The amazing thing about it, is that while trying to find some asshole to use as an example of all conservatives is a stupid shitty thing to do, it shouldn't be very hard to find some asshole Trump supporter. Over 60 million people voted for Trump, but they still fuck up with picking their boogey man representatives constantly. The ineptitude is kind of incredible. Of course, obsessively trying to find the worst of a demographic that exists so you can use them to apply it to an entire demographic is like the definition of bigotry, but I guess that's ok when you're a victim 4lyfe.
Republicans: it's unfair to call people who embrace a nationalist ideology and the vilification of minorities Nazis. Also Republicans: carbon dioxide is being persecuted like the Jews.
Do you think it is the blatant racism or rampant misogyny of Democrats that leads them to donate so much money to Bernie Sanders instead of a woman of color?
So a white nationalist in the Coast Guard was arrested for plotting to kill a number of prominent Democrats and journalists, including Beto O'Rourke, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Blumenthal, AOC, Elizabeth "Poco-Warren", Kamala Harris, Joe Scarborough, and others. Plan was to counteract the "liberalist/globalist" agenda. Now I wonder where he got the idea that these folk were the enemy of the people.
Durr hurr and the Bernie shooter represents all liberals. I wonder where he got the idea that republicans are evil. It's a liberal problem! I can't believe you post this shit being serious. We've had fringe lunatics that attempted to/wanted to assassinate politicians since the inception of this country.
Idk, I mean this is second time recently that someone tried to kill a whole slew of democrats. The pipe bomb guy plastered his whole van in pro trump shit and anti democrat shit. It’s not impossible that the crazy words from people in power might have a meaningful effect on some tiny brained crazies out there. People in power have a responsibility to speak responsibly because the nuts in our society don’t require much triggering.
I think they should speak responsibly as well, but at the same time I'm not going to blame them for this shit unless they're actually advocating for it somehow. When Trump won twitter was full of retards spamming giberrish about how he needed to be assassinated. I'm sure that's partially because of all the literally Hitler rhetoric coming out of the left, but again, it's their own fault for being so stupid.
Honestly, probably from Republicans. The names on the list investigators found suggest original research, they weren't people that Democrats frequently talked about, if they talked about them at all. Meanwhile this guy and MAGAbomber clearly took cues from Trump. Referring to Warren as "Poco-Warren," Richard Blumenthal (who Trump has repeatedly attacked but is otherwise un-noteworthy), Joe Scarborough (who this guy researched after Scarborough called Trump the "worst ever"). These aren't randoms, they're people following Trump's breadcrumbs.
Probably not. This guy? I'm sure the recent one was somewhat motivated by republican rhetoric, but you can't pretend this only happens on one side. You have the congressional shooting, someone who attempted to assassinate Trump, the FBI arresting a kid in Florida for threatening to kill the local republican congressman, etc. And if we're just blaming the rhetoric I don't know that I've seen any republican politician go as bat shit crazy as representatives like Maxine Waters who called on her supporters to harass republicans as much as possible, and basically gang up on them whenever they went out in public. Really, if most of the politicians were bothered by this they would respond like this one did, and not try to use these incidents to gain some modicum of political capital that isn't even going to matter. The fact that so many of them jumped all over the Smollett hoax in the way they did speaks volumes.
As near as I can gather from the MSM, physical attacks on conservative view points are caused by conservative rhetoric whereas physical attacks on liberal view points are also caused by conservative rhetoric. In other words, it's all Trump's fault. All of it.
Sounds reasonable to me. You didn't this problem under Bush or Obama or Clinton or Bush or.... But Trump giving a shove to already off kilter people will set them off in all kinds of directions.
The worst act of domestic political terrorism that happened in my lifetime happened under Clinton. Actually, the second worst was also under Clinton. I was only 8 for the Oklahoma city bombings, but I swear I remember people back then weren't stupid enough to blame the president just because. I guess today people are. "Blame Bush" and "Thanks Obama" were running jokes so there is some sort of evolution towards this ever simpified explanation of where problems come from.
I'm sorry that you couldn't understand what I was saying. I wasn't saying that domestic terrorism was a new thing because of Trump. I was saying that Trump is actively setting people off with his rhetoric. I was also saying that the idea that you have to have a Democrat agitator to set people of against Republicans is idiotic. So to be clear. I think it is reasonable to say that Trump is contributing to this new trend.
Both sides have turned to all or nothing fatalistic rhetoric. The one upsmanship on who’s worse just poisons further. Alas it’s just the way we’re wired. I don’t see any way out of it outside of a large or on going national catastrophe to jolt the collective masses out of it. It took like a year after 9/11 to get back to the other side is the devil incarnate and destroying America.
You are right it did take only a year before Republicans started claiming that Democrats were the devil incarnate after 9/11, but don't give me this "both sides" nonsense. Both sides means "I know we do it, but someone else also does it so it must be okay" it is a garbage statement designed to indecisively deflect blame and responsibility. Donald Trump is causing a rise in domestic terrorism in the United States.
Or it could mean "Both sides are absolute shit and need to stop the bullshit." Of course that does require being able to look at things objectively instead of choosing a side and declaring them completely blameless.
So real world examples people have posted are nonsense and you blame Trump for everything because you blame Trump for everything. Am I understanding you better now? I don't think saying the rhetoric on both sides has gotten insane is an endorsement of any of that rhetoric.