They can impeach him for a whole host of things. It seems like they are waiting as long as they can for a couple reasons. Drag this into the next election. Also, wait to see what Mueller has because they only get one shot at this. There’s just so much shit, where do you begin? Would the GOP even convict if any or all of it prove to be decisively true? I don’t think they will. It seems like in their minds, the means always justify the ends as long as it works in their favor.
I don't know about the other investigations, but with Russia that seems to be the case. Starting another investigation into Russia right now is a bad move. If Mueller has something big they will have at best wasted their time, at worst gotten in his way. If there is nothing there they're going to look 10x dumber than they already will. If the Mueller investigation pumps out a dud they need to let it die. And yes, the republicans would 100% impeach for treason. Tax invasion and misusing charity money? Meh, maybe.
So you think the initial house intel investigation run by Devin Nunes was actually thorough? And not at all impeded by his dipshittery? The amount of people they chose not to talk to and leads which were intentionally not looked into is not how a real investigation is conducted. Schiff is completing what the gop chose to ignore. They’ve been running interference for Trump this whole time. I would say he’s continuing what was never actually finished. And again, the politicians in the House of Representatives nor the senate have no bearing on what Mueller is doing. How can all of those guilty pleas and jail sentences and other indictments call this thing a dud?
The US attorneys are investigating improper use of campaign contributions, not Russian collusion. The House committee certainly are the ones deciding to do that. Its extremely poor timing and surely reads like damage control that if Mueller doesn't have a case against Trump, they can claim that the scope was too narrow (or discredit him completely) and they can use that excuse to begin the process all over again. Maybe Mueller will have a slam dunk against The Orange, but polluting the investigation with their own because theyre seemingly thus-far dissatisfied with the results is an idiotic move. How can Schiff begin an investigation of Trump in good faith anyway? He claimed he had evidence of direct collusion and communication between Trump and Putin the day after the election. Okay, so where is that? Why wait two years? Hes also the guy who refused to release the Nunez memo on the FISA warrant on spying on the Trump campaign because, "The public wouldnt understand." Plus you, leaking sealed Trump Jr testimony to the public on twitter, but as he claims, he was just "exposing it." Right, sounds like a reliable and measured person to lead an investigative committee.
Dude. There's been a special counsel team doing literally nothing else for two years. The FBI investigated to see if Trump for real had a hooker piss on him to shame Obama (yeeeeah) and if that was being used to blackmail him. Every intelligence agency has looked into Russian election propaganda if not ties to the Trump campaign. People really need to drop this nonsense about investigations being shut down or not happening. At this point that is ludicrous claim. You guys should really understand too Manafort committing tax evasion has absolutely nothing to do with Trump being guilty of collusion, but I won't get my hopes up. Mueller should have his report out within a couple months. That gives swing voters 2 years to get over the insanity that has been the Russia Russia Russia narrative. I swear, *if* the report has little to offer and the democrats go on about this for another two years like they have been they are the stupidest fucking party ever.
Collusion isn’t a crime. Lying about it under oath is. Democrats are guilty of everything they’re accusing Trump of doing, only they didn’t lie under oath. So yeah, it’s bullshit on both ends.
Well what goes around comes around. I think the left will find something to impeach him for. Strategically I’m curious as to how that’d play out, could backfire and send enough of the right’s base to the polls in 2020 or it could just wear down the middle of the road voters enough they’ll just want to end the insanity.
When did Trump lie under oath? I didn't know he had gone under oath about this. Regarding justice though, if the democrats really gave a shit about election integrity they would be demanding heads from the previous dnc team instead of whining about how it's too hard for a minority to get a state ID, or figure out how to register vote without it being automatically done for them. Or if they really cared about honest government maybe they would give a fuck about what was in the wikileaks rather than just who released them.
A Virginia senator is in trouble for being an editor at his school's yearbook which posted photos of people in blackface. In 1968.
2020 presidential elections: Yeah so we need to review your congressional voting record, tax returns for as long as you have available, and every edition of your high school yearbook.
Not the South, just VMI. The dude in the KKK costume was from VMI too. I went to a military high school that sent a lot of people there, and as recently as the early 2000s VMI was still known as a racist piece of shit college. Their reputation was well-known, and they attract a certain type. Like how if someone tells you they graduated from UC-Berkley, you can make a reasonable assumption they hold certain beliefs and political positions since that's what likely attracted them to the school. Same thing with VMI. Birds of a feather and all.
So now it's not just if they were in a photo like that, it's if they went to school with someone in a photo like that? Keep those goal posts on the move. I suppose that article didn't totally trash him, but why are they reporting on this at all? Who gives a shit? Something offensive happened in 1979. Cool, but I think we have more pressing modern concerns.
Never fear, CNN is keeping a running list of the racists, including Gene Wilder in Silver Streak and Billy Crystal for Impersonating Sammy Davis Jr on SNL
Just when you thought they had abandoned investigative journalism. PEOPLE HAVE TO KNOW. Their list included Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder. In trouble with who? Didn't he almost win an oscar for that?
Why can’t they just get black actors to play black people, like C. Thomas Howell in “Soul Man”? Did they get Eddie for Coming to America and Nutty Professor, or is it only bad when you’re a non-exotic?