Its not that the goal posts are moving...they are just casting the net wider and wider until theres no fish left. They can't back down now. This movement of destroying people at all costs no matter what they did or didn't do won't go back in the box. What, are they gonna come forward and say, "Alright, I think this thing is getting out of hand." Nope, its just going to keep getting worse.
Which is sad because this mentality is certain to deter otherwise qualified people from entering politics. You think people in college, or business leaders who want to get into government, are looking at these monkeys flinging shit at each other and thinking it looks like a fun party to join?
Then the solution is simple: let’s jump out of the water, up onto the decks and kill all the fisherman. They deserve it more than anybody. These people shouldn’t be listened to, they should be made examples of. This just in: Faster, Liam Neeson! Burn! Burn!
I mean digital cameras were obviously around when I was in college, but cell phone cameras weren’t really a thing. Most people didn’t have a digital cam. Most of my blackmail would be on polaroids or 35mm. There’s a picture of a stripper using her twat to pull a dollar bill off my face at a house party. Not sure if I’d have to resign or get high fives.
And it's been shown that by and large the public isn't on board with these morons. The problem is they are so entrenched in the media it's hard for them to die. I cannot fucking wait until outlets like CNN to declare bankruptcy. It really was the beginning of the end of the current media when in 2016 it finally dawned on them that they weren't respected anymore. That was their chance to get their shit together. I can't think of any other industry where upon realizing their customers think they're idiots the companies would think the solution would be to blame their customers. I don't mean that they'll all just die, but I think they will keep getting less relevant. The denial on the plunge down really is funny though. It's like in a poll I saw about how less and less Americans are identifying as feminists and these geniuses think the problem is that not enough people have heard from them. That's fucking awesome. That was the one really enjoyable thing about Trump winning. Watching these jackasses slowly realize over the course of the night that they couldn't actually control the outcome of elections was great. Everything after not so great, but that was a moment to cherish.
It depends on a lot of factors - your state, your party, who has the majority, what point in the election cycle, the age and health of the Supreme Court...for starters. Am I gonna go to jail for laughing when I watch Trading Places?
Should we get ready for a Stalin level purge of historical pop culture? List of entertainers who performed in blackface
I’m already wondering what I, personally, am going to eventually get nailed for. I hope folks don’t find out that I think tattoos look stupid on black people.
Ahem. I think I remember a certain Canadian who once referred to multiple black individuals as "ghetto ass rats". Life as you knew it is over, evil doer. You have been EXPOSED.
If anybody takes issue with me calling four psychos who tortured a mentally challenged kid on alive feed something THAT mild, then they have bigger problems in life. I was being nice.
Has anyone read the Green New Deal proposal? It’s far and away the silliest bill I’ve ever heard proposed. It’s going to guarantee government jobs for anyone that wants one, it’s going to eliminate all air travel in order to build high speed electric rails everywhere, outlaw eating meat, nuclear energy and argues for replacing every building in the country. None of that is hyperbole. I give Nancy Pelosi a ton of shit, and rightfully so. But even she knows crazy when she hears it and wouldn’t let Occasional-Cortex on the congressional climate change committee.
This is going to be hard to believe, but it's actually even dumber than that. It wants to ensure economic security for those "unwilling to work". The overview release by AOC's office, I shit you not, uses those exact words. Not only will it promise a job for you, if you don't feel like working it will pay you for that. Nonbinding resolution or not, that is just... wow. I guess now I can hate AOC for her stupid policy positions as well. Just put a dunce cap on her and put her chair in the corner. Yeah, remember when you could roll your eyes at the over the top exaggerations republicans made about liberals? Well, now you actually have someone in office they can point to and say "Yes, some of them are that fucking crazy." This woman is like a living parody. The left has found their Sarah Palin. I don't think I like the "Occasional-Cortex" nickname. Occasional suggests she's only brain dead part of the time. I find that very inaccurate.
Yeah that actually is hyperbole (especially the meat air and travel thing, where are you getting that from?). It's a non-binding resolution stating that congress should make those thing's a priority with the ultimate goal of net-zero carbon emission by 2030. The goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 is pretty much unacheivable unless we divert the majority of our resources to it, but this bill seems to be about making mitigating climate change the #1 priority for congress in the coming years. I want to see the first real climate change bill they bring to the floor before I start making any judgements.
Yeah, it actually isn’t. It suggests banning all fossil fuel travel and replacing all aircraft transit with a massive rail system. Seems hard to miss.
You can read it here: on a Green New Deal.pdf This is similar to what a high school 9th grader might write when they have no idea how things actually work. "We should clean up hazardous waste" "How?" "By making it cleaner."
It definitely tries to cram everything but the kitchen sink in there (job guarantee, healthcare guarantee, etc), but what you've written is definitely hyperbole. Here is the actual text as it relates to your several claims: eliminate air travel: Outlaw eating meat: Outlaw nuclear energy: Not found Replace every building in the country: It is a sense of the Congress bill which means it's non-binding and non-specific, and I expect the actual legislation produced by the House and the Senate to be more specific, realistic, and actionable.
What hyperbole? If you ban a thing that another thing requires it to operate, that inherently bans the second thing too. Her office has specifically said that the point is to phase out air travel. Same thing with the provisions on (ii) that you quoted above. She has stated that is the exact point of that provision, to I quote, "get rid of farting cows." Third, on nuclear energy her office has also said, "It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible." Power plants will no longer get subsidies once a bill is passed and just let them forcibly phase out when the fuel is spent. Oh Im sure the bill brought the floor will be more realistic, it cant get much more unrealistic. Thats the best part, they don't actually have to do anything. Its just providing them "economic security." If there was a more clear cut example of socialism, Id love to see it. Anyone who supports this is just a stupid person. Its not a difference of opinion or another way of looking at things.
Oh I see what you are doing, you're attaching her public statements to her bill to make it seem extra ridiculous. Universal basic income isn't the worst thing in the world. I know it looks a lot like those clouds you get angry and shake your fist at. But there is some serious economic research that shows that giving everyone a welfare check to bring them out of that bottom no taxes bracket and then paying for it by taxing everything that is earned on top of it and corporations who are only going to reduce their labor needs in the future is the way to ensure that the entire population will be contributing to the economy at a reasonable minimum rate.