None of that is in the resolution itself, and certainly won't be in the implementing legislation. I'm not worried.
Goes to my point that politics in this country is fashioned by the kooky end of each party and watered down by the procedure of writing and realities of passing such legislation. Ms. Cortez biggest attribute so far seems to be a Trump like mastery of social media and whipping up the kooky part of their base with far left platitudes.
Just think of all the jobs created by manufacturing and installing catalytic converters on the asses of livestock, there's always that.
I’d just be happy if the guys I worked with stopped referring to them as “Cadillac Convertors” Anyone watching the Whitaker hearing? My guess is a lot of non answers and political theater.
I liken it to Kennedy saying "We're going to go to the moon inside the decade" and NASA being like "The fucking moon?!" We need to set extremely aggressive, borderline impossible, goals, and then drive extremely hard at them based on expert recommendations of how best to get there. If AOC is getting people on board with aggressive goals, I really don't mind if someone down the road has to write a bill that says "way more fuckin' nuclear power."
Neat story. What research is that again? Because aside from The Economist’s weekly jerk sesh to UBI based on the premise of social justice reform, nearly any legitimate economic research on the subject includes additional qualifiers that must be true in order for UBI to make sense. Otherwise, basic mathematics shoots it down instantly. But you know, that’s just shaking fists at clouds.
"As I sit here today... that is a very important question... that the president... may want to exert executive privilege on." Dude is gonna get subpoenaed and be back in a week under threat of contempt of Congress.
Yeah, it's as if through some kind of obscure magic trick he was able to make her sound almost as retarded as she actually is. If you're going to talk down to people like that maybe you should save it for when you aren't defending one of the stupidest proposals in American history. AOC wants to give money to people unwilling to work. She's not just talking about getting people back on their feet. There might be economic research that has concluded such a thing is a good idea, but I can promise you it's not serious. But hey, in one point you're almost right. Paying someone unwilling to work would, in a sense, ensure they contribute to the economy at a minimum rate. Just drop that reasonable part and you've got yourself a true statement there. By the way, AOC is a member of the Democrat Socialists of America. These aren't people who merely think public healthcare and education are good things. They think capitalism should be abolished and that Lenin and Marx had some really great ideas too. I can see defending a social safety net, but anyone who thinks these people are offering a superior economic model are on the wrong side math, history, economics, and well, just about everything.
As usual, I'm reminded why I love her. Not because I think her ideas/rhetoric/politics/whatever are any good or realistic. But because she proves what a bunch of histrionic, hypocritical crybabies Trump voters are. Space Force? 2000+ mile long border wall? - Perfectly legit. UBI? Naive environmental goals? - Mad Max-esque dystopian hellscape if implemented I love it.
Convicted rapist Neil Degrasse Tyson tells me space force is a great idea in moving towards further space exploration and technological advancements. I wouldn’t mind a NASA like agency created to tackle advancing energy technologies if it wasn’t used to pick favorites in the green energy field or used to push larger social programs the left have been dying to implement for a 100 years. Give us carbon neutral energy source that is feasible and scalable in the shortest amount of time.
The democrats had a border wall in their last immigration bill. I have no idea why you think believing all out socialism is a bad idea would necessitate being a Trump supporter, or how supporting a border wall and being against socialism at the same time would make someone a hypocrite. She is making the left look really stupid, and as someone who wants climate change actually addressed I'm personally not loving it.
Hydro - largely maxed out. Geothermal - small number of viable sites, but there is interesting research by the DOE in using fracking technologies to install plants in near-arbitrary locations with fairly minimal surface footprint (drill a hole until you hit hot rock, frack the rock to create a reservoir volume with a high surface area to conduct heat, pump water through the system and extract energy like a reverse heat-pump). Solar - Incredible strides have been made in driving down the cost of PV panels. Suffers from intermittency issues and needs to be paired with either storage or another type of fast-follow generation. Requires large surface footprint. Wind - Near identical story to solar: cost has driven down, has intermittency issues, large surface footprint. Research into high altitude generation where winds are more consistent, but nothing ready yet. Nuclear Fission - Ready and scalable. Has large up-front capital costs and high safety requirements, and Nevada has been a little bitch about getting Yucca Mountain ready. Nuclear Fusion - Physics has been effectively solved, the engineering not yet. ITER expects to be fully operational by 2040, and SPARC is trying to beat that timeline. So currently I believe we should be building solar panels, wind turbines, and fission plants as fast as we possibly can, while investing money in reducing the cost of advanced geothermal and short-medium term storage (hours to days), and crossing our fingers about fusion.
Can we use Bernie’s body as fuel for the green new deal? “Feel the Bern for climate change!” Or something...
And aside from the coal and oil lobbyists, no reasonable person would have a problem with that. Once fusion is unlocked, that will change everything immediately.
Fusion is a game changer, but it really depends on how economical the reactor design is and what kind of gain factor it has. That said, the fuel itself offers no practical limitation, so if you can build the reactors cheaply, you can fuel them essentially for free by comparison. I'm paying close attention to the SPARC project at MIT because they're taking advantage of high-temperature superconductors that we've only been able to industrially produce in the last few years, whereas the ITER design, which was finalized years ago, requires all manner of cooling systems to maintain low temperature superconductors that can't generate the same magnetic field strengths. Although God only knows what materials challenges will occur when trying to build a structure to support an absurd 20+T magnetic field.
I had heard about this, but never looked at what the accusations were. One is accusing him of drug raping her. That is pretty serious. The others I don't think I give a shit about even if they were true. Ok, hitting on your assisstant is inappropriate, but that's not quite the same thing when the job is done in a couple weeks. He should have waited to make a move, but that's not the same situation as two people in permanent positions. I guess this one is a bit of a problem, but damn, that was some G rated harassment. Actually, I'm not even completely sure he was hitting on her. The 'groping victim' says the incident wasn't serious enough to make a complaint, but I guess she did find it serious enough to go to media outlets and publically attack him. It would be very interesting to see a Sokal squared type experiment where women went to the media intentionally describing completely meaningless interactions with some famous male followed by how traumatized and abused they felt. My guess is a lot of the outlets would explode at the guy. At least, I'm pretty sure places like HuffPo, Buzzfeed, and Vox would.
Sen Warren officially launched her 2020 bid. I don't like her at all, but I love how much trump hates her. The whole the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing. This is gonna be hilarious to watch.