So AOC's office posted a document on their website. Then tried to claim it was a doctored document, despite the fact they themselves posted it on their own website. Then they took it down and posted another, and admitted it was their document. Well, I guess this explains why conservatives like her beng in the news. What a fucking embarassment.
It is my opinion that she will never lose another election. As long as she stays in congress and doesn’t fly too close to the sun. Or have any crazy scandals. Not because I like her so much, but because everyone else does. Regardless of her simplistic understanding(or lack thereof) of everything. She has the same type of attraction as Trump. Factually incorrect about most everything, but people understand what she “means” or the feeling behind her words. She’s kinda hot. She has a little attitude. And she’s proficient on the Twitter machine. She looks like the demographic she represents. She cooks shit on Instagram while talking about injustices in the system and people watch the fuck out of it. Following a cult of personality is nothing new. It works on the left as well as on the right. If the gop can bang the abortion,Jesus, and Mexicans drum, AOC can bang the economic injustice drum.
What is the fucking DEAL with them lately? Usually only the GOP wants to put bimbos in the White House (Quayle, W, Palin, Trump, etc.). Can people just say that she’s an embarrassing, stupid twat? Stop trying to fight fire with fire. There so many better choices than some mouthy, book-allergic ten year old.
You know what’s not gonna resonate with a lot of dems in affluent areas? The push for the complete elimination of private insurance. As transparently phony as I think he is, Booker gets it. A lot of northeast liberals and those from large cities, they have good insurance plans. They want everyone to have healthcare. But not if it means they lose theirs. It’s like a healthcare version of being a NIMBY.
He’s right. She needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. There’s nothing worse than an attention whore who buys into their own false hype, and she’s ruining credibility for her party every time she speaks.
The fact that the left does like her shows how goddamn stupid this party is now. I mean, they think she "exposes" conservatives. The only thing she exposes is how fucking stupid this party is now. Also, you can't really get uppity about conservatives calling you commies now when your new hero actually is one. And yes, she wants to eliminate capitalism. Fucking spare me the bullshit qualifiers. How are you going to laugh at Trump supporters? I have not seen even him suggest something as stupid as this twat does. If anything Trump supporters have a right to laugh at you. Jesus Christ. Also, let's look at what the democrats are doing with the house since they took it. They put forth the most fucktarded resolution ever, started an investigation based on a conspiracy theory that is already being investigated, and demanded a hearing so they could repeatedly accuse the AG of meddling with no evidence of any meddling whatsoever. For the love of God democrats, get your heads out of your asses.
Two months ago climate change wasn't even in the top ten most discussed issues in American politics and political media. Now every Democratic 2020 candidate needs to stake an aggressive position on climate change just to be in the race. I don't care if AOC literally has a rock in between her ears, she pushed the discussion where it needed to go. She's a freshman Congresswoman from a very liberal district; there's so many checks on her that her bad ideas won't even make it out of committee. I have zero fear of whatever Trotskyite revolution the right fears she is going to lead. But Ed Markey doesn't have the media savvy to get climate change on the agenda by himself, and AOC does. Even if all she ever accomplishes is to be a hypeman for better legislators, she will have done more for her country than any Republican in the last decade.
The 2020 field is talking about climate change, it's already helping. I don't need AOC to solve the problem, I don't even need her to try to solve the problem, I just need her to get people talking about it.
I dont see the value of this tactic for simply getting people to talk about climate change when the premise on which its discussed is asinine and already a punchline. Everyone was already well aware of climate change. But how is anyone supposed to take it seriously when the first idea out of the gate is idiotic? Thats like saying some jingoistic republican should get credit for getting people to talk about border security if they propose having border patrol shoot illegals as they try to cross. I dont see meaningful, long-term value in that strategy.
Same could be said about Trump and the wall. If it leads to actual substantive immigration reform that’s been simply ignored for 30 plus years then the ends justified the means right?
Everyone is very much not well aware of climate change. They've heard of it, but only vaguely, and to a very large degree have no idea how severe it is and the scale of the effort required to combat it. Getting the public on board with the work is the most important piece of the puzzle; the policy will follow. You also underestimate how much a Presidential campaign dominates the oxygen in the room. The country will be discussing the 2020 Democratic candidate's climate proposal, not AOC's, and that proposal will be a much more vetted set of policy prescriptions.
Given that it's a non-binding sense of the Congress and is littered throughout with hedging language about feasibility, sure.
There are far fewer checks on a President, which makes him far more dangerous. As he has shown, he can implement policy (or a glaring lack of such) without the support of his caucus, the votes of the Congress, or even a general sense of reality. Immigration is also nowhere near an emergency, and his rhetoric on the issue has been explicitly racist from its inception; it is hard to compare ginning up nativist hostility towards immigrants with generating public backing for a necessary period of hard work and hard sacrifice. He is also insisting on a specific policy proposal because his narcissistic supply requires it, not because it has reached any bar of feasibility or effectiveness.
People suck. Kamala Harris is getting shit about her "blackness" because she is married to a white dude. What is wrong with people that this is even a thing? Next thing you know they're gonna ask her about her wrestling career.