Of course they have a place in this. This is a blatant usurpation of Congress's Article I powers, and the Judicial branch is the arbiter of disputes between the Legislative and the Executive.
The National Resource Management Act passed 92-8 in the Senate. Previous similar measures were passed in the House, but died in the Senate. This is good news that this originated with such support in the Senate. It has a lot of sweeping protections, and (of course) there a few isolated controversies, but I am excited. This will bring a National Park to middle Georgia. It's unique, as it will be a National Historic Park and has been a National Monument for years. Many acres have been added (protected) along the swamp and River, and offers a great look at Native American heritage in the State. It's awesome. I'm not posting this because I think it needs to be debated here, just as an FYI for anybody that's curious. https://www.outsideonline.com/2389938/natural-resources-management-act-public-lands-explainer https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/47
I'm just impressed that the party of "moral relativism is evil" can not, even for the slightest second, let go of their death grip on moral relativism whenever someone tries to evaluate their behavior objectively. Republicans are worse than Democrats. By a lot. By a fucking margin that would invoke the slaughter rule if we were talking about sports. They can piss and moan and "both sides" and gnash their teeth and generally be the duplicitous useless fucksticks they always are, but that doesn't change the fact that Republicans are terrible, and an active detriment to the country.
They're worse, but it's stuff like the DNC doing all they can to cheat voters and then watching democrat loyalists turn around and flip their shit over needing to take an ID with you to vote that makes people shake their head.
Possible, yes. Humongous waste of money? Yes. For the record, the only new stretches of wall are going to be in the Valley. I get to see this shit on the forefront, most people crowing for a wall live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away.
The DNC needs to be keelhauled for pushing that unlikable shrew through as their candidate, that is a fact. KNOWING already that she was terrible is what was so remarkably stupid. Everyone knows a rock is a shitty pet, so if you buy a Pet Rock that makes you an idiot.
They could have won if they had picked ANYONE other than her. I was hoping Joe Biden would run, but no.
Everyone says this like it's a given, and I somewhat agree, but that said I have to think a manned wall is at least going to be more effective than a piece of shit 4 foot high fence. Also, the democrats should have been negotiating getting a better deal for immigrants. They didn't even try though because they've gone so all in with this "the wall is morally bad!" shit. Even if the wall is a complete waste of money it is a drop in the bucket compared to what we dump into the military. Something neither party seems to have much of a problem with though. You want to save tax payers money? Forget about the wall, ask why in the fuck we are spending more than 10x on the military relative to everyone else. I want a strong military, but it has just gotten ridiculous.
A manned wall? Are we expecting Uruk-hai? Should we look to the East for Gandalf at first light of the fifth day?
Believe me, if I wanted to suggest something really stupid I would be talking about AOC's resolution.
Relevant, from El Tee in the Oscars thread: I believe that we are all the better for being a melting pot, and I believe that we are enriched by legal immigration. However, when I read things like what El Tee posted, I am bothered.
He makes Al Gore look like Richard Simmons. Zzzzzzzzzzzz...... I wonder if they give presidents their own special issue toupee. Because his are baaaaaaaad.
The National emergency BS is the worst thing I have disagreed with Trump with. Absolutely no foresight in the decision at all. Pelosi has already said the next democratic president could declare a national emergency on guns. Just a horrible precedent set that of course future leaders will exploit. He got played by the republican congress for two years and of course a democratic house is going to scuttle everything he does on the subject.
It won’t be a precedent if it gets shot down by the courts. I mean I guess it’s a precedent just by the mere act of calling for one. But the follow through will be nil. I also don’t think the dems will ever put someone in office even remotely like a Trump. He has NPD. There’s no strategy or foresight with him. Each decision he makes is nothing more than impulsive face-saving measures with zero regard for the harm it might do to others or what it could mean down the road. He is chaotic evil and he care about no one but himself.
Guns are so far down my political priority list I can't even find them, but even I want to see the next president declare an emergency over guns and send the ATF on predawn raids to confiscate legally owned guns, just because that is the irony that Trump voters so richly deserve.
I feel like declaring a national emergency on guns may be unconstitutional. It’s more likely they use it to make single payer health care a thing.