People keep saying guns and healthcare and climate change and not a one I've seen has thought of the thing Democrats are actually going to declare a national emergency on: elections and voting rights.
That’s a recipe to get a whole lot of ATF agents shot. But Pelosi I think was playing her inner Trump. It’s the best topic to troll his supporters for sure.
Sadly, this is where we are. Each party just tries to use every loophole to its outer most limits. This immigration issue just pisses me off because I really think there is a compromise most Americans would support. At least on a few of the basics. Eg everyone I have talked to has agreed they want a faster path to citizenship. It's just so stupid both sides have to dig their heels in like this and basically fuck over everyone impacted in the process. I'm honestly not seeing all these lives ruined by Trump though. Where is this mountain of bodies? Whatever though... Also, is Trump's national emergency more far fetched than Obama's amnesty? Good or bad concept aside that might have been an even more flagrant overreach.
I’m not gonna “both sides” this one. This whole thing was about Trump yelling build the wall and calling Mexicans rapists n shit. I believe there would be a compromise somewhere if Trump handled this differently. The dems refused to give in to his stupid rhetoric and give him a “win”. Negotiating with Trump on his terms only serves to validate his rhetoric. And as toxic of a human as he is, there’s no room for a democratic politician to give him anything the way he asks for it. He’s a sore winner and a worse loser. His whole immigration argument is completely based on racism. If a more mature safety argument could be made instead of fear mongering about Latin Americans, negotiation would have been possible.
The result of this though is they are basically doing nothing for these people for 4 years because God fucking forbid we compromise with literally Hitler Trump on anything. What does this accomplish? I'm not sure what Trump and the republicans would have agreed to, but again, hard to know when you won't even try. Look at the 2013 bill that had a lot of republican support. Is it perfect? No, but it is way better than what we're doing. Manchin wanted to revisit it. They just blew him off. I don't see the big political damage if they would be able to claim some important victories for their side. Trump approached this like a jackass, which he always does, but just chanting "racists! racists! racists!" is really fucking childish. Ok, so Trump is handling it a little worse. So you have the jackass side and the oh so slightly less jackass side. Yay? The mentality now is getting something good done for people is far less important than being able to feel like your team won. That's why this government has barely done anything in 6 years. By the way, only 33% of republicans polled think legal immigration should be decreased. I'm not buying this argument that this is all about racism. It's just another lazy 'we need them to be evil so we are in the right' bullshit claim. Also, if the wall is stupid the democrat stance that has taken shape over the last 3 or so years of let anyone in who isn't actively trying to murder us is even dumber. If they really wanted to help these people they would try, but again, so much less important than shouting identity politics crap and harping over a mean quote that is almost 4 fucking years old.
You can't just keep straw-manning our/my positions. I'm not just saying that everything about immigration has to do with actual racism. I just think Trump's position is purely race-based. Any time someone supposedly illegal commits any kind of crime, Trump gets on twitter immediately to decry building a wall, but it curiously silent whenever a white dude shoots up a school. Being adamantly against brown people is a real popular base play. The original argument he put forth was nothing but racism. He never argued the immigration issue from any point other than treating them like the walking dead. And no one gave a shit about these "caravans" of people until Trump and republicans bring it up. Then the rest of the gop tries to frame the dems as being against ANY security because they won't get on board with "the wall". You can't expect anyone to want to come to the table when the other side's argument is being publicly and incorrectly framed before negotiations even take place. Not to mention Trump has a habit of blowing up deals on twitter while they are being negotiated. He provides no incentive to give him anything because he's never done anything in good faith.
For real. If I were the Democrats every single negotiation would start with "we don't have a deal until you can deliver a veto override to back it up."
And because the gop are completely spineless and will happily go down with the Trump ship, whenever he shifts the wind, they do as well, and then McConnell goes on tv and calls the dems obstructionist. I hope McConnell gets inoperable cancer on his asshole.
Now that’s a national emergency I can get behind? While we’re at it, can we declare a national emergency about everyone worrying about being politically correct all the time? **edit** Sarah Sanders interviewed by Mueller's team today. My guess would be that Michelle Wolf is next.
It is suspected that she was interviewed about seven months ago, about the time the Press briefings took a nosedive and stopped existing.
“Has president trump ever told you to deliberately misrepresent the truth?” Mueller asks, as he pulls out a picture from his pocket. Sarah recognizes the photograph immediately. “Sure would be a shame if these beautiful kids had to visit their mommy in prison. Might wanna think about that before you give me your answer.”
Yeah, Mueller recommended 16-24 years in jail. The money laundering charge is what is pumping those numbers up. It always does.
Gee, it's almost like the investigation has found exactly what you would expect when investigating people close to politicians. Sanders is in on the Russia conspiracy now? Cool, she can high five Sessions and Tillerson.
This is cheap cynicism. Name me one other US politician where if you investigated his campaign manager you'd find millions in payments from Russian oligarchs related to efforts to turn Ukraine into a vassal state of Russia.
You mean like the other 5 presidential campaigns Manafort worked on? And Hillary had iffy monetary connections to foreign governments that went way, way beyond a fired campaign manager. Also, didn't Bill Clinton take a shitload of "speaking fees" money from some Russian companies during Hillary's campaign? Edit: Nevermind, looks like he did, but it was a few years earlier.