Meh he mentioned SNL specifically but basically postulated that complete network bias needs to be investigated. It doesn’t, we know the majority of the news media, and entertainment, has carried water for the democrats for decades. From time to time it is fun watching the Trump derangement syndrome explode on Twitter from these type of non issue stories.
Amazing how the President is ranting wildly on Twitter about how unfair it is that people get to laugh at what an absolute moron he is, but it's Trump derangement syndrome for people to note how absurd that is.
Bernie Sanders has launched his 2020 campaign. Anyone think this guy actually has a chance? In my opinion he's a really nice, honest guy with a really shitty, nonsense platform.
The funny thing is that is EVERY democrat candidate's platform now. Personally I wish he hadn't run. He's probably not going to win anyway and take votes away from the candidates I do want to win. The thing I think a lot of Bernie supporters never realized is that a lot of people don't really like that platform. He got a lot of votes because it was him or Hillary at the time. In other news Kamala Harris is now pretending she has always had positions she just recently adopted and hoping no one notices... I guess? She just lied about always supporting legal marijuana despite having a career prosecuting it and having interviews where she laughs at the idea. I don't think anyone would even care, at least not on something like that if she had just said her position changed.
Roger Stone will soon need to be admitted to the hospital for Fuck-Up Fatigue. Somebody needs to strap him to a bed and heavily sedate him, right quick.
Well see now, Trump always puts out these little musings with no real intention to ever follow through. Going on three years as president and people still melt down like day one, see Alec Baldwin claim he’s threatening his family. If still take these innocuous twitter screeds at face value, yes you have issues.
Yeah that case is so endemic of the issue right? I mean just look at the Jussie* Smollet attack, wild white attackers taking Trumps words to the extreme! What type of name is Jussie anyway?
I love the plot twist in this fevered liberal dream though. The part of the wild MAGA white racists is being played by two Nigerians. This story keeps giving too - watch the non-fake news media squirm, watch the icons of the left pretend, explain and disappear away from the narrative. Does this President really need help looking bad? Or is the other side so foolish as to help the President defeat them?
The debates should be fun to watch... Moderator: What do you think about healthcare, college tuition, childcare, illegal immigration, mortgage, car payments and-- "Can I interrupt you? I want it all to be FREE!!! FREE for everybody!!!" "Nah ah!! I want it to me MORE free than you!!"
I miss being a kid. Especially when I think about how adults in the 80’s never discussed who they voted for, nor did they care about who their neighbours voted for. They talked about everything else but that. My parents were full-campaigning Conservatives, my best friend next door’s dad was a Canadian Auto Workers union president. That’s a bad mix, but they never had a bad exchange once in thirteen years. Maybe a sign went on your lawn on Election Day, nobody took it personal. And they got along so much better. This new era of “Everything is everybody’s business” that began with Gary Hart has brought out the worst in people. With social media we’ve all seen it produce a towering anger in a LOT of people. How low is it going to sink? Can we ever go back to not giving a fuck like we’re supposed to? I’m hearing a lot of discussions lately about how social media is this gigantic failure that made us all hate each other.’s a failure, but how do you plan on making three billion people stop using it? I mean, “Jackass” is now two decades old, but there are fifty thousand idiots still ripping it off on YouTube every day. The toothpaste isn’t going back in the tube.
I’m glad Sanders is running. He’s of course not the best choice since he’s a little insane and appears to have no economic sense, but he is a true-blue humanitarian and always has been. ....and which brings me to why I’m glad he’s running: his long shadow will at least smother out Harris right quick, she a phoney and a problem candidate that the DNC is just itching to give the Hillary-Push. And that would spell disaster.
Does anyone on here watch the Jimmy Dore Show on YouTube? He talks about a lot of things that the mainstream media isn't talking about, and he's pretty good at checking his facts. I discovered it a couple of months ago, thought some of you might like it.
Lets just take a minute to reflect on the lewd, scandalous picture that completely torpedoed his campaign: Spoiler: NSFW I hope hes found Jesus and come to his senses.
I greatly admire the fact that after thirty years, either one of them have refused to discuss it in interviews. Ever. No matter what money was offered. It’s a wonderful “Fuck you” back to the very people who pried into their lives.
I like him based on the clips I've seen. He's a liberal who is intellectually honest about what shit trash the democrat party is right now, which is refreshing. The only reason I don't watch people like him often is because every left wing politics guy outside the mainstream is just too deep in on the socialist economics, and I don't care for that perspective. At least not beyond public healthcare. That aside, he's probably better than anyone on radio or tv, and seems to focus on things the mainstream media should be focusing on instead of these pointless outrage scandals that take up nearly all their time.