They won't impeach him, the party will just lean on him and tell him they're going to throw him under the bus at every opportunity and then primary him when he's up for reelection. It shouldn't take too long for him to see the writing on the wall and resign.
You’re not wrong. Just OWN it. Stop lying and just admit you fucked up a long time ago. Apologizing repeatedly doesn’t satisfy the idiots, and tapdancing annoys/pisses off the more logical people who only let it bother them at first glance (then moved on).
On another note is anybody else sick of random fuckface on the news acting like they speak for every human being on the planet who shares some superficial trait with them like every black/female/homosexual/whatever is exactly the same person copied over and over and reacts to everything exactly the same way? Based on that study I posted a few pages back it would suggest that no, not every fucking person who shares your skin color or genitals thinks like you. My experience with minorities when it comes to stuff like this is that most think it was stupid to do and want an apology, but don't want the person flayed alive. Then again I'm not sure those people took made up nonsensical social theories level 800 class at harvard, so their reaction is probably just a result of living in the sea of secret reality that only people who took such a class can correctly identify.
So now his story is that he has worn blackface in the past, but not in the photo of someone in blackface in his yearbook. How... how is that any better?
It is fun watching the narcissist who covet attaining power, see any major politician, squirm as the electorate turns on them on a dime. “No I only actually wore black face a few months earlier to look like micheal Jackson! I mean I won the contest because I can moonwalk!” It’s kind of sad really.
As much fun as it is to watch a Governor go down in flames in real time, can we take a moment to appreciate how Trump simply disregards any new information that doesn't fit into his preconceived notions and beliefs? Time put out a piece that highlights the degree to which Trump not only fails to utilize pretty much all of America's intelligence gathering apparatus, but he in facts get angry when assessments are brought to him that contradict stances he's taken in public. High level intelligence officers have been warned not to deliver information to him that is at odds with his incorrect view of the world. Can anyone think of a single successful leader, in any arena, that does not consume information about their working domain?
Jesus Christ it just just keeps getting worse and worse by the hour. Does this guy not have a crisis management team or something?
To be completely honest, I sometimes wonder about these reports from insiders. Not that I care at this point. Few things would make Trump worse, but these reports have been wrong before (think buzzfeed with the Cohen story) and remember that story the NYT published from an anonymous white house worker? Some of these people are tools, and some of them are partisan clowns. I'm sure a good portion of it is true, but the fact that a lot of the leaks (not saying this one) have been about totally pointless shit just to make Trump look bad says a lot about some of these tipsters who seemingly go to the media at every opportunity.
That’s right: they were reenacting the Thriller video, only incorporating pointy ghosts instead of zombies. Limp this horse out behind the barn and shoot it already.
This is one that lines up with his public statements, including tweets and speeches, as well as public testimony from high level intelligence officers like Dan Coats, Christopher Wray, and Gina Haspel. It's quite clear there is a serious division between the intelligence community and the White House, the most extreme example of which was Trump's performance in Helsinki.
Raise your hand if you were alive and cognizant in 1985. Yes, what the governor did was completely stupid when looking back at it through the lens of 2019. I hate to tell y'all this, but that was normal 35 years ago. It was probably not meant as something horrible back then, it was more gallows humor. Now it's "Fuck this racist bastard, he's going down." For being a stupid kid. We laughed about shit like that back then. We certainly weren't meaning to oppress, micro oppress, or whatever the buzzwords are now. It was a fucking joke. Sometimes people use humor to get past ugly situations. And here we are 35 years later and folks are calling for this guy's head on a spit. Christ. I'm glad I'll be dead before the humorless, outraged folks take over.
I’d prefer killing THEM off long before that, lest we have to spend our golden years with them buzzing in our ears.
I really wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people. It's incredible that the academic field this comes from is so lacking in any merit that the leading experts can't tell the difference between blatant troll papers and sincere ones. Of course, the professors that exposed them are under review. If ANY other academic field got exposed like that the community would look to evaluate their assumptions, but not these 'experts'. No, they just try to get the people who exposed them fired. How the fuck is this supposed to be a respected field? I love when people reference some authority from blah blah blah prestigious university like it proves something. They're all fucking retarded, it doesn't matter where they're spouting the stupid from. At what point can people just say it's not worth giving a shit if some idiots are offended? Every news outlet has been publishing nonstop about the 'blackface problem' the last two days. In total sincerity do the people peddling this shit even believe that? I honestly don't think they do. The worst part of all of this is about 85% of the population thinks it's stupid, but somehow it is being presented like the prevalent set of beliefs.
As if it couldn’t get any weirder, a reporter asked him if he could still “moonwalk.” He was about to until his wife stepped in. I feel like this guy is being possessed by Rob Ford or something.
This is just the social justice circular firing squad at work. What I have noticed is Democrats have brought these losers to the table but they also seem to pay the highest price when it comes to scandals because if you validate their worthless views then you need to follow through. Republicans on the other hand have no such allegiance or need to listen.
It’s tough to just write this off as just “SJW bullshit.” Making a racially insensitive joke is one thing, but he’s wearing a Klan hood or blackface, below the Mason-Dixon Line in the South less than 20 years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. That kind of imagery was a real threatening horror for southern blacks for over a century and that memory is still there today by many people who lived through it. The Klan was still burning crosses on lawns in Virginia into the early 60s.