That depends, does he *identify* as a woman or a person-of-color? In all seriousness, probably. He was what, a 3-term Congressman? Thats at least something. The fact that Ted Cruz ran hardly any campaign and still beat him should give voters pause, though.
So a BBC Cameraman was attacked and a bomb threat was called to CNN. This is what happens when you have millions of monkeys hanging off your every stupid word.
Losing to Ted Cruz in Texas doesn’t mean a whole lot across the nation. It was a pretty close race though. Ted Cruz is hated much more thoroughly throughout the rest of the country though. And the national attention that race got was impressive. And the down ticket races around here because of him switched A LOT of seats blue. Even well liked republicans like Ed Emmett, he was a county judge who did great work during the floods and stuff, lost their jobs. If the dems focus purely on just the demographic they want for the president vs the actual electability of the candidate, they will lose again in 2020.
Well the party leadership is going to have to whip the primaries into shape in the next 6 months, because so far the inmates are running the asylum.
Can anyone explain to me the hype behind Beto other than He's not Ted Cruz If you squint, you can convince yourself he's a white Obama ?
I think part of the hype is rooted in disappointment from the last presidential election. A lot of democrat voters hating having to hold their nose to vote for terrible Hillary. And, a lot of swing voters felt like their choice was terrible Hillary or horrible Trump. Beto doesn't appear to be that, and I suspect that voters are happy they won't have to vote for a terrible person and can just vote policy and values.
I think people buy into his passion. No teleprompter. Decent looking. He doesn’t have to try too hard to get people to think he’s relatable. Yes he did weird stuff with the dentist on Instagram, but in general, he doesn’t struggle with getting people to see him as natural. I guess he feels more genuine. Leave policy stuff out of it it. Most people don’t give too much of a shit about what you’re saying as long as people like the way you say it.
FTFY Is it safe for democrats to run a male? They currently want to hang Tyson because he touched a woman's shoulder. Not to mention said something to another woman that COULD have been interpreted as flirting.
It is sad major news networks use it in headlines to drive clicks. AOC TORCHES Trump on Twitter in clap back! Trump responds but Twitter is having none of it!
Like most words and phrases it has a time and a place, and that time and place is when someone on twitter, usually African American, tells someone else on Twitter to go fuck themselves in a particularly stylistic way. It is not to be used by political media at any time for any reason.
K sorry I'm gonna jump back here for just a minute because I feel like it's necessary. This argument is stupid. People in this country have the right to vote. Driving and drinking are privileges. There is nothing in the constitution or in any amendments that guarantee you the right to drink or drive. Also there have been tons of studies and investigations done that show that voter fraud just isn't a substantial problem. 1) Voter ID laws are absolutely intended to be discriminatory and to disenfranchise voters. There have been tons of studies on this, and they disproportionately affect people of color. Duh. 2) The idea that giving free rides to voters who otherwise wouldn't be able to make it to their polling place is somehow a bad thing is DEEPLY disturbing to me. Anyone who is eligible to vote should be able to vote. Not just people who have their own transportation. I volunteered last election to drive people to the polls, and there are strict rules about what you can and cannot say, and giving people rides cannot be based on how they intend to vote. Maybe I'm just more into democracy than you are? Did none of you take intro sociology in college? Do none of you understand institutional racism? Fuck. edited due to quote mishap
This is where we're at now? If anyone on the board needed proof that racism and misogyny were still alive and well I feel like this should do the trick.
The newest border security deal is probably the closest thing we are going to get to a compromise between Trump and the Democrats. He gets $25B for border security, with just under $2B earmarked for a wall. Democrats get some limits on ICE detainment in detention centers and didn’t give the full amount for the wall. Hopefully this gets accepted. If either side tries playing zero-sum, they lose.