she's going to clap back at people who lob pettiness her way. As far as I can tell her behavior has been in exact accordance with how she's presented herself from the start.
That’s a lot of crazy conspiracy theories that the left leaning members of the board just speculate about.
The running joke is if Trump REALLY wanted Hillary in jail, he should have hired her onto his team of advisors.
The crazy part for the people who disagree with you is that each one of these cases was for the President: 1. The beginning of the end 2. The tipping point 3. Causing the walls to close in 4. Cause to impeach 5. All of the above
I don't understand how pointing all of the news stories out also means we also felt the way you just listed above. Any other president would have been finished by now. And if the president was a dem doing all of this shit, the gop would have initiated impeachment hearings 6 months into the presidency.
Whataboutism is where you make a defense of one person’s shittiness by pointing out a different person’s shittiness and appealing to that arguer’s sense of hypocrisy for not holding the other person to equal standard. Who else is behaving like Trump that I have turned a blind eye to?
Is it what he has done? What he has said? Or how he said it? If it is what he did, I will be interested in hearing it.
Well that’s because everyone was convinced collusion was a crime. But the DNC did the same thing only they weren’t investigated. I get it. It’s politics. Leverage your position and be ready to pivot at any moment on any issue.
Can anyone explain to me what Donald Trump has done, ever in his life, to justify the insane benefit of the doubt people are giving him? Every person I know who lived in New York in the 80's described him as a two bit conman well before the 2016 election began. Since seriously entering politics he has lied on a scale we've never seen from a politician, had a Republican Special Counsel run through his campaign like a hot indictment-knife through butter, had his own handpicked Secretary of Defense resign and call him a threat to national security, had multiple appointments resign because of corruption issues, appointed his own family to important positions, obstructed justice and tampered with witnesses in public, revealed state secrets to adversaries through sheer incompetence, committed felony campaign finance violations, taken the word of a foreign dictator over his own intelligence services, given security clearances to at least 30 people that the FBI refused to clear due to the risk they posed, shut down the federal government because Ann Coulter called him a little bitch on Twitter, deployed American servicemen during the holidays as an election stunt, violated the spirit of his oath of office so frequently that such violations are less discrete acts and more just a continuum of constant violation, and through it all managed exactly zero legislative accomplishments. His incompetence is so thorough it's almost wrapping back around to competence because his bad ideas are being stymied by his own inability to execute them; he is losing court battles at a 90% clip. We're literally debating the last question left, which is whether he conspired against the United States, or was just so unimaginably stupid that everyone in his campaign did and he didn't notice. If it turns out to be the latter, that is not any kind of vindication of him or his supporters.
I don’t think it’s about him. I think that...it’s more that admitting that holyyyy fuck is he a horrible person, has always been a horrible person, and he’s a terrible head of government/CoC/world leader is admitting how grossly misplaced a vote for him was. And, if a vote for him was misplaced, then Hillary. Because *so* many people didn’t vote FOR him. They voted AGAINST her.
He is the top ranking republican. They are Republicans. He can do whatever he wants as long as they get guns, less welfare and stricter abortion regulation. The same thing happens when we have a Democrat in the office.
I think trump is human garbage. But I disagree. People stand behind the leader when the leader does shitty things because it’s better than the other party being in power.