When he talks it usually just annoys me, he's so overly dramatic and ridiculous, but regardless of how articulate he is or isn't, doesn't it matter more what people do? It's partially thanks to him we can't import prescription drugs from you guys... or anyone else. Even Ted Cruz was for that bill. His best friend in the senate is Menendez, who he defended endlessly (and still does) during his ongoing scandal of defrauding medicare. Booker even stood character witness at his trial. He has a pretty well established history of being a worthless cunt, his problems go back to when he was mayor of Newark. I know some people love it, but I hate his public stunts. They're just so gimmicky, like when he briefly lived on food stamps. In any case the dude is cancer. I hope the party learned their lesson from nominating Hillary, and stay the hell away from him. Regarding Klobuchar, I'm looking forward to seeing how she does, and how she presents herself. She gets a lot done, she's passed more legislation than anyone else in the senate. She's a little too pro government surveillance for my liking and she's on that 'stop cyber bullying' train, which is such a waste of a time, but whatever. Nobody is going to be perfect. To be honest though, I don't think she's "well liked" in the rust belt because I don't think very many people outside of Minnesota know much about her. It might be hard for her to make enough noise to drum up support. It doesn't hurt though that Harris, Gillibrand, and Warren all come with baggage, so she does have an opening with the voters that want a female president.
Still waiting to see if that Beto fella throws his name in there as well. He became widely popular even outside of Texas. He's less experienced but more genuine-seeming than Booker or Harris. I think if he does it, he's probably going to wait a little longer to see how things go with other candidates first. He'd be a good VP candidate as well.
I think this is Beto's best bet (get it?!). I don't think he's president material YET, but I think being VP would get his foot in the door to be president down the line. I think he could do some good, despite what 'Nerds says.
I think a younger guy like him would be a good face for something like secretary of Education. ...if we’re talking fantasy-league cabinets here.
I think Beto's problem will be that he isn't anyone's first choice. There really isn't any group or demographic where he has a good chance of dominating the vote tallies. Maybe if the field narrows to two other candidates, and it happens to be something like Harris and Gillibrand he would have a chance. My guess is that if he runs he will be done early. He should shoot for a cabinet position or some other office, and if he wants the big seat he can try in a year when there isn't 500 candidates. I think I would vote for him over a lot of the field, but I didn't follow his race with Cruz that closely. My issue with centristy candidates is I don't expect them to do a whole lot in office. That might not be a bad thing considering some of the crazy shit being proposed though. It's like they're all already trying to one up each other with this free truckloads of money for all nonsense. I think in the last 24 hours I've heard Warren is going to pay off everyone's student loans and Harris is going to give married couples 10k a year just for existing. Something insane like that anyway. There's been so much of that shit in last week. However, I am quite happy that universal healthcare is fast becoming a prequisite to run as a democrat. It's about damn time.
My reactions, in order, which took no more than 20 seconds total: Just because there's something offensive in his old yearbook doesn't mean it has anything to do with him. Oh, it's on his page. Oh, he's in the photo. Oh, he's wearing a klan hood. Yeah he fucked.
I don’t think I’ve ever said anything bad about him, except that I think he’s an idiot when it comes to guns. I really like him otherwise. I voted for him, and I agree that he would make a great VP as his foot in the door. A Gabbard/Beto ticket would be hard to beat I think.
I thought I read klan hood, but looking at official statements he admitted being in the photo but did not say which one he was.
That is goddamn hilarious. That will make for a weird school reunion. What’s his icebreaker? “Hey, remember that thing we did posing for the photos and the racism and stuff? Well.... apparently I didn’t remember that.”
If that’s only from 1984, then I am sadistically curious to see the 1964 edition of the yearbook; when they had their Holocaust-themed semi-formal.
He’s going down over a racist photo and not an insane stance on abortion absolutism. What a time to be alive.
Not defending or advocating the bill, however its evident most aren't bothered to read past headlines. https://wtop.com/local-politics-ele...outrage-from-gop-for-defending-abortion-bill/ I suggest taking the two minutes and 19 seconds to listen to the radio interview excerpt in the link. Gov Northam’s wasn’t advocating that new born infants be left for dead, or as some have claimed, murdered. What Dr. Northam described is an incredibly painful event where a near-term infant develops or is known to have a fatal condition which will cause her/him great agony after birth. Some mothers/parents, choose late-term abortion IOT avoid that situation not only for themselves, but their unborn child. We may debate their logic, but I won’t question either their sincerity or entertain that such an abortion was gleefully requested. I like to give doctors/OBGYNs the benefit of the doubt that they’d recoil from such a request, though I know that there are greedy persons who will perform such a horrific act. However that may be, Dr. Northam was not talking about such cases. Dr. Northam was discussing the most painful conversation a Doctor will ever have; whether or not parents should allow their new born to die in naturally; quite possibly in agony. Im not advocating or condemning the bill, but calling democrats who support some late-term abortions “murderers” is at best disingenuous of their motives and at worst provocative.
It's incredible. Like, that looks like "his" page where he submitted the photos himself. I was expecting some explanation like: Hey, are you sure you want to submit this one? Oh, yeah. That's me in blackface and that's my friend Mike in the hood. See, he's Black, and this was his idea for the costume party - so we could poke fun at the stupidity of racism by turning it upside down. It's an art piece. But, nope.