The real point is that the left has chosen a path of zero nuance and any infractions no matter the context is subject to immediate dismissal from the public sphere. Offending minority groups is of particularl prominence for mob justice. You may question whether or not she maliciously used it on purpose but that isn’t even seen as a factor. Personally, while proving what is going on in her mind is impossible, it’s hard for me to believe she’s made an entire career of claiming the whole country is rigged against minorities and not see some malicious intent in using a minority status for her own gain. It’s become part and parcel of the lefts whole identity and ideology.
But it wasn’t the left using it against her for so long. Calling her Pocahontas and spit roasting her for years was done by the right. It’s not that I’m some huge Warren supporter or anything either. I’m just thinking that there has to have been some part of her that truly believed that she was part injun. To then go get a dna test to prove it was a silly move on her end. But also reaffirms my belief that she truly believed it. It’s no different to me than say a black person being told they are the descendant of slaves their whole childhood, and then finding out it wasn’t true and their parents are just Jamaican or something.
Certainly a right wing talking point and she might just skate on the issue because Donald Trump is so crass about it. Still the aggrieved minority theory on the left coupled with these on going missteps seriously hurts her chances as a viable democratic candidate. It’s not like a black person claiming slavery descendents at all, while the origin might be similar, Warren is a super privileged white female. A black person isn’t going to see any benefits on any level by even claiming that unintentionally. Claiming the system is rigged against minorities while claiming to be one, unintentionally or not, is shameful white privileged hypocrisy. She certainly could have benefited from it, as unquantifiable as it can be. I mean I don’t agree with the line of thinking myself but to the party she wants to lead it’s almost their singular focus. She’s as interesting as a 2x4 and has the same views as 100 percent of the other announced candidates. I think she’s doomed.
The conspiracy theorist in me says the actual reason the media is going after her is because she isn't establishment enough. I don't remember outlets like WaPo and HuffPo being bothered by this before she was running for president. Nope, it was just a bunch of a crap about how offended they were on the behalf of Native Americans when she was made fun of for it. Maybe that sounds far fetched, but look at the way they've been going after Sanders and now Gabbard. They've been doing hit pieces on him for sexual harassment in his campaign. Basically blaming him for occurrences he knew nothing about it. It doesn't make even a little sense. They won't shut up about Gabbard's 'troubled past' with the LGBT community even though she has a 100% rating from those groups. Have they mentioned that practically none of the candidates supported gay marriage back in the '90s and early 2000s? Are they digging up old quotes on these people? Fuck no. Anything not pro gay only applies to her. For fuck's sake, Hillary was against gay marriage well into her 60s and that was fine, but someone who grew up with homophobic parents can't have that view when they're 22? They're so shamelessly full of shit. It's really hard to believe they're not trying to pick the winners themselves again. Harris' record is fucking HORRIBLE, and they fucking talk about her like Jehovah's witness talks about Jesus. Yes, it's because she hits a few checklists I'm sure, but more importantly they'll get the access they want and have someone who will pretend they perform a public service on par with soldiers who got shot in WW2. She actually has a record of accomplishing things and pushing for the agenda she campaigned on. That's more than you can say for a lot of the field. It should count for something. I don't know that it will.
Uh. So, the Virginia Attorney General, who was one of the ones that called for the Governor to resign, because of his association with the college black face photo has now admitted to, wait for it, wearing black face in college? To his credit, his explanation seems a lot more credible, and something that an immature college kid would do without understanding the implications of how offensive it is. But, still.
Oh man, that's great. He should stay true to his word and resign immediately, right? The LT governor has been accused of sexual assault as well. By the end of the week Virginia isn't going to have a government left.
The best part of all this is that the 3 scandals are centered on the 3 people in line to be governor. Who's 4th? The speaker of the house of delegates, a republican. This would be the most hilarious way the democrats have ever lost a state. I wonder if team blue is suddenly going to be overcome with forgiveness when they realize this.
Chairman Schiff Statement on House Intelligence Committee Investigation Schiff comin'. Trump now has to worry about The Special Counsel's Office, The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, The New York State Attorney General, and The House Intelligence Committee. Plus outside shot of the State Attorney General of Maryland.
First he says he’s never heard of Schiff. Five seconds later he’s a “bi-partisan hack.” Look who’s talking, shit for brains. I wonder how much fun Trump’s medicine cabinet would be to rummage through. Fuck me he’s off the deep end.
Yup, The Donald flew too close to the sun. If he'd just stayed out of politics, he would probably have gone to his grave without getting busted. Of course, he's not out yet, but things aren't looking good.
And he's gonna bring a ton of people down with him. Once everything is said and done, I can't imagine how many people are going to be behind bard and/or levied with substantial fines. With the financial stuff now, anyone who has had any beneficial business relationship with our dear leader should be shitting their pants.
He's going to fuck so many people over on the way down. There's going to be a line around the block at the offices of the SDNY of people begging to cooperate.
I would ask why they're launching an investigation right after the last one is about to finish up, but really what's the point?
Because there is a while host of other issues that may have exceeded the scope allowed to be prosecuted by Mueller, but were still serious enough crimes anyhow. Hell, they may have very well fallen into his purview but he wants to play it safe and not be accused of overstepping, which he already has been. Plus, if he farms out a lot of the other stuff, they can still move forward in case they try to fire the special counsel.
The other crimes are what they SHOULD look into, but go read what Schiff said. He's just rambling about Russia. They can impeach him on the charity fraud alone and unlike all of these Russia allegations we know that that happened.
Because if Muellers report turns up nothing on Trump, the Democrats have no political capital to stand on heading into the next election and their party might actually fracture. Throwing another log on the investigation fire keeps the focus on Trump instead of the Progressives turning around and cannibalizing the establishment Dems. They can just keep investigations going in perpetuity and quietly close one out to start the next one. That way they can say, “The sitting president is under investigation,” as a campaign tag.
So the democrats are the ones deciding that Mueller should hand off other issues to other US Attorneys? To keep investigating forever?