That’s a good point. I wish it wasn’t a culture of where when you lose an election, the idea is to punish the other side to feel the consequence of losing the election. Maybe it’s just my personal political bias but I don’t feel like the dems are out to punish in quite the same way McConnel enjoys it.
Given all the shitty people past and present that have been part of the Democratic Party, that seems highly unlikely.
Do you think if Trump was a Democrat but did all the same shit with a scandal-filled presidency, the gop would have already started impeachment?
I think that’s one of the things I liked about Beto - that he seemed to present the message that we ALL live here together so government and legislative action will require us to move forward building a place for all. The whole NO CONCESSIONS EVER mindset is just keeping the nation and citizens at a standstill, and we can’t keep going that way.
So is there something really great about Kamala Harris that I'm missing? She was AG of California where it seems like every left leaning group thinks she sucked. She has been in congress for only two years where her most noteworthy thing so far was making up a couple conspiracy theories about Kavanaugh. She has polled at less than 10% in every poll thus far, and the best she has done is 3rd, she's usually been 4th and 6th. She doesn't have any campaign platform yet (if you go to her website there is just links to buy hats and whatnot). Her launch video was awful. It's really early, and I'm not writing this to say she has no chance, but I find it odd the media seems to have decided to try to make her THE candidate already. It just seems so random. Moreover, they keep writing about her, but only to ramble about how diverse she is. I know it's the democrats, but I hope most are looking for a better reason to vote for someone.
Plus the old mayor of San Fransisco admitted they banged and he got her her first public service job(s) because of it. Not a good look. My guess is she might burn too bright too early and fall off for someone with less baggage. I think much of the excitement is just for anything that isn't Trump and someone who isn't a old Hilary Clinton esque codger in the party. I still maintain Clinton could have crushed Trump electorally if she'd had picked a more exciting fresh face POC as her running mate. Obama set the template and there is obvious hunger for it, see Cortez, Kamala Harris at this point, etc
Considering she apparently climbed the career ladder with her ankles behind her ears, I don’t think that horse is going to make it very far out of the barn after all. Bernie Sanders is apparently declaring his candidacy soon. He got fucked during his career also, just in a very different way.
I think you guys are underestimating how stupid the identity politics wing of the party is. Hillary Clinton was promoted as a great feminist. Hilarious on so many levels. Really though I don't think Harris is as worthless as candidates like Booker and Gillibrand, but she's as dull as it gets. You can get away with that to some extent if you have huge name recognition, but she doesn't. The way the media is so against Gabbard is really annoying as well. Who in their right mind gives a fuck that she was antigay when she was 22? That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard of to dismiss a candidate. It would be one thing if she was throughout most of her political career, but that isn't case. Anyway, I just really hope the nominee isn't some jackass who makes that victim card shit the focus of their campaign. That's how you lose to Trump. You have that hardcore group of leftists who eat it up, but literally everyone else across every demographic is sick to death of it. I don't understand the way so many democrats want to pretend this shit never happened. The vice chair stepped down in protest. The head chair was forced to step down because of it. The next head chair wrote a fucking book about it. Warren said it was rigged during an interview. Those are some thick fucking blinders you have to wear.
Probably because theyd rather focus their energy on the big bad orange man instead of being introspective about how corrupt and rotten their own party is. The fact that Hillary Clinton is flirting with the idea of running for a third time is hysterical. Id say she has no chance at securing the Democratic nomination again, but you know.
Please tell me she isn’t, that would be a disaster, someone should tell her take up literally anything else than politics.
I hope she does because it would be the funniest thing ever. She won't get nominated and is only going to take votes away from other shitty candidates like Gillibrand and Booker. She has flirted it with it, but I would be really, really surprised if she actually went forward with it. The amazing thing is when she is added to the polls she's only behind Bernie and Biden. I think some people like her just because. I really can't think of any actual reason. Her last remaining followers would be the best thing about her running again. I really can't think of another time when you had leaks of someone blatantly admitting stuff, then people would read it and come away more certain they were innocent.
Hillary is one of the most inept politicians of our time. But I feel that even she knows better than to throw her hat in the ring again. It’s not worth it.
She was good at selling her soul for a little bit more money and a little bit more political power, but beyond that she was a moron. Her campaign was as bad as it gets. She barely made a pitch at all to the swing states. She barely talked about her platform. It was pure identity politics all the way. She fucking sucked. And lets be real, she got as far as she did up the political ladder because of her husband. Without Bill making the Clinton name famous no one would have ever heard of her. She has the charisma of rancid dog shit, and has a public speaking ability below most high schoolers. She was going to be a milestone candidate and couldn't fill a parking garage for her rallies. It's not for nothing she lost to an opponent that had the highest unfavorable rating in American electoral history.
I think she may have been a good president in that she’d make decent policy decisions and is a generally reasonable person. But her instincts on the public face part of the job, trying to convince people she’s relatable and likable and all that were garbage. Charisma is important to get people to like and vote for you. That side of her was trash. Behind closed doors making tough choices or calling the shots on a military situation, I had confidence.
I didn’t like her lizard person speech patterns. It is really sad that charisma plays such a big role in who we elect to office. An introverted policy wonk would really be nice to break us of the need to put the position of president as the center of focus on fucking everything. Kind of a small government thing. We don’t need the government taking up this much energy in our personal lives.
I really hope this is true because holy shit am I sick of hearing about it. I wonder what the media will do in a post Mueller probe world. I'm not sure they remember how to fill all those time slots without this story.
His statement wasn’t specific and he was sweating like he had a gun to his head. I don’t know what to make of any of it.